Friday, April 10, 2009

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Cam Urrà di Gricignano di Aversa
è lieta di annunciare che nei
days 5, 6 and 7 June 2009 will take place

Second Edition of "Three Days of Culture in Gricignano
. An event, that of "Three Days," that two years after its first edition is repeated while maintaining the noble objectives that have led to the creation of this event and that is, those in search of tools to promote culture and socially in our country and in general throughout our territory.

The initial project was born from the idea to organize a photographic exhibition

that, through the revival of vintage images that have captured places, sights, events, festivals, rallies, corners of the city of Gricignano decades ago, aims to discover the origins of our population and the activities that have resulted in the development of our territory.

"One way, one of the images, particular, unique in its kind, to tell the story of our people. A tool that photo, which comes where words and writing as tools for understanding the past, most of the time not come, and that is to preserve the memory. The memory of what we were. The memory of who we were. Because we believe that only with a living memory and more specifically, only understand who we can become fully aware of our enormous potential for success in social and cultural freeing us once and for all those labels and those platitudes that constantly threaten to cancel our dignity. "
The organization of the event will be the result the collaboration of all citizens of Gricignano di Aversa and not only give their contribution through the provision of old photos and / or family movies. The photos will be worth collected, as in the previous edition of the event, as a result of ads over the Internet and advertised through posters and leaflets. It is the responsibility of the organizers keep the photos and movies are collected only for the time required for inclusion in a special multimedia archive.

Also for the purposes specified above, it is the intention of the organizers set up a "
info: # / group.php? Gid = 60943917736 Franco Spinelli - cell. 333 57 81 651

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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the "Three Days of Culture in Gricignano"

WWF's position sull'inceneritore Acerra
An incinerator threatens public health and the environment

Acerra incinerator can be disposed
about 2000 tons per day of waste, but none of the

entered will disappear from the fundamental premise of Lavoisier, that says
nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed,
it follows that the fire will convert the waste into a series of highly hazardous by-products

One such facility will produce ash and slag at about 30 % by weight of what you will:

about 2000 tons
produrrà 600 tonnellate ,al giorno, di ceneri e scorie da

smaltire in discariche,

emetterà comunque ogni giorno oltre 11,5 milioni di metri cubi di fumi che con il loro carico di inquinanti contamineranno aria, suolo e acque.

    “E’ questa la scomoda
  • verità che viene largamente sottaciuta o dichiarata “controllabile”,- ha detto Ornella Capezzuto,presidente delegato del WWF Campania -“ma la tragica esperienza della gestione dei rifiuti in Campania and serious cases of misconduct of incinerators in other parts of Italy (Colleferro) induce the WWF, now more than ever, to report any risks to health and the environment that may result from the operation of this facility " . Moreover, even a system that respects the limits of law can issue (under) up to 100 picograms of dioxin per cubic meter.
  • Since dioxins, furans, PCBs, metals are particularly dangerous because heavy persistent (they tend to concentrate in the environment) and bioaccumulative (they tend to concentrate along the food chain).
  • The Acerra plant even if it were to emit less than 50 picograms of dioxin per cubic meter (ie half of the limit provided by law) will, however, each day a total quantity of these substances, approximately 550 million picograms . Given that the tolerable daily dose for an adult of 70 kg weight is about 140 picograms, the amount of dioxins emitted from the incinerator will be every day of Acerra, equates to a daily tolerable dose for a population of nearly 4 million of adults: nearly 10 times the entire population of Acerra
  • .

The same could be fatto per tutti gli altri composti inquinanti: a ulteriore prova che gli attuali limiti di legge rappresentano una "condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente" a tutelare la salute dei cittadini e dell'ambiente. Il WWF che da anni ha proposto in Campania un ciclo dei rifiuti virtuoso, dichiara la forte

preoccupazione circa l’inquinamento che l’impianto di Acerra

produrrà in un'area già fortemente compromessa dal punto di vista ambientale.

Se dovesse essere pienamente attuato il Piano del Governo, a causa del sovradimensionamento degli impianti di incenerimento, si annulleranno le politiche most virtuous of waste that must pass through the decrease in production and take-off of separate collection aimed at the recovery of materials. WWF reiterates the urgent need to immediately begin serious and concrete steps in that direction.