Monday, March 30, 2009
Clock Oil Vs Sewing Machine Oil
Cam Hurrah
, presentation Book
Nunzio Lombardi, president of the Committee for the Protection of the Right to Health.
The event promoted by the newly formed association gricignanese, marks yet another step in the path of diffusion of a literary work in which the historian journalist reports, live broadcast on Sunday evening on Raitre, wisely told the story that during few decades have completely ravaged the Campania Felix (fertile Campania), which for centuries has been notable for the extraordinary quality of soils and today certainly continues to be outstanding, but the violence with which criminal activities related to eco-mafia, accompanied by a wicked manage well quattordici anni di commissariamento, hanno letteralmente avvelenato questo territorio. La presentazione, cui parteciperà la co-autrice del libro,
Antonio Marfella , tossicologo-oncologo della fondazione “Pascale” di Napoli; il dottor
Monday, March 16, 2009
My Little Finger Goes White
March 14, 2009 Dear Commissioners,
in June 2008 filed with the protocol office of the City of Lusciano careful observation on the state of waste collection in the country, highlighting various discomforts reported by many citizens participated ad un convegno organizzato dalla nostra Associazione proprio in tema di rifiuti. In particolare indicammo alcuni disservizi relativi ad una scarsa gestione della raccolta differenziata; all’assenza di un adeguato numero di cassonetti per la raccolta dei rifiuti speciali ed al mancato svuotamento di quelli esistenti; segnalammo la mancanza di controlli; di incentivi per la diffusione di prodotti col metodo del “vuoto a rendere” o con diffusione “alla spina” ecc.
Nel settembre dello stesso anno protocollammo una richiesta di collaborazione tra il Comune ed il nostro nucleo di guardie ambientali volontarie, disponibile ad affiancare ed aiutare le forze armate locali nel controllo di determinate zone del paese in cui si verificano sversamenti illegal waste. To date, however, nothing has been done, none of our proposals has been taken into account, and the result is that the state prevailing in the country can say is, lately, only worse. Only limited report a case of two roads where more than one year is not only removed a trash bag: Via D'Azeglio, which borders the area of \u200b\u200bthe fair and weekly via Leopardi. We ask you to intervene immediately, first by cleaning up these streets, and then all the others and we ask also to improve services and strengthen the system of collection, saying that the WWF provides free use of its powers and its volunteers in order to improve the lives of citizens and the environment in which they live. Sincerely, Dr. Francesco Autiero - Agro Aversano President of WWF-Naples North Coast and Domitius. Dominic Mottola - vice principal. WWF-Agro Aversano Naples North Coast and Domitius. Dr. Alessandro Gatto - Head of the WWF waste of Campania.
Order Custon Running Shirts
Association Camurri WWF and Agro Aversano - Naples North Coast and Domitius , following several meetings to study on the utility of urban green spaces, have developed a policy governing the mode of protection and increase of public green aimed at the containment of air pollution and noise (addressed today to the competent bodies of the City of Gricignano di Aversa).
This paper results from the desire to protect the quality of existing plants and to suggest guidelines on the installation of new plant species, avoiding recourse to actions which are, as aesthetically valuable, of little use in maintaining the ecological balance of ' urban ecosystem. In this case one can refer to the example of blatant planting carried out in Corso Umberto I ° of the plant species Washingtonia filifera (Palma California) myths native to areas of America North, which as we have seen, fails to develop its natural conditions of life within our Mediterranean ecosystem. This is demonstrated by the complete absence of flowering and the remarkable proliferation of attacks by parasites. Condition, the latter resulting from the absence of natural predators of insects that attack these species.
However, with great regret, in recent years has had to watch helplessly in our country, the decimation of these trees and therefore is the primary commitment of the association Camurri and WWF, to ensure that the municipality itself with a practical tool for environmental protection and in particular of urban green.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Vision Looks Like Kaleidoscope
Press Release No. 1
Hurrah, whose name means "photo-video camera" and "cheers" (means of expression Art in which the association wants to give priority), an association socio-cultural, non-partisan, born cone in order to make culture and promote the area through the volunteer work based on the principles of humanism and history of the Humanist Movement activist . It wants to be a bulwark of civilization and fight against all the degradations, from the social to the environment, because of the reality of living in an area too often left to fend for itself. The association wants to be first and foremost a laboratory of ideas and projects to enhance and promote positive forms of sociality that have as their goal the construction of the "common good" for this is open to all citizens, and not Gricignano, who want to somehow help to improve the civil and social life of the territory.
(Graduated in biotechnology) and
Mario Della Gatta
L’associazione intende promuovere nei primi mesi di attività i seguenti scopi:
Valorizzazione e promozione dei beni storici ed architettonici di Gricignano, con particolare attenzione per il complesso monumentale agreste di S. Maria a Piro Progettazione di eventi nell’ambito della “Marcia mondiale per la Pace e la non violenza”. Organizzata dal Movimento Umanista su scala mondiale. Lavorare affinché l’amministrazione di Gricignano si faccia carico della creazione di una “Biblioteca Comunale”. Valorizzazione patrimonio ambientale del comune di Gricignano: lavorare affinché il comune di Gricignano si doti di un “Regolamento del verde urbano”. Intervento del presidente Franco Spinelli :
: “Ho trovato nei ragazzi che hanno partecipato alla costituzione dell’associazione una voglia di fare e di cambiamento che non riscontravo da parecchi anni a questa parte. Sto qui a dirlo in quanto ho un pò di esperienza in più rispetto a tutti quanti gli altri, ho 42 anni, e per questo intendo contribuire al progetto apportando tutte le mie esperienze associative e sindacali; è un bene che ci sia un’associazione come la nostra a Gricignano, è da anni che manca quel fermento sociale capace di ridare speranza in un futuro migliore”.
Intervento del Tesoriere