Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Manhattan

PURPOSE: The swan song

Yesterday was staged one of his most depressing of Italian politics.
A man who until a few years ago I judged intelligent, shrewd and serious turned out to be a poor miserable, a coward, a weakling, a gnome of politics. Once again it shows that it is not the physical stature to make a difference, but the intelligence and the ability to judge.
After days and days of silence and babbling, here Fini's speech announcing to the people!

Wow, I thought, who knows ... who knows what revelations will field determination oratory ... I wonder how the Speaker of the House will sweep all doubts about him.
with my i-pad waiting time of your arm. And you will see the leader of the Fli! Low voice, undertone, face drawn, and above all self-conscious attitude contents terrible for a man sure of himself. A disaster.
Ten minutes of absolute pain, but worth understanding as anxiety, pain intended as a mercy.

"I was wrong? With hindsight I have to blame a certain naivety. "

" If it is shown with certainty that Tulliani is the owner and that my good faith has been betrayed I would not hesitate to leave the presidency of the Chamber. But not for personal responsibility for my ethics

"As I have pointed out, only after the sale I knew I lived in that house, Mr. Giancarlo Tulliani. The fact caused me un'arrabbiatura colossal, although he told me he was paying a regular lease and had paid the costs of restructuring. I could not force him to leave, but I asked and certainly anything but polite tones. I hope it does, se non fosse altro che per restituire un po' di serenità alla mia famiglia.”

“Certo anche io mi chiedo, e ne ho pieno diritto visto il putiferio che mi e' stato scatenato addosso, chi e' il vero proprietario della casa di Montecarlo?

E' Giancarlo Tulliani, come tanti pensano? Non lo so. Gliel'ho chiesto con insistenza: egli ha sempre negato con forza, pubblicamente e in privato. Restano i dubbi? Certamente, anche a me. E se dovesse emergere con certezza che Tulliani e' il proprietario e che la mia buona fede e' stata tradita, non esiterei a lasciare la Presidenza della Camera.”

Davanti a queste frasi, una qualsiasi persona con un cervello funzionante si domanda se l’on. Fini sia completamente schiavo della famiglia Tulliani e quindi incapace di intendere, oppure ritenga che gli Italiani siano un gregge di pecoroni cretini.

E poi il Presidente della Camera dice:

“Un affare privato e' diventato un affare di Stato per la ossessiva campagna politico-mediatica di delegittimazione della mia persona”

Allora chi ascolta pensa “ci sta prendendo in giro” … perché è evidente che questa storia non sia un affare privato. There is a house owned by a party, not that of Mr Gaucci (just to give a name) that falls into the hands of the brother of the Secretary of the Party the same! What says Mr!

And then here is the shock on the road to Damascus, incredible.

"The freedom of information and 'the cornerstone of a democratic and open society. But for this, newspapers and television can not become instruments of a party, not used to provide news and comment, but to attack a political opponent at any cost. When you slip on this slope, the news is not longer the end but the means, the club. And when the news does not exist, you invent your own use and consumption. So, with the innuendo, in lies, with the dossier, with politics reduced to a no holds barred fight to eliminate the enemy you destroy democracy. "

He realizes now on. Purposes? She had an ally, or rather a President who fights for 16 years against such problems every day. How come you're never hoisted against certain publications, why did the indignant with the dropper and has never really taken a position even when the facts were blatantly false? Today we find that the allegations hurt ... Congratulations.

The speech ends with an unnecessary gloss wrenching:

"The Italians expect the legislature continues to address problems and make better their lives. I hope that everyone, from the Prime Minister, the same view. If that Italians will not be judged.
And for my part I certainly have a clear conscience "

small nod to President Berlusconi after stupidly teased during his speech, and sad conclusion that once again gives us the feeling of a poor imbecile that does not even know what happens within the walls of his house and his family or the cunning of the moment, a great liar.

Fini dear What a disappointment. That smallness.


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