Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Boost Antenna Strength

Gricignano. "Feast of Reciprocity" with notes of Marena

L’associazione CamUrrà da appuntamento alla “Festa della Reciprocità” alle ore 19.30 del 29 Dicembre, presso l’Auditorium dell’istituto comprensivo Giovanni Pascoli di via D’Annunzio, a Gricignano. L’evento, patrocinato dalla Commissione Straordinaria del Comune di Gricignano , è una delle tappe del calendario di iniziative promosse by local associations. Guests of the evening Marena, folk band that mixes the so-called singing bell "to stretch" with dialects of Calabria, Naples, Sicily, Puglia, Balkan and African rhythms to pinch, as well as tammurriata, reggae, Celtic songs with microtonal Indian jazz, all in a fusion of styles without limits. Before the performance of the band are planned interventions by representatives of immigrant associations in the area, including Massamba Gueye Pope, the chairman of Italian immigrants in Napoli. The last word will be given to Dr. Pino Tartaglia, known psychologist psychotherapist fields for a message about the meaning of "Reciprocity" and against all forms of racism and discrimination.


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