Happy Halloween !!!
Greetings ...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
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I did not understand well ... Fini said that Berlusconi has made a private use of its public role.
If you really had said there would be laughing in his face!
BUT HAD PROMISED TO LEAVE THE bench if it were proved that the house was owned by 'THE Cogne??
I did not understand well ... Fini said that Berlusconi has made a private use of its public role.
If you really had said there would be laughing in his face!
BUT HAD PROMISED TO LEAVE THE bench if it were proved that the house was owned by 'THE Cogne??
How Is Carmax Different
for the "daydreams" took place a few days ago, by a meeting between Asolo Fini D'Alema in front of a good wine and a piece of Bastardo del Grappa, Veneto famosissmo cheese.
The two had been agreed for the post-Berlusconi would have emerged and these names ...
Beppe Pisanu, a former interior minister and further away from PDL and closer to the Future and Freedom, as a future prime minister Giuliano Amato and as President of the Republic.
I have the impression that the Prosecco was a shade too high.
for the "daydreams" took place a few days ago, by a meeting between Asolo Fini D'Alema in front of a good wine and a piece of Bastardo del Grappa, Veneto famosissmo cheese.
The two had been agreed for the post-Berlusconi would have emerged and these names ...
Beppe Pisanu, a former interior minister and further away from PDL and closer to the Future and Freedom, as a future prime minister Giuliano Amato and as President of the Republic.
I have the impression that the Prosecco was a shade too high.
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"Doctor, I wanted to confirm that we know this girl, but also explain that there has been marked as relative of Egyptian President Mubarak and therefore should be avoided to be transferred to a reception facility. I think it would be better to entrust it to someone you trust and so I wanted to inform you that soon you will come from the Regional Council that will take care of Nicole Minetti willingly. "
From the text of the call shows that someone had already told the police that Miss was known and that this call was a confirmation of the news had from others.
I do not see any pressure, but simply a statement that the girl was known as the nephew of Mubarak and that there was a person who was intended to provide for the girl . It 's a standard practice required by law (although you are not grandchildren of any character), so much so that the police has entrusted the girl to Minetti.
More interesting is the conversation between the girl and Berlusconi leaves the Police headquarters. She thanked him and he responds with polite coldness: "You're an adult, you are not Egyptian, but I love you the same" and terminating the call. In the following days, at the insistence of the girl, Berlusconi says even more clearly that being a minor does not want to deal with her and informs her that you do not hear and see more.
It 'obvious that someone (the girl? Others?) Had told Berlusconi that he believed true things and instead has discovered in his conversation with the Police be different.
In fact, the girl looks like a 17 year old and the fact that both Egyptian (nephew of Mubarak or less) or Moroccan frankly it is impossible to define ...
The most curious thing in this whole affair is that the facts date back to May 27 and strangely it is spoken today of Fini and after the scandal just before the decision on the Lodo Alfano. In a week 7 investigations about Berlusconi or around his person. A real cross-fire. Extravagant no ... ?
From the text of the call shows that someone had already told the police that Miss was known and that this call was a confirmation of the news had from others.
I do not see any pressure, but simply a statement that the girl was known as the nephew of Mubarak and that there was a person who was intended to provide for the girl . It 's a standard practice required by law (although you are not grandchildren of any character), so much so that the police has entrusted the girl to Minetti.
More interesting is the conversation between the girl and Berlusconi leaves the Police headquarters. She thanked him and he responds with polite coldness: "You're an adult, you are not Egyptian, but I love you the same" and terminating the call. In the following days, at the insistence of the girl, Berlusconi says even more clearly that being a minor does not want to deal with her and informs her that you do not hear and see more.
It 'obvious that someone (the girl? Others?) Had told Berlusconi that he believed true things and instead has discovered in his conversation with the Police be different.
In fact, the girl looks like a 17 year old and the fact that both Egyptian (nephew of Mubarak or less) or Moroccan frankly it is impossible to define ...
The most curious thing in this whole affair is that the facts date back to May 27 and strangely it is spoken today of Fini and after the scandal just before the decision on the Lodo Alfano. In a week 7 investigations about Berlusconi or around his person. A real cross-fire. Extravagant no ... ?
Phrases With The Word Gold
Knight spiegato ai posteri
Dieci motivi per 20 anni di «regno»
Il segreto della longevità politica del premier e la pancia del Paese.
Cosa pensa la maggioranza degli italiani? «è uno di noi». E chi non lo pensa, lo teme.
La presentazione del libro «La pancia degli italiani. Berlusconi spiegato ai posteri», di Beppe Severgnini
Racconta Beppe Severgnini che nel suo girovagare per il mondo infinite volte si è sentito rivolgere la domanda "perchè Berlusconi?..." da colleghi giornalisti, amici, scrittori di diverso orientamento politico, animati da curiosità più che da preconcetti. E così, looking for an answer for them, began to list the factors for the success of Knight. Humanity, cunning, chameleon-like ability to empathize in speakers. Virtues (or vices?) Berlusconi, but also the country that has decided to be represented by him. Giorgio Gaber once said: "I'm not afraid of Berlusconi himself. I'm afraid to Berlusconi in me. " That phrase is from the epigraph to "The belly of the Italians. Berlusconi explained to posterity, "the book by Beppe Severgnini. Here is the introduction
Explain Italians Silvio Berlusconi is a waste of time. Each of us has an idea, refined through years of complacency or idiosyncrasy, and not change. Every Italian is considered depositary dell'interpretazione autentica: discuterla è inutile. Utile è invece provare a spiegare il personaggio ai posteri e, perché no?, agli stranieri. I primi non ci sono ancora, ma si chiederanno cos'è successo in Italia. I secondi non capiscono, e vorrebbero. Qualcosa del genere, infatti, potrebbe accadere anche a loro. Com'è possibile che Berlusconi - d'ora in poi, per brevità, B. - sia stato votato (1994), rivotato (2001), votato ancora (2008) e rischi di vincere anche le prossime elezioni? Qual è il segreto della sua longevità politica? Perché la maggioranza degli italiani lo ha appoggiato e/o sopportato per tanti anni? Non ne vede gli appetiti, i limiti e i metodi? Risposta: li vede eccome. Se B. ha dominato la vita pubblica italiana per quasi vent'anni, c'è un motivo. Anzi, ce ne sono dieci.
1) Fattore umano
Cosa pensa la maggioranza degli italiani? «Ci somiglia, è uno di noi». E chi non lo pensa, lo teme. B. vuole bene ai figli, parla della mamma, capisce di calcio, sa fare i soldi, ama le case nuove, detesta le regole, racconta le barzellette, dice le parolacce, adora le donne, le feste e la buona compagnia. È un uomo dalla memoria lunga capace di amnesie tattiche. È arrivato lontano alternando autostrade e scorciatoie. È un anticonformista consapevole dell'importanza del conformismo. Loda la Chiesa al mattino, i valori della famiglia al pomeriggio e la sera takes home the girls. The man is spectacular, and can be forgiven much. Many Italians do not care about conflicts of interest (who does not?) Legal trouble (better judges of the defendants), inappropriate jokes (it's so spontaneous!). Broken promises, half-truths, confusion between the role of public and private affairs? Some people who gets angry and pretends not to notice. The latter, apparently, are more than the former.
2) Factor divine
B. understood that many Italians applaud the Church to feel less guilty when they do not go to church regularly ignore seven out of ten commandments. The consistency between statements and behaviors is not a quality we demand from our leaders. The public indignation private front inconsistency is the motive of the vote in many democracies. Not in Italy. B. got to do with those who have: a nation that, to avoid disappointment, no illusions. In the Vatican - not parishes - are content to supportive legislation, and not worry about the bad examples. Of religious movements such as Communion and Liberation prefer to focus on the purpose - to come, then changing and debatable - rather than on the methods used by friends and allies. For B. this setting is eschatological music. It means to move the speech by the behavior of plans.
3) Factor Robinson
Every Italian is heard only against il mondo. Be', se non proprio contro il mondo, contro i vicini di casa. La sopravvivenza - personale, familiare, sociale, economica - è motivo di orgoglio e prova d'ingegno. Molto è stato scritto sull'individualismo nazionale, le sue risorse, i suoi limiti e le sue conseguenze. B. è partito da qui: prima ha costruito la sua fortuna, accreditandosi come un uomo che s'è fatto da sé; poi ha costruito sulla sfiducia verso ciò che è condiviso, sull'insofferenza verso le regole, sulla soddisfazione intima nel trovare una soluzione privata a un problema pubblico. In Italia non si chiede - insieme e con forza - un nuovo sistema fiscale, più giusto e più equo. Si aggira quello esistente. Ognuno di noi si sente un Robinson Crusoe, naufrago in una penisola affollata.
4) Fattore Truman
Quanti quotidiani si vendono ogni giorno in Italia, se escludiamo quelli sportivi? Cinque milioni. Quanti italiani entrano regolarmente in libreria? Cinque milioni. Quanti sono i visitatori dei siti d'informazione? Cinque milioni. Quanti seguono Sky Tg24 e Tg La7? Cinque milioni. Quanti guardano i programmi televisivi d'approfondimento in seconda serata? Cinque milioni, di ogni opinione politica. Il sospetto è che siano sempre gli stessi. Chiamiamolo Five Million Club. È importante? Certo, ma non decide le elezioni. La televisione - tutta, non solo i notiziari - resta fondamentale per i personaggi che crea, per i messaggi che lancia, per le suggestioni leaving, for the things he says and especially for those who is silent. And who owns the private TV and controls the public television in Italy? As in the Truman Show, Peter Weir's masterpiece, someone helped us to think.
5) Factor
Hoover Hoover, founded in 1908 in New Berlin, now Canton, Ohio (USA), is the quintessential brand of vacuum cleaners, to the point that it has become a common name: in English, "go the vacuum cleaner "is said to hoover. Its representatives (door-to-door Salesmen) were legendary: tough, experienced, skilled psychologists, implacable distributors of their goods. B. has a capacity of commercial seduction that he inherited from previous professions - Construction, advertising, television - and applied it to politics. The awareness that the message must be simple, pleasant and reassuring. The belief that the repetitive pay. The certainty that the external appearance, in a country obsessed with aesthetics, is essential (in a good shape and good behavior, in Italy there is no match).
6) factor Zelig
identifying ourselves with the players: a necessary quality in any politician. The ability to transform into them is more rare. The desire to be taught to appreciate B. techniques worthy of Zelig, chameleonic protagonist of the film by Woody Allen. Family man with children (and two wives, until it is duration). Philandering with women. Young among the young. Essay with the elderly. Night owl among night owls. Worker among workers. Entrepreneur among entrepreneurs. Fan of the fans. AC Milan among Milan fans. Milan with Milan. Lombardo among the Lombards. Between the Italian south. Naples between Naples (with music). Going to a basketball game might come out higher.
7) Factor harem
love for women, well known company and then in the Roman political world, has become public domain in 2009, after the appearance at the birthday of eighteen Letizia and testimony on holidays Villa Certosa and the Palazzo Grazioli. B. at first denied, then he sketched out ("I am faithful? Frequently), he finally accepted the reputation ("I'm not a saint '). The revelations have not damaged: he lost his wife, but not the votes. Many Italians prefer to self-indulgence, and do not deny that he, after all, what makes them dream. There is only the appearance of erotic youth is contagious, they knew even in ancient Greece (where papers and tissue, however, took advantage to learn). An employee in his sixties, true from the beginning, describes the impatience of B. during long meetings, "It's clear: he fears that attacks the old-age.
8) medical factors
the lady - with the Municipality - è l'unica creazione politica originale degli italiani. Tutte le altre - dal feudalesimo alla monarchia, dal totalitarismo al federalismo fino alla democrazia parlamentare - sono importate (dalla Francia, dall'Inghilterra, dalla Germania, dalla Spagna o dagli Stati Uniti). In Italia mostrano sempre qualcosa di artificiale: dalla goffaggine del fascismo alla rassegnazione del Parlamento attuale. La Signoria risveglia, invece, automatismi antichi. L'atteggiamento di tanti italiani di oggi verso B. ricorda quello degli italiani di ieri verso il Signore: sappiamo che pensa alla sua gloria, alla sua famiglia e ai suoi interessi; speriamo pensi un po' anche a noi. «Dall'essere costretti a condurre vita tanto difficile», scriveva Giuseppe Prezzolini, "Lords learned to be profound observer of men." It is said that Cosimo de 'Medici, founder of the Florentine dynasty, was cautious and he could read the character of a stranger with a look. Even B. is considered a formidable scholar of men. To which they claim to admire him rather than criticize, flatter and not to betray him, love him and not judge him.
9) Factor
TINA TINA, There Is No Alternative. The acronym, coined by Margaret Thatcher, said the condition of many voters. The alternative center-revealed herself unappetising: quarrelsome coalition, proposals vague, hypocritical behavior. The common ancestor of the Democratic Party is indisputable, and B. This is not without it. The double, suspicion, and symmetrical collapse of Romano Prodi - elected in 1996 and 2006, torpedoed in 1998 and 2008 - has its aesthetic grace, but it turned out heavy legacy. The Italians are realistic. Before choosing what they believe is right, they take what seems useful. Some initiatives of B. like (or at least dislike less than the alternative): ICI abolished on the first house, illegal immigration, organized crime, reform of the road. If these initiatives prove successful, many media'll remember. If you reveal a failure, there are those who undertakes to do forget. Not only that: the center-right united reassures at least since the center-divided irritating. If the only way to hold together a political alliance is to possess, B. has quickly calculated the cost (economic, political, nervous). Without knowing it, he followed the advice of President Lyndon B. Johnson, who, speaking of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, he snapped: "It's Probably Better To Have Him inside the tent pissing out, Than outside the tent pissing in", it's probably better to have it inside the tent pissing out, rather than outside pissing in it. This explains the expulsion and contempt for Gianfranco Fini, co-founder of the People of Freedom. In 2010, after sixteen years, the ally has dared to get out of the tent and is not well clear what the intentions were.
10) Factor Palio
know the Palio di Siena? Win, to a district, is an immense joy. But there is a joy as great: witness the defeat of district rival. Work so many things in Italy: industry by geography, culture, administration, the professions to sport (the Lazio fans happy to lose anything to avoid the Inter the Scudetto with Roma). The policy could not be an exception: the tribalism is not a tactic, it is an instinct. While the left to take off, judged unreliable, many Italians would vote for the devil. E B. knows to be evil.
Dieci motivi per 20 anni di «regno»
Il segreto della longevità politica del premier e la pancia del Paese.
Cosa pensa la maggioranza degli italiani? «è uno di noi». E chi non lo pensa, lo teme.
La presentazione del libro «La pancia degli italiani. Berlusconi spiegato ai posteri», di Beppe Severgnini
Racconta Beppe Severgnini che nel suo girovagare per il mondo infinite volte si è sentito rivolgere la domanda "perchè Berlusconi?..." da colleghi giornalisti, amici, scrittori di diverso orientamento politico, animati da curiosità più che da preconcetti. E così, looking for an answer for them, began to list the factors for the success of Knight. Humanity, cunning, chameleon-like ability to empathize in speakers. Virtues (or vices?) Berlusconi, but also the country that has decided to be represented by him. Giorgio Gaber once said: "I'm not afraid of Berlusconi himself. I'm afraid to Berlusconi in me. " That phrase is from the epigraph to "The belly of the Italians. Berlusconi explained to posterity, "the book by Beppe Severgnini. Here is the introduction
Explain Italians Silvio Berlusconi is a waste of time. Each of us has an idea, refined through years of complacency or idiosyncrasy, and not change. Every Italian is considered depositary dell'interpretazione autentica: discuterla è inutile. Utile è invece provare a spiegare il personaggio ai posteri e, perché no?, agli stranieri. I primi non ci sono ancora, ma si chiederanno cos'è successo in Italia. I secondi non capiscono, e vorrebbero. Qualcosa del genere, infatti, potrebbe accadere anche a loro. Com'è possibile che Berlusconi - d'ora in poi, per brevità, B. - sia stato votato (1994), rivotato (2001), votato ancora (2008) e rischi di vincere anche le prossime elezioni? Qual è il segreto della sua longevità politica? Perché la maggioranza degli italiani lo ha appoggiato e/o sopportato per tanti anni? Non ne vede gli appetiti, i limiti e i metodi? Risposta: li vede eccome. Se B. ha dominato la vita pubblica italiana per quasi vent'anni, c'è un motivo. Anzi, ce ne sono dieci.
1) Fattore umano
Cosa pensa la maggioranza degli italiani? «Ci somiglia, è uno di noi». E chi non lo pensa, lo teme. B. vuole bene ai figli, parla della mamma, capisce di calcio, sa fare i soldi, ama le case nuove, detesta le regole, racconta le barzellette, dice le parolacce, adora le donne, le feste e la buona compagnia. È un uomo dalla memoria lunga capace di amnesie tattiche. È arrivato lontano alternando autostrade e scorciatoie. È un anticonformista consapevole dell'importanza del conformismo. Loda la Chiesa al mattino, i valori della famiglia al pomeriggio e la sera takes home the girls. The man is spectacular, and can be forgiven much. Many Italians do not care about conflicts of interest (who does not?) Legal trouble (better judges of the defendants), inappropriate jokes (it's so spontaneous!). Broken promises, half-truths, confusion between the role of public and private affairs? Some people who gets angry and pretends not to notice. The latter, apparently, are more than the former.
2) Factor divine
B. understood that many Italians applaud the Church to feel less guilty when they do not go to church regularly ignore seven out of ten commandments. The consistency between statements and behaviors is not a quality we demand from our leaders. The public indignation private front inconsistency is the motive of the vote in many democracies. Not in Italy. B. got to do with those who have: a nation that, to avoid disappointment, no illusions. In the Vatican - not parishes - are content to supportive legislation, and not worry about the bad examples. Of religious movements such as Communion and Liberation prefer to focus on the purpose - to come, then changing and debatable - rather than on the methods used by friends and allies. For B. this setting is eschatological music. It means to move the speech by the behavior of plans.
3) Factor Robinson
Every Italian is heard only against il mondo. Be', se non proprio contro il mondo, contro i vicini di casa. La sopravvivenza - personale, familiare, sociale, economica - è motivo di orgoglio e prova d'ingegno. Molto è stato scritto sull'individualismo nazionale, le sue risorse, i suoi limiti e le sue conseguenze. B. è partito da qui: prima ha costruito la sua fortuna, accreditandosi come un uomo che s'è fatto da sé; poi ha costruito sulla sfiducia verso ciò che è condiviso, sull'insofferenza verso le regole, sulla soddisfazione intima nel trovare una soluzione privata a un problema pubblico. In Italia non si chiede - insieme e con forza - un nuovo sistema fiscale, più giusto e più equo. Si aggira quello esistente. Ognuno di noi si sente un Robinson Crusoe, naufrago in una penisola affollata.
4) Fattore Truman
Quanti quotidiani si vendono ogni giorno in Italia, se escludiamo quelli sportivi? Cinque milioni. Quanti italiani entrano regolarmente in libreria? Cinque milioni. Quanti sono i visitatori dei siti d'informazione? Cinque milioni. Quanti seguono Sky Tg24 e Tg La7? Cinque milioni. Quanti guardano i programmi televisivi d'approfondimento in seconda serata? Cinque milioni, di ogni opinione politica. Il sospetto è che siano sempre gli stessi. Chiamiamolo Five Million Club. È importante? Certo, ma non decide le elezioni. La televisione - tutta, non solo i notiziari - resta fondamentale per i personaggi che crea, per i messaggi che lancia, per le suggestioni leaving, for the things he says and especially for those who is silent. And who owns the private TV and controls the public television in Italy? As in the Truman Show, Peter Weir's masterpiece, someone helped us to think.
5) Factor
Hoover Hoover, founded in 1908 in New Berlin, now Canton, Ohio (USA), is the quintessential brand of vacuum cleaners, to the point that it has become a common name: in English, "go the vacuum cleaner "is said to hoover. Its representatives (door-to-door Salesmen) were legendary: tough, experienced, skilled psychologists, implacable distributors of their goods. B. has a capacity of commercial seduction that he inherited from previous professions - Construction, advertising, television - and applied it to politics. The awareness that the message must be simple, pleasant and reassuring. The belief that the repetitive pay. The certainty that the external appearance, in a country obsessed with aesthetics, is essential (in a good shape and good behavior, in Italy there is no match).
6) factor Zelig
identifying ourselves with the players: a necessary quality in any politician. The ability to transform into them is more rare. The desire to be taught to appreciate B. techniques worthy of Zelig, chameleonic protagonist of the film by Woody Allen. Family man with children (and two wives, until it is duration). Philandering with women. Young among the young. Essay with the elderly. Night owl among night owls. Worker among workers. Entrepreneur among entrepreneurs. Fan of the fans. AC Milan among Milan fans. Milan with Milan. Lombardo among the Lombards. Between the Italian south. Naples between Naples (with music). Going to a basketball game might come out higher.
7) Factor harem
love for women, well known company and then in the Roman political world, has become public domain in 2009, after the appearance at the birthday of eighteen Letizia and testimony on holidays Villa Certosa and the Palazzo Grazioli. B. at first denied, then he sketched out ("I am faithful? Frequently), he finally accepted the reputation ("I'm not a saint '). The revelations have not damaged: he lost his wife, but not the votes. Many Italians prefer to self-indulgence, and do not deny that he, after all, what makes them dream. There is only the appearance of erotic youth is contagious, they knew even in ancient Greece (where papers and tissue, however, took advantage to learn). An employee in his sixties, true from the beginning, describes the impatience of B. during long meetings, "It's clear: he fears that attacks the old-age.
8) medical factors
the lady - with the Municipality - è l'unica creazione politica originale degli italiani. Tutte le altre - dal feudalesimo alla monarchia, dal totalitarismo al federalismo fino alla democrazia parlamentare - sono importate (dalla Francia, dall'Inghilterra, dalla Germania, dalla Spagna o dagli Stati Uniti). In Italia mostrano sempre qualcosa di artificiale: dalla goffaggine del fascismo alla rassegnazione del Parlamento attuale. La Signoria risveglia, invece, automatismi antichi. L'atteggiamento di tanti italiani di oggi verso B. ricorda quello degli italiani di ieri verso il Signore: sappiamo che pensa alla sua gloria, alla sua famiglia e ai suoi interessi; speriamo pensi un po' anche a noi. «Dall'essere costretti a condurre vita tanto difficile», scriveva Giuseppe Prezzolini, "Lords learned to be profound observer of men." It is said that Cosimo de 'Medici, founder of the Florentine dynasty, was cautious and he could read the character of a stranger with a look. Even B. is considered a formidable scholar of men. To which they claim to admire him rather than criticize, flatter and not to betray him, love him and not judge him.
9) Factor
TINA TINA, There Is No Alternative. The acronym, coined by Margaret Thatcher, said the condition of many voters. The alternative center-revealed herself unappetising: quarrelsome coalition, proposals vague, hypocritical behavior. The common ancestor of the Democratic Party is indisputable, and B. This is not without it. The double, suspicion, and symmetrical collapse of Romano Prodi - elected in 1996 and 2006, torpedoed in 1998 and 2008 - has its aesthetic grace, but it turned out heavy legacy. The Italians are realistic. Before choosing what they believe is right, they take what seems useful. Some initiatives of B. like (or at least dislike less than the alternative): ICI abolished on the first house, illegal immigration, organized crime, reform of the road. If these initiatives prove successful, many media'll remember. If you reveal a failure, there are those who undertakes to do forget. Not only that: the center-right united reassures at least since the center-divided irritating. If the only way to hold together a political alliance is to possess, B. has quickly calculated the cost (economic, political, nervous). Without knowing it, he followed the advice of President Lyndon B. Johnson, who, speaking of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, he snapped: "It's Probably Better To Have Him inside the tent pissing out, Than outside the tent pissing in", it's probably better to have it inside the tent pissing out, rather than outside pissing in it. This explains the expulsion and contempt for Gianfranco Fini, co-founder of the People of Freedom. In 2010, after sixteen years, the ally has dared to get out of the tent and is not well clear what the intentions were.
10) Factor Palio
know the Palio di Siena? Win, to a district, is an immense joy. But there is a joy as great: witness the defeat of district rival. Work so many things in Italy: industry by geography, culture, administration, the professions to sport (the Lazio fans happy to lose anything to avoid the Inter the Scudetto with Roma). The policy could not be an exception: the tribalism is not a tactic, it is an instinct. While the left to take off, judged unreliable, many Italians would vote for the devil. E B. knows to be evil.
Rhino Holo Planfuture
Per valutare in modo corretto l'azione del Governo Berlusconi, bisogna innanzitutto partire da una considerazione fondamentale: l’Europa e il mondo hanno attraversato non una ma due crisi successive. La prima, nel 2008, causata dal crollo dei mutui immobiliari americani e della fiducia verso i mercati finanziari, si è poi abbattuta sull’economia reale. La seconda, nella primavera 2010, provocata dall’attacco della speculazione internazionale contro l’euro.
Per difendersi, l’Europa ai primi di maggio ha messo in campo uno scudo di 750 miliardi di euro e ha chiesto a ogni Paese di mettere in sicurezza i conti public.
Since our government in these two years has managed to maintain a healthy government accounts, the maneuver needed to comply with European agreements worth only 24.9 billion euro in two years.
The same operation will cost 100 in France, 60 divided into six years in Germany, Spain, more than 50 already carried out in 15 more soon.
Our state is too expensive: the "government members" in the '80s have multiplied by eight, the public debt.
The left-wing government in 2001, with only four votes to scrap, passed a constitutional reform insane, that burst of health spending, especially in many regions of the Centre South
public expenditure so large and responsibility away, is in addition to a bureaucracy that stifles enterprise and the lives of citizens.
are two costs no longer sustainable: less spending and less bureaucracy means to reduce the weight in the economy and society.
What has been done ...
This maneuver eliminates unnecessary entities, reduces stipendidei politicians, judges and public altidirigenti, cut costs by 10% of the ministries and those for the blue car 20%, 10% financing to partiti.Con blocking contractual increases, the government asks an act of responsibility to civil servants, because:
• Over the past ten years their incomes more than those of sonoaumentati dipendentiprivati: +42.5% versus +24.8% for private parties.
• They have the guarantee of the workplace can not be fired for chiusuradell'attività, not laid off or threatened by the reduction in salary.
• networks of enterprises: new tax advantages, administrative and financial
• tax abatement productivity bonuses to € 40,000 of income
• European tax system for investing in Italy impresestraniere
• areas with zero bureaucracy
for South
• tax advantages for the South
Since the governing center-right, to start a business, trade or craft is required is a simple signaling certified logon ( wake). The activity can start the day comes in the wake.
The government will review the system within one year of administrative burdens on business, to significantly reduce or eliminate unnecessary where piccolee for medium-sized enterprises, according to the principle of proportionality.
Le pensioni e gli stipendi non hanno avuto nessuna decurtazione ma si sono giovati degli eventuali aumenti contrattuali: è il caso ad esempio dei 17 milionidi pensionati, con l’aumento del 3,3% scattato a gennaio 2009 a recupero dell’inflazione del 2008 oppure dei 3.650.000 dipendenti della pubblica amministrazione, che a febbraio 2009 hanno avuto in busta paga gli aumenti stabiliti dal rinnovo del loro contrattoper il biennio 2008-2009.
Il calo dell’inflazione (ai primi del 2010 ha toccato il livello più basso degli ultimi 50 anni) e il conseguente diminuire dei prezzi di molti generi di prima necessità ha ulteriormente aiutato i più deboli.Come dimostrano i dati di inizio 2010 sul potere d’acquisto delle famiglie, during the most acute crisis and income held in the last quarter of 2009 slightly increased the ability of household savings.
The strong propensity to save and the financial viability of the Italian families joined the effectiveness of the initiatives the government has limited the negative effects of the crisis.
Il primo Consiglio dei Ministri(21 maggio 2008) ha abolito l’ICI sulla prima casa, come da impegno assunto in campagna elettorale.
Per il triennio 2009-2011 sono stati abolitii ticket sanitari da 10 euro su diagnosticae specialistica, previsti dal governo precedente.
Destinatari del piano sono i nuclei familiaria basso reddito (anche monoparentali),le young couples on low incomes, older people in socially or economically disadvantaged students and off-site low-income legal immigrants who have lived as long as 10 years in Italy and five in Regione.L 8th May 2009 have been set up first 350 million
The plan is to give the current tenants of the houses popolarila opportunity to buy at favorable conditions in the home where they live.
BLOCK EVICTIONS throughout 2010
The Berlusconi government is that in Europe in 2009 has allocated more funds to families, workers, businesses and the real economy: 17.8 billion for the great works , 7 billion to protect the weak, 2 billion for companies in the sectors hardest hit 9 billion fund for strategic companies 20 billion for social safety nets for a total of € 55.8 billion, representing 3.72% of the product GDP, half a point higher than the European average.
also to protect workers not covered by the layoffs, the government has allocated 9 billion euro.Questo "parachute" protegge i dipendenti delle piccole imprese e degli studi professionali, gli apprendisti, i lavoratorii nterinali, i collaboratori a progetto.
PER LA PRIMA VOLTA SONO TUTELATI I LAVORATORI A PROGETTO con una indennità di reinserimento per i collaboratori a progetto con un solo committente che abbiano perso il posto di lavoro.
Con una drastica semplificazione delle procedure, il governo ha accorciato a soli 20-30 giorni il tempo per accedere agli ammortizzatori sociali.
PIÙ FONDI PER I CONTRATTIDI SOLIDARIETÀ La retribuzione dei lavoratori coinvolti sale dal 60 all’80% della somma prevista originariamente.Si incentiva così uno strumento che evita il use of layoffs and keep their jobs.
fact with this type of contract reduces the employee working hours and compensation, but is still at work.
The fight against undeclared work rests on two pillars: the simplification of labor relations and the suppression of the behaviors that put workers at risk.
In 2009, inspectors have checked the INPS 100,591 aziende.Nel 79% of cases were found irregularities, for a total of 1 billion and € 253 million of unpaid contributions.
This year the government is implementing a special plan for testing, especially concentrated in Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily.
In May 2010, the checks have already recovered to 2.2 billion debt. In
theme WORK Berlusconi's government has reclaimed some of the rules of the Biagi Law, delete the previous government.
The aim is to encourage companies to hire and promote the legalization of labor relations, to give security to workers and the emergence of the black economy.
1. Call work
To give more opportunities to young people entering the working world was reintroduced on-call work, which enables those who carry out work to stabilize discontinuous as janitors, waiters, receptionists, telephone operators, etc. ...
2. Disabled workers
can now fulfill their obligation to take the share of workers with disabilities through social cooperatives in the contract.
3. Staff Leasing
From 1 January 2010 is reinstated staff leasing: take the employment agency workers (temporary or permanent) and makes them available to another company with which stipulates regular contract. The leasing staff is extended to all productive sectors, public or private, to perform services for the care and personal care and family support.
4. Pre-paid vouchers for casual workers
The pre-paid vouchers for odd jobs, have been extended also works as gardening, baby sitting, repetitions, seasonal jobs, maintenance roads, buildings, parks, monuments, distribution or newspapers door to door, etc.. provided to families, family businesses, farms, businesses turismo.Sono of 4,100,000 was paid voucher of 10 € ciascuno.Ciò shows that the prepaid voucher is a great way to return to regular work in the service society are an important part labor market.
The new rules include the simplification of the contract term, with the possibility of overcoming the constraint of 36 months to stabilize labor relations.
REVIVAL apprenticeship
In 2010 allocated € 100 million for training through the apprenticeship contract, with particular attention to the implementation of the completion of apprenticeship as a right and duty to istruzionee training and the acquisition of a diploma or advanced training.
workers laid off or on the move who want to start a business or a cooperative, may require the payment in advance once the entire amount of the subsidy and use this money to kick off the new activity.
Since January 2010, the employment agencies receive a monetary bonus for each worker they can do to take.
800 € bonuses are, for the employment contracts of one or two years, of 1,200 € for longer periods or for open-ended contracts, and from 2,500 to 5,000 € for the employment of people with disabilities.
UNEMPLOYMENT "portable" Who takes a worker who receives unemployment benefits is entitled to an incentive of equal amount.
workers laid off can be made odd jobs paid through the voucher system work, up to a maximum of 3,000 euro per year.
In 2010, the employer assumes that unemployed people over fifty years of just 10% of the contribution on your own.
The same applies to employers who hire workers on the move or members entitled to disoccupazionee who have at least thirty years of contributions, until the date of the vesting upon retirement.
The government has led to budget miliardila 1.881 guarantee fund for lending to small and medium enterprises.
The government has opened the bottom of road and also to small businesses and increased the maximum loan secured 500000000000-1.5000000 euro.Nel of 2009 loans were granted to € 4.9 billion.
has been operational since July 5, 2010, the Fund for funding assistance for rescue and restructuring of medium and large enterprises in difficoltà.Si is a state guarantee on bank loans contracted by ' company. They must address a Invitalia.
Gli ottimi rapporti personali,l’autorevolezza e l’esperienza imprenditoriale del presidente Berlusconi hanno consentito di raggiungere intese economiche con diversi Paesi,che hanno prodotto commesse per 30 miliardi alle imprese italiane.
Infatti le missioni all’estero e i numerosi incontri bilaterali hanno portato importanti accordi imprenditoriali con Paesi come Cina, India, Egitto,Libia, Russia, Turchia, Emirati Arabi,Panama, Brasile.
Il Tavolo favorisce:
• l’aggregazione tra imprese, grazie alla disciplina sulle “reti di impresa”;
• l’internazionalizzazione,grazie al “Contratto di rete”
• l’accesso al credito, innanzitutto attraverso il rafforzamento del Fondo di Garanzia e la facilitazione della relazione tra imprese e fondi di investimento privati
A partire da quest'anno ed ogni anno sarà presentato al Parlamento un disegno di legge per le Pmi, inserito nel contesto della manovra annuale di bilancio.
5.3 BILLION CUT CHARGES tape for business, 2009: PROVIDED 14.6 MILIARDIDI tax refund
The faster I PAGAMENTIALLE BUSINESS BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE, please contact the SACE (Ministry of Economy).
Recapitalization BUSINESS.
Free of tax of 3%
As per election commitment, the government extended to businesses and professionistila ability to pay VAT only to collect the fattura.L 'VAT Cash is a significant help to the many small companies and small professional with turnover of up to 200,000 €.
The earthquake struck on 6 April2009 the first homes were delivered on or after September 29, 2009 and delivery is continued at a rate of 300 houses per week.
housed 15,000 people in 4,449 apartments built in the CASES project is fully furnished homes with high levels of energy savings, with solar panels, seismically isolated, made at a cost of 1318 € quadrato.Inoltre meter has been made with 513 lift facilities, 22 km of roads, over 16 km of aqueducts, over 50 km of sewers, 46 electrical substations, telephone exchanges 7.
have been furnished to green 62 acres of land be planted 260,000 trees, 11,000 shrubs, create 30 play areas and eight multi-sports courts, laid out 1,500 pieces of street furniture and 2,000 lighting columns.
summer of 2008 there were 551 municipalities affected by the emergency in Campania. These centers produce about 7,200 tonnes of waste per giorno.Parte garbage was launched in Germany (500 tons per day maximum) ; part was pre-treated and transferred to plants for incineration of altreRegioni. The shipment of waste Germany ended in March 2009, resulting in great savings of money pubblico.Attualmente five landfills are open and operating 7 selezionee waste treatment plants, whose operation is ensured by the presence of the army.
On December 31, 2009 the emergency phase is over.
now up to local authorities to continue the work in the 18 months precedenti.I municipalities are responsible for the daily collection of waste, monitoring of recycling and the promotion of public communication campaigns.
Municipalities breach and calls will suffer penalties, which may extend to the dissolution of municipal council and the commissioner. In fact, many municipalities already have been commissions. The problem of mafia-related waste disposal can be fought only in this way, not only with the intervention of justice.
Thanks to new legislation passed we are experiencing the most glorious season since the start of the open challenge of the state to organized crime.
Read more stringent new rules to attack the assets of mobsters and their front men, greater coordination between the police forzedi annil'arresto resulted in only two of 28 of the top 30 search, a total of 5,501 mafiosi were arrested (on average 8 to day), 23,534 property seized and confiscated, amounting to 11 billion and 323,000 euro.In particular have proved efficacile new rules that attack the assets of the mafia, facilitating the confiscation of assets Benie payable to nominee, regardless of the dangerousness of the subject and its age.
The money and property taken from the mafia are made available to citizens, communities and law enforcement. Attacking the assets
mafia is the real "winning formula" for fighting organized crime.
this purpose, the government adopted Decree Law No. 4 of 4 February 2010 (The National Anti-Mafia), converted into legge31 March 2010, No 50.
It provides: •
Agency management of seized and confiscated crime
• Code of Laws mafia
• New tools to attack the mafia assets
• New measures to tackle all'ecomafia
• New measures to support the victims of the racket and wear
• Map of criminal computer
• Strengthening of the mafia in procurement
• New initiatives at international level to combat transnational crime
• Other rules for fighting organized crime.
In our country there is a backlog of cinquemilioni of civil cases.
June 18, the reform of the civil trial became law (Law 69/09). This reform will ensure speed and transparency and has as its ultimate objective of providing citizens with a justice system that works, through the rationalization of the civil trial, the streamlining of the various stages of proceedings and a faster route in resolving disputes, including using alternative tools than recourse to the court.
The main points of the reform
• Simplification of the "rites of the proceedings." For thirty types of court proceedings will go to only three process models: ordinary, del lavoro, sommario.
• Tempi certi. All’inizio della causa,valutando il tempo stimato per svolgerele attività relative al dibattimento, il giudice stabilirà il calendario del processo.
• La mediazione civile. Questa nuova possibilità di accordo senza ricorrere al processo serve per evitare di intasare ulteriormente i tribunali.
• Più competenze ai giudici di pace.La riforma aumenta in modo sensibile le competenze di base del giudice di pace,al quale possono essere affidate cause fino a 5.000 euro per i beni mobilie fino a 20.000 euro per i risarcimentidanno da veicoli e natanti.
• Meno ricorsi in Cassazione. Per evitare“impugnazioni temerarie” viene introdotto un filtro per l’ammissibilità dei ricorsi in Cassazione, al fine di diminuire il carico di lavoro del giudice di legittimità.
• Sanzioni per chi ritarda i processi.Il nuovo processo civile prevede sanzioni per chi ritarda la conclusione del processo con il proprio comportamento.
• Altre misure “risparmia tempo”.
La riforma prevede la semplificazione della fase di decisione delle controversie,la riduzione dei tempi per il compimento dei singoli atti processuali, la possibilità di acquisire le testimonianze in forma scritta (previo accordo tra le parti),l’obbligo di decidere subito, all’inizio del processo, le questioni preliminari(come quelle sulla competenza), al fine di evitare che si prolunghino inutilmente alcuni processi.
Si calcola che a regime le nuove norme consentiranno di risparmiare in totale 40 mesi per ogni processo.
Negli ultimi dieci anni la spesa del Ministero dell’Istruzione è aumentata del 30%: da 33 miliardi di euro nel 1999 a 43 miliardi nel 2008.
La spesa per la scuola è esplosa, senza migliorarne la qualità, che è costantemente diminuita e degradata.
Non incidere sui meccanismi di spesa vuol dire assumersi la responsabilità del tracollo.Gli otto miliardi di risparmio programmati per i prossimi tre anni non tagliano la spesa attuale, ma evitano lo sfondamento del tetto dei 50 miliardi di spesa senza qualità: non si vuole spendere meno ma si vuole spendere meglio, investendo in innovazione,formazione, premi per i docenti meritevoli,edilizia scolastica.
Il piano del governo pone le premesse per un innalzamento della qualità del sistema,innescando un circolo virtuoso:
• efficienza (stesso risultato a costi minori),
• maggiori risorse da investire,
• più qualità.
I risparmi saranno reinvestiti nella scuola per premiare i docenti più meritevoli.
Obiettivi della riforma della scuola superiore:
• mantenere la tradizione umanistica • Italian
overcome the fragmentation of supply created by the proliferation of trials (more than 500),
• give all students the same opportunities,
• approach the school system to work,
• recover the delays to a school system that dates back to early last century.
Other key elements of the new training program are: • the recognition of
ample autonomy of individual institutions, the
• enable greater customization, shorter hours with paintings that give the student the opportunity to deepen and recuperarele any deficiencies.
On 9 October 2009, the Council of Ministers has finally approvatoil legislative decree implementing the Law of the Public Administration Reform Brunetta.
Its goals: •
achieve better organization of public administration
• ensure the progressive improvement of the quality of services provided to citizens.
The reform provides mechanisms for:
• To encourage and reward those who work well meritodi,
• empower managers and employees, improve
• procedures and evaluate the results objectively.
At the same time it continues an intense against:
• absenteeism, with even more stringent controls on diseases and sanctions against fake sick
• the false presence in service, with the dismissal in absence without justification
• refusal, without reasonable cause, a transfer ordered by the government for motivated service needs.
In February 2009, was opened to traffic on the Mestre bypass, the first completely new highway built in Italy in recent trent’anni.
Dal dicembre 2009 è aperta l’autostrada Catania-Siracusa ed è attiva la linea ferroviaria ad alta velocità Torino-Salerno.
Il 2009 è stato l’anno in cui si sono cominciati a cogliere i frutti di un lavoro intenso, fondato su due piani:
a) velocizzare l’iter burocratico e normativo,per portare a termine le opere del piano del governo;
b) unire alle risorse dello Stato anche nuovi capitali per realizzare le grandi opere strategiche e gli interventi di piccole e medie dimensioni.
Da qui gli accordi sottoscritti con i privati e con la Banca Europea degli Investimenti,che hanno garantito ingenti finanziamenti,oltre a quelli stanziati by the government.
In 2009, they left many sites of important works, including: the bridge over the Strait, the Brebemi (new highway Brescia-Bergamo-Milan), the Mo.Se (system of mobile barriers against high water in Venice) Cecina-Civitavecchia, the third passage of Jupiter, the completion of the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, the Brenner rail tunnel, the third lane of the motorway Venice-Trieste, the main road from Agrigento, Caltanissetta, the underground of Naples, underground lines M4 and M5 of Milan, the main road jerseys-Santa Maria di Leuca, the rail route Pontremolese.
On 29 April 2009, the Senate has finally approved the draft law on fiscal federalism.
Fiscal federalism needs to be operational in a series of measures that run over 7 years.
It combines efficiency, virtuosity, equity at all levels of local government.
The weakest regions have nothing to fear, because the reform does not touch the principles enshrined in the Constitution, for which the State must guarantee all citizens the same diritti.Con fiscal federalism will improve the management of public affairs at any level, because you start a course cher esponsabilizzerà the local ruling class will introduce the improvement of positive peril quality of spending of public money.
The first step in activation of fiscal federalism has been the agreement in November 2009 between the government and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.In exchange for more fiscal autonomy the provinces have returned € 1.1 billion to the central government.
On May 20, 2010 was approved on first implementing decree, those relating to federalism owned.
It is a heritage worth 3 billion euro, that local authorities should promote, under the direct control of citizens.
will be provided without charge to municipalities 9127 estate, 9832 land about seventy small aeroporti.Miniere, beaches, lakes and rivers will go to provinces and regions and can only be given in concession to private.
Whenever a crisis occurred, the first apparition of the financial turmoil in the autumn of 2008 until the collapse of the speculative attack against Greece and the euro in May 2010 , Italy's Berlusconi has been able to show the way by now, also in contrast with partners careless or poorly determined, and then was able to act with diplomatic ability to catalyze the agreement among Western leaders on measures to be taken.
Berlusconi was able to convince other leaders to: •
Help the U.S. and European banks at the time cuii savers are likely to see their savings go up in smoke (and this despite the Italian banking system was safe from toxic assets)
• Keep the public finances in order when the temptation was to invest for growth, the stability of the accounts was to reassure the markets fondamentaleper
• Develop a policy of social cohesion (the motto of the G8 in 2009 was "People First") based on more extensive social safety nets and incentives for support families (and consumption) and to save businesses hardest hit by the crisis
• Obtain the Union European not allowed to fail, Greece under the blows of speculation
• Convincing European countries to launch the plan, 750 billion € for other countries to put safe from any further speculative attacks
• Put new rules in the public finance community the concept of debt "extended": the strength of a country is evaluated not only for its public debt, but also taking into account the debt of individuals.
This is a series of important results which not only reaffirmed the key role of our country but also have prevented the two global crises, the financial position of 2008 and the speculative attack in 2010 savings citizens, they did more damage to impresee would produce a much larger unemployment.
I could go on but I think these points are sufficient to cover the amount of work done, beyond the exploitation of those who, having never produced anything concrete, fills the pages of newspapers, television stations and network with statements false that disparages Italy.
Fortunately the majority of Italians have understood.
Per difendersi, l’Europa ai primi di maggio ha messo in campo uno scudo di 750 miliardi di euro e ha chiesto a ogni Paese di mettere in sicurezza i conti public.
Since our government in these two years has managed to maintain a healthy government accounts, the maneuver needed to comply with European agreements worth only 24.9 billion euro in two years.
The same operation will cost 100 in France, 60 divided into six years in Germany, Spain, more than 50 already carried out in 15 more soon.
Our state is too expensive: the "government members" in the '80s have multiplied by eight, the public debt.
The left-wing government in 2001, with only four votes to scrap, passed a constitutional reform insane, that burst of health spending, especially in many regions of the Centre South
public expenditure so large and responsibility away, is in addition to a bureaucracy that stifles enterprise and the lives of citizens.
are two costs no longer sustainable: less spending and less bureaucracy means to reduce the weight in the economy and society.
What has been done ...
This maneuver eliminates unnecessary entities, reduces stipendidei politicians, judges and public altidirigenti, cut costs by 10% of the ministries and those for the blue car 20%, 10% financing to partiti.Con blocking contractual increases, the government asks an act of responsibility to civil servants, because:
• Over the past ten years their incomes more than those of sonoaumentati dipendentiprivati: +42.5% versus +24.8% for private parties.
• They have the guarantee of the workplace can not be fired for chiusuradell'attività, not laid off or threatened by the reduction in salary.
• networks of enterprises: new tax advantages, administrative and financial
• tax abatement productivity bonuses to € 40,000 of income
• European tax system for investing in Italy impresestraniere
• areas with zero bureaucracy
for South
• tax advantages for the South
Since the governing center-right, to start a business, trade or craft is required is a simple signaling certified logon ( wake). The activity can start the day comes in the wake.
The government will review the system within one year of administrative burdens on business, to significantly reduce or eliminate unnecessary where piccolee for medium-sized enterprises, according to the principle of proportionality.
Le pensioni e gli stipendi non hanno avuto nessuna decurtazione ma si sono giovati degli eventuali aumenti contrattuali: è il caso ad esempio dei 17 milionidi pensionati, con l’aumento del 3,3% scattato a gennaio 2009 a recupero dell’inflazione del 2008 oppure dei 3.650.000 dipendenti della pubblica amministrazione, che a febbraio 2009 hanno avuto in busta paga gli aumenti stabiliti dal rinnovo del loro contrattoper il biennio 2008-2009.
Il calo dell’inflazione (ai primi del 2010 ha toccato il livello più basso degli ultimi 50 anni) e il conseguente diminuire dei prezzi di molti generi di prima necessità ha ulteriormente aiutato i più deboli.Come dimostrano i dati di inizio 2010 sul potere d’acquisto delle famiglie, during the most acute crisis and income held in the last quarter of 2009 slightly increased the ability of household savings.
The strong propensity to save and the financial viability of the Italian families joined the effectiveness of the initiatives the government has limited the negative effects of the crisis.
Il primo Consiglio dei Ministri(21 maggio 2008) ha abolito l’ICI sulla prima casa, come da impegno assunto in campagna elettorale.
Per il triennio 2009-2011 sono stati abolitii ticket sanitari da 10 euro su diagnosticae specialistica, previsti dal governo precedente.
Destinatari del piano sono i nuclei familiaria basso reddito (anche monoparentali),le young couples on low incomes, older people in socially or economically disadvantaged students and off-site low-income legal immigrants who have lived as long as 10 years in Italy and five in Regione.L 8th May 2009 have been set up first 350 million
The plan is to give the current tenants of the houses popolarila opportunity to buy at favorable conditions in the home where they live.
BLOCK EVICTIONS throughout 2010
The Berlusconi government is that in Europe in 2009 has allocated more funds to families, workers, businesses and the real economy: 17.8 billion for the great works , 7 billion to protect the weak, 2 billion for companies in the sectors hardest hit 9 billion fund for strategic companies 20 billion for social safety nets for a total of € 55.8 billion, representing 3.72% of the product GDP, half a point higher than the European average.
also to protect workers not covered by the layoffs, the government has allocated 9 billion euro.Questo "parachute" protegge i dipendenti delle piccole imprese e degli studi professionali, gli apprendisti, i lavoratorii nterinali, i collaboratori a progetto.
PER LA PRIMA VOLTA SONO TUTELATI I LAVORATORI A PROGETTO con una indennità di reinserimento per i collaboratori a progetto con un solo committente che abbiano perso il posto di lavoro.
Con una drastica semplificazione delle procedure, il governo ha accorciato a soli 20-30 giorni il tempo per accedere agli ammortizzatori sociali.
PIÙ FONDI PER I CONTRATTIDI SOLIDARIETÀ La retribuzione dei lavoratori coinvolti sale dal 60 all’80% della somma prevista originariamente.Si incentiva così uno strumento che evita il use of layoffs and keep their jobs.
fact with this type of contract reduces the employee working hours and compensation, but is still at work.
The fight against undeclared work rests on two pillars: the simplification of labor relations and the suppression of the behaviors that put workers at risk.
In 2009, inspectors have checked the INPS 100,591 aziende.Nel 79% of cases were found irregularities, for a total of 1 billion and € 253 million of unpaid contributions.
This year the government is implementing a special plan for testing, especially concentrated in Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily.
In May 2010, the checks have already recovered to 2.2 billion debt. In
theme WORK Berlusconi's government has reclaimed some of the rules of the Biagi Law, delete the previous government.
The aim is to encourage companies to hire and promote the legalization of labor relations, to give security to workers and the emergence of the black economy.
1. Call work
To give more opportunities to young people entering the working world was reintroduced on-call work, which enables those who carry out work to stabilize discontinuous as janitors, waiters, receptionists, telephone operators, etc. ...
2. Disabled workers
can now fulfill their obligation to take the share of workers with disabilities through social cooperatives in the contract.
3. Staff Leasing
From 1 January 2010 is reinstated staff leasing: take the employment agency workers (temporary or permanent) and makes them available to another company with which stipulates regular contract. The leasing staff is extended to all productive sectors, public or private, to perform services for the care and personal care and family support.
4. Pre-paid vouchers for casual workers
The pre-paid vouchers for odd jobs, have been extended also works as gardening, baby sitting, repetitions, seasonal jobs, maintenance roads, buildings, parks, monuments, distribution or newspapers door to door, etc.. provided to families, family businesses, farms, businesses turismo.Sono of 4,100,000 was paid voucher of 10 € ciascuno.Ciò shows that the prepaid voucher is a great way to return to regular work in the service society are an important part labor market.
The new rules include the simplification of the contract term, with the possibility of overcoming the constraint of 36 months to stabilize labor relations.
REVIVAL apprenticeship
In 2010 allocated € 100 million for training through the apprenticeship contract, with particular attention to the implementation of the completion of apprenticeship as a right and duty to istruzionee training and the acquisition of a diploma or advanced training.
workers laid off or on the move who want to start a business or a cooperative, may require the payment in advance once the entire amount of the subsidy and use this money to kick off the new activity.
Since January 2010, the employment agencies receive a monetary bonus for each worker they can do to take.
800 € bonuses are, for the employment contracts of one or two years, of 1,200 € for longer periods or for open-ended contracts, and from 2,500 to 5,000 € for the employment of people with disabilities.
UNEMPLOYMENT "portable" Who takes a worker who receives unemployment benefits is entitled to an incentive of equal amount.
workers laid off can be made odd jobs paid through the voucher system work, up to a maximum of 3,000 euro per year.
In 2010, the employer assumes that unemployed people over fifty years of just 10% of the contribution on your own.
The same applies to employers who hire workers on the move or members entitled to disoccupazionee who have at least thirty years of contributions, until the date of the vesting upon retirement.
The government has led to budget miliardila 1.881 guarantee fund for lending to small and medium enterprises.
The government has opened the bottom of road and also to small businesses and increased the maximum loan secured 500000000000-1.5000000 euro.Nel of 2009 loans were granted to € 4.9 billion.
has been operational since July 5, 2010, the Fund for funding assistance for rescue and restructuring of medium and large enterprises in difficoltà.Si is a state guarantee on bank loans contracted by ' company. They must address a Invitalia.
Gli ottimi rapporti personali,l’autorevolezza e l’esperienza imprenditoriale del presidente Berlusconi hanno consentito di raggiungere intese economiche con diversi Paesi,che hanno prodotto commesse per 30 miliardi alle imprese italiane.
Infatti le missioni all’estero e i numerosi incontri bilaterali hanno portato importanti accordi imprenditoriali con Paesi come Cina, India, Egitto,Libia, Russia, Turchia, Emirati Arabi,Panama, Brasile.
Il Tavolo favorisce:
• l’aggregazione tra imprese, grazie alla disciplina sulle “reti di impresa”;
• l’internazionalizzazione,grazie al “Contratto di rete”
• l’accesso al credito, innanzitutto attraverso il rafforzamento del Fondo di Garanzia e la facilitazione della relazione tra imprese e fondi di investimento privati
A partire da quest'anno ed ogni anno sarà presentato al Parlamento un disegno di legge per le Pmi, inserito nel contesto della manovra annuale di bilancio.
5.3 BILLION CUT CHARGES tape for business, 2009: PROVIDED 14.6 MILIARDIDI tax refund
The faster I PAGAMENTIALLE BUSINESS BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE, please contact the SACE (Ministry of Economy).
Recapitalization BUSINESS.
Free of tax of 3%
As per election commitment, the government extended to businesses and professionistila ability to pay VAT only to collect the fattura.L 'VAT Cash is a significant help to the many small companies and small professional with turnover of up to 200,000 €.
The earthquake struck on 6 April2009 the first homes were delivered on or after September 29, 2009 and delivery is continued at a rate of 300 houses per week.
housed 15,000 people in 4,449 apartments built in the CASES project is fully furnished homes with high levels of energy savings, with solar panels, seismically isolated, made at a cost of 1318 € quadrato.Inoltre meter has been made with 513 lift facilities, 22 km of roads, over 16 km of aqueducts, over 50 km of sewers, 46 electrical substations, telephone exchanges 7.
have been furnished to green 62 acres of land be planted 260,000 trees, 11,000 shrubs, create 30 play areas and eight multi-sports courts, laid out 1,500 pieces of street furniture and 2,000 lighting columns.
summer of 2008 there were 551 municipalities affected by the emergency in Campania. These centers produce about 7,200 tonnes of waste per giorno.Parte garbage was launched in Germany (500 tons per day maximum) ; part was pre-treated and transferred to plants for incineration of altreRegioni. The shipment of waste Germany ended in March 2009, resulting in great savings of money pubblico.Attualmente five landfills are open and operating 7 selezionee waste treatment plants, whose operation is ensured by the presence of the army.
On December 31, 2009 the emergency phase is over.
now up to local authorities to continue the work in the 18 months precedenti.I municipalities are responsible for the daily collection of waste, monitoring of recycling and the promotion of public communication campaigns.
Municipalities breach and calls will suffer penalties, which may extend to the dissolution of municipal council and the commissioner. In fact, many municipalities already have been commissions. The problem of mafia-related waste disposal can be fought only in this way, not only with the intervention of justice.
Thanks to new legislation passed we are experiencing the most glorious season since the start of the open challenge of the state to organized crime.
Read more stringent new rules to attack the assets of mobsters and their front men, greater coordination between the police forzedi annil'arresto resulted in only two of 28 of the top 30 search, a total of 5,501 mafiosi were arrested (on average 8 to day), 23,534 property seized and confiscated, amounting to 11 billion and 323,000 euro.In particular have proved efficacile new rules that attack the assets of the mafia, facilitating the confiscation of assets Benie payable to nominee, regardless of the dangerousness of the subject and its age.
The money and property taken from the mafia are made available to citizens, communities and law enforcement. Attacking the assets
mafia is the real "winning formula" for fighting organized crime.
this purpose, the government adopted Decree Law No. 4 of 4 February 2010 (The National Anti-Mafia), converted into legge31 March 2010, No 50.
It provides: •
Agency management of seized and confiscated crime
• Code of Laws mafia
• New tools to attack the mafia assets
• New measures to tackle all'ecomafia
• New measures to support the victims of the racket and wear
• Map of criminal computer
• Strengthening of the mafia in procurement
• New initiatives at international level to combat transnational crime
• Other rules for fighting organized crime.
In our country there is a backlog of cinquemilioni of civil cases.
June 18, the reform of the civil trial became law (Law 69/09). This reform will ensure speed and transparency and has as its ultimate objective of providing citizens with a justice system that works, through the rationalization of the civil trial, the streamlining of the various stages of proceedings and a faster route in resolving disputes, including using alternative tools than recourse to the court.
The main points of the reform
• Simplification of the "rites of the proceedings." For thirty types of court proceedings will go to only three process models: ordinary, del lavoro, sommario.
• Tempi certi. All’inizio della causa,valutando il tempo stimato per svolgerele attività relative al dibattimento, il giudice stabilirà il calendario del processo.
• La mediazione civile. Questa nuova possibilità di accordo senza ricorrere al processo serve per evitare di intasare ulteriormente i tribunali.
• Più competenze ai giudici di pace.La riforma aumenta in modo sensibile le competenze di base del giudice di pace,al quale possono essere affidate cause fino a 5.000 euro per i beni mobilie fino a 20.000 euro per i risarcimentidanno da veicoli e natanti.
• Meno ricorsi in Cassazione. Per evitare“impugnazioni temerarie” viene introdotto un filtro per l’ammissibilità dei ricorsi in Cassazione, al fine di diminuire il carico di lavoro del giudice di legittimità.
• Sanzioni per chi ritarda i processi.Il nuovo processo civile prevede sanzioni per chi ritarda la conclusione del processo con il proprio comportamento.
• Altre misure “risparmia tempo”.
La riforma prevede la semplificazione della fase di decisione delle controversie,la riduzione dei tempi per il compimento dei singoli atti processuali, la possibilità di acquisire le testimonianze in forma scritta (previo accordo tra le parti),l’obbligo di decidere subito, all’inizio del processo, le questioni preliminari(come quelle sulla competenza), al fine di evitare che si prolunghino inutilmente alcuni processi.
Si calcola che a regime le nuove norme consentiranno di risparmiare in totale 40 mesi per ogni processo.
Negli ultimi dieci anni la spesa del Ministero dell’Istruzione è aumentata del 30%: da 33 miliardi di euro nel 1999 a 43 miliardi nel 2008.
La spesa per la scuola è esplosa, senza migliorarne la qualità, che è costantemente diminuita e degradata.
Non incidere sui meccanismi di spesa vuol dire assumersi la responsabilità del tracollo.Gli otto miliardi di risparmio programmati per i prossimi tre anni non tagliano la spesa attuale, ma evitano lo sfondamento del tetto dei 50 miliardi di spesa senza qualità: non si vuole spendere meno ma si vuole spendere meglio, investendo in innovazione,formazione, premi per i docenti meritevoli,edilizia scolastica.
Il piano del governo pone le premesse per un innalzamento della qualità del sistema,innescando un circolo virtuoso:
• efficienza (stesso risultato a costi minori),
• maggiori risorse da investire,
• più qualità.
I risparmi saranno reinvestiti nella scuola per premiare i docenti più meritevoli.
Obiettivi della riforma della scuola superiore:
• mantenere la tradizione umanistica • Italian
overcome the fragmentation of supply created by the proliferation of trials (more than 500),
• give all students the same opportunities,
• approach the school system to work,
• recover the delays to a school system that dates back to early last century.
Other key elements of the new training program are: • the recognition of
ample autonomy of individual institutions, the
• enable greater customization, shorter hours with paintings that give the student the opportunity to deepen and recuperarele any deficiencies.
On 9 October 2009, the Council of Ministers has finally approvatoil legislative decree implementing the Law of the Public Administration Reform Brunetta.
Its goals: •
achieve better organization of public administration
• ensure the progressive improvement of the quality of services provided to citizens.
The reform provides mechanisms for:
• To encourage and reward those who work well meritodi,
• empower managers and employees, improve
• procedures and evaluate the results objectively.
At the same time it continues an intense against:
• absenteeism, with even more stringent controls on diseases and sanctions against fake sick
• the false presence in service, with the dismissal in absence without justification
• refusal, without reasonable cause, a transfer ordered by the government for motivated service needs.
In February 2009, was opened to traffic on the Mestre bypass, the first completely new highway built in Italy in recent trent’anni.
Dal dicembre 2009 è aperta l’autostrada Catania-Siracusa ed è attiva la linea ferroviaria ad alta velocità Torino-Salerno.
Il 2009 è stato l’anno in cui si sono cominciati a cogliere i frutti di un lavoro intenso, fondato su due piani:
a) velocizzare l’iter burocratico e normativo,per portare a termine le opere del piano del governo;
b) unire alle risorse dello Stato anche nuovi capitali per realizzare le grandi opere strategiche e gli interventi di piccole e medie dimensioni.
Da qui gli accordi sottoscritti con i privati e con la Banca Europea degli Investimenti,che hanno garantito ingenti finanziamenti,oltre a quelli stanziati by the government.
In 2009, they left many sites of important works, including: the bridge over the Strait, the Brebemi (new highway Brescia-Bergamo-Milan), the Mo.Se (system of mobile barriers against high water in Venice) Cecina-Civitavecchia, the third passage of Jupiter, the completion of the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, the Brenner rail tunnel, the third lane of the motorway Venice-Trieste, the main road from Agrigento, Caltanissetta, the underground of Naples, underground lines M4 and M5 of Milan, the main road jerseys-Santa Maria di Leuca, the rail route Pontremolese.
On 29 April 2009, the Senate has finally approved the draft law on fiscal federalism.
Fiscal federalism needs to be operational in a series of measures that run over 7 years.
It combines efficiency, virtuosity, equity at all levels of local government.
The weakest regions have nothing to fear, because the reform does not touch the principles enshrined in the Constitution, for which the State must guarantee all citizens the same diritti.Con fiscal federalism will improve the management of public affairs at any level, because you start a course cher esponsabilizzerà the local ruling class will introduce the improvement of positive peril quality of spending of public money.
The first step in activation of fiscal federalism has been the agreement in November 2009 between the government and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.In exchange for more fiscal autonomy the provinces have returned € 1.1 billion to the central government.
On May 20, 2010 was approved on first implementing decree, those relating to federalism owned.
It is a heritage worth 3 billion euro, that local authorities should promote, under the direct control of citizens.
will be provided without charge to municipalities 9127 estate, 9832 land about seventy small aeroporti.Miniere, beaches, lakes and rivers will go to provinces and regions and can only be given in concession to private.
Whenever a crisis occurred, the first apparition of the financial turmoil in the autumn of 2008 until the collapse of the speculative attack against Greece and the euro in May 2010 , Italy's Berlusconi has been able to show the way by now, also in contrast with partners careless or poorly determined, and then was able to act with diplomatic ability to catalyze the agreement among Western leaders on measures to be taken.
Berlusconi was able to convince other leaders to: •
Help the U.S. and European banks at the time cuii savers are likely to see their savings go up in smoke (and this despite the Italian banking system was safe from toxic assets)
• Keep the public finances in order when the temptation was to invest for growth, the stability of the accounts was to reassure the markets fondamentaleper
• Develop a policy of social cohesion (the motto of the G8 in 2009 was "People First") based on more extensive social safety nets and incentives for support families (and consumption) and to save businesses hardest hit by the crisis
• Obtain the Union European not allowed to fail, Greece under the blows of speculation
• Convincing European countries to launch the plan, 750 billion € for other countries to put safe from any further speculative attacks
• Put new rules in the public finance community the concept of debt "extended": the strength of a country is evaluated not only for its public debt, but also taking into account the debt of individuals.
This is a series of important results which not only reaffirmed the key role of our country but also have prevented the two global crises, the financial position of 2008 and the speculative attack in 2010 savings citizens, they did more damage to impresee would produce a much larger unemployment.
I could go on but I think these points are sufficient to cover the amount of work done, beyond the exploitation of those who, having never produced anything concrete, fills the pages of newspapers, television stations and network with statements false that disparages Italy.
Fortunately the majority of Italians have understood.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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I HAVE A SCOOP calls to alert ... BUT PLEASE!
I HAVE A SCOOP calls to alert ... BUT PLEASE!
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un grandissimo Berlusconi chiude la festa del PdL il 3 ottobre 2010
un grandissimo Berlusconi chiude la festa del PdL il 3 ottobre 2010
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Solito alleged scandal.
Solito case discovered by the prosecutor Woodcock. According to the interpretations of the judiciary
the words that you hear here, indicate that the deputy editor of Il Giornale, Porro, would try to blackmail and intimidate Ms. Marcegaglia, threatening to submit a dossier sulla famiglia o l'azienda della signora ...
Storia incredibile. A parte ascoltare il tono della telefonata tra Porro e Arpisella (segretario della signora Marcegaglia), la cosa più incredibile è la tesi secondo la quale un giornale che voglia fare uno scoop lo anticipi telefonicamente all'interessato!!
Ma come ragionano certi personaggi...???
Solito alleged scandal.
Solito case discovered by the prosecutor Woodcock. According to the interpretations of the judiciary
the words that you hear here, indicate that the deputy editor of Il Giornale, Porro, would try to blackmail and intimidate Ms. Marcegaglia, threatening to submit a dossier sulla famiglia o l'azienda della signora ...
Storia incredibile. A parte ascoltare il tono della telefonata tra Porro e Arpisella (segretario della signora Marcegaglia), la cosa più incredibile è la tesi secondo la quale un giornale che voglia fare uno scoop lo anticipi telefonicamente all'interessato!!
Ma come ragionano certi personaggi...???
Ocala Thigh High Stocking
Only 47% of Americans think that Obama is a better president than his predecessor George W. Bush, says a CNN poll.
, 45% believe President Bush one better.
The survey, done in the imminence of the midterm elections, are even more 'disheartening for the current U.S. President ... considering that a year ago, a similar question, the gap in favor of Obama was on Bush 23 points instead of the current two.
But some people in Italy, after two years of government and continued attacks constructed ad hoc from the left, continues to hold 60% of the electorate favor. It must be really good.
, 45% believe President Bush one better.
The survey, done in the imminence of the midterm elections, are even more 'disheartening for the current U.S. President ... considering that a year ago, a similar question, the gap in favor of Obama was on Bush 23 points instead of the current two.
But some people in Italy, after two years of government and continued attacks constructed ad hoc from the left, continues to hold 60% of the electorate favor. It must be really good.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
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On 2 October in the group of young Gricignano association Camurri ha manifestato in piazza Municipio per dire No alla violenza, in special modo quella barbara e spietata che devasta le nostre terre e per commemorare la nascita di Gandhi. Una giornata di riflessione sui valori della pace e della libertà, così l’hanno definita i giovani del sodalizio. Tra i vari interventi quello di Pino Tartaglia , noto psicologo-psicoterapeuta che opera nel nostro territorio, il quale si è soffermato sugli aspetti psicologici della violenza e quello di Stefano Manfredo , rappresentante del Movimento Umanista Campano, che ha tenuto a ribadire l’importanza della storia come maestra di vita, in particolare di tutte “le storie” che non ci sono state and there will never be told, like those of the "avoid war", not made. Much has been heard and shared reflection on a quote that Tartaglia did Freud, who at the beginning of World War II had this to say: "In Europe there is someone who confuses power with power" (the reference to the Nazi German of course). "The power - Tartaglia reiterated in his speech - has to do with authoritarianism, the power with the authority" . Again: "the power has to do with having the power by being" . Particular emphasis was given by Tartaglia in his speech to some aspects of being and having that E. Fromm addresses in his most famous publication, "To Have or to Be?" Indeed. "E. Fromm suggests an image - he wished to reaffirm Tartaglia - c he explains this concept: enjoy the beauty of a flower and smell the perfume gives us a feeling that we are left in, is part of ' be. Tear off the flower to take it with you "have", is possessed, is intolerance to life, and never have enough because it tends to fill a void within unbridgeable. Those who live for seeks to have the power but will never be powerful. The power, being, we find teaching and story of Gandhi. "The message that Pino Tartaglia gives the conclusion is unequivocal:" We must learn to recognize the violence that is within us, in everyday life, and in our relations in the power that they tend to exercise. should be respected and deeply respect each other without saying, respect nature, respect the children, respect elders, respect your opponent, it means love for life. "
Friday, October 1, 2010
Getting Flush And Sweating Feeling Faint
Other than elections - What can Italy to write a good deal for Europe for growth
While Rome was held pointless as the long-awaited rite of confidence in the Government, Brussels boasted one battle that will be crucial to our economy and the European Union: rewriting of the Stability and Growth Pact.
And the fact that the Premier in his dual relationship, the House and Senate, they have not been mentioned as the opposition have not used as an excuse to exercise their critical function, speaks volumes about the level of the political class we have. Fortunately, at least one of the theme has been busy and there is concern, I refer to Minister Tremonti, who was responsible for the line selected by Italy in this forum: along with France and Belgium - and into northern Europe, from Germany on - against the hypothesis that it adopts a regulation under which the Community against countries that fail to meet commitments to reduce current account deficit and especially the stock of debt and taking heavy automatic sanctions, and for the fact that the assessment on budgetary policies adopted by various governments to enter other elements and parameters, starting with private indebtedness (which in the case of Italy compensates significantly the public sector).
What was the real outcome of this hard tug of war we will see when you rewrite the treaties and especially when they are put into effect, as is however a compromise has now allowed all shouting victory. There is no doubt, however, that two things are clear. The first is that, after the crisis in Greece and the fears that have been rekindled in recent days about Ireland and Portugal, with their spreads over German bunds soared to historic highs, the focus of attention has shifted from deficit to debt.
A choice of priorities that change the internal relations within the Eurogroup and the Commission. With the Germans who want to - Are enough words full of triumphalism used by Merkel to comment the outcome of the confrontation - use the absolute firmness in requiring a repayment plans and applying penalties for those who do not respect them. Then again, you will only see the way those plans and what will be compulsory as automatic and heavy penalties, but there is no doubt that for an indebted country like ours, with a debt ratio to 118.5% for next year to increase by one percentage point will change not just the policy of public finance.
The second certainty emerged from the decisions taken in Brussels aimed at rewriting the pact is that Europe has once again focused on "stability" to the detriment of "growth." With consequences, this time for everyone, not just for Italy, very serious. Indeed, the more serious because we wanted to strengthen the supervisory regime of public accounts. Because the conjunction between restrictive budgetary policies and lack of development policies, could block the modest recovery already underway and reprecipitated to the Old World into recession.
short, the historical task they had - but let's say that, because we must not despair - European governments was (is) to rewrite and do not touch the pact, making it not only less stupid (and se gli automatismi aumentano, non lo si rende certo più intelligente) ma anche e soprattutto più articolato. Sì, certo, deficit e debito. Ma anche le politiche fiscali, quelli di welfare, quelle industriali. Per esempio, visto che un po’ tutti i paesi sono alle prese con riforme pensionistiche che hanno al centro la necessità di alzare l’età pensionabile, perché non stabilire una comune regolamentazione, fissando tempi di adeguamento e relative forme di incentivi-disincentivi? Tra l’altro, i paesi che hanno il debito alto – e peraltro se il parametro massimo rimane il 60%, praticamente un po’ tutti – se vogliono rientrare trovano proprio nella spesa pensionistica il primo rubinetto che devono stringere.
E questa regolamentazione comunitaria li favorirebbe, non fosse altro per meglio far digerire alle rispettive opinioni pubbliche misure considerate (a torto) impopolari. E come questa, tante altre possono essere le scelte da vincolare.
Così, come, al contrario sono molte le voci di investimento che possono aiutare la crescita che dovrebbero essere attivate in modo coordinato o addirittura comune. A questo fine, la proposta di eurobond per le grandi infrastrutture materiali e immateriali avanzata da Tremonti è un esempio di come si possa e si debba rivedere l’intero impianto della politica economica di Eurolandia. Ecco, è su questo e non altro che dovrebbe essere concentrata la nostra attenzione. E non sono argomenti da campagna elettorale. Mentre a Roma si svolgeva il tanto atteso quanto inutile rito della fiducia al Governo, a Bruxelles si consumava una battaglia che risulterà decisiva per la nostra economia e per quella europea: la riscrittura del Patto di Stabilità e Crescita. E il fatto che il premier nella sua doppia relazione, Camera e Senato, non ne abbia fatto cenno così come le opposizioni non l’abbiano usato come argomento per esercitare la loro funzione critica, la dice lunga sul livello della classe politica di cui disponiamo. Per fortuna almeno uno che del tema si sia occupato e preoccupato c’è, mi riferisco al ministro Tremonti, cui si deve la linea scelta dall’Italia in quel consesso: insieme a Francia e Belgio – and into northern Europe, from Germany up - against the hypothesis that we adopt a Community regulation whereby against countries that fail to meet commitments to reduce current account deficit and especially the stock of debt and taking heavy automatic sanctions , and for the fact that in evaluating the fiscal policies adopted by various governments to enter other elements and parameters, starting with private indebtedness (which in the case of Italy significantly offset the public sector).
What was the real outcome of this hard tug of war we will see when you rewrite the treaties and especially when they are implemented in practice, since as we too a compromise has now allowed all shouting victory. There is no doubt, however, that two things are clear. The first is that, after the crisis in Greece and the fears that have been rekindled in recent days about Ireland and Portugal, with their spreads over German bunds soared to historic highs, the focus of attention has shifted from deficit to debt. A choice of priorities that change the internal relations within the Eurogroup and the Commission.
With the Germans they want - full of triumphalism are enough words used by Merkel to comment the outcome of the confrontation - use the absolute firmness in requiring a repayment plans and applying sanctions for those not respects.
Then, again, you will only see the way those plans and what will be compulsory as automatic and heavy penalties, but there is no doubt that debt for a country like ours, with a debt ratio to 118.5 % for next year to increase by one percentage point will change not just the policy of public finance.
The second certainty emerged from the decisions taken in Brussels aimed at rewriting the pact is that Europe has once again focused on "stability" to the detriment of "growth." With consequences, this time for everyone, not just for Italy, very serious.
Indeed, the more serious because they wanted to strengthen the supervisory regime of public accounts. Why
conjunction between restrictive budgetary policies and lack of development policies, could block the modest recovery already underway and reprecipitated to the Old World into recession.
short, the historical task they had - but let's say that, because we must not despair - European governments was (is) to rewrite and do not touch the pact, making it not only less stupid (and if the automatic increase, not it certainly makes it more intelligent) but also more complex. Yes, of course, deficit and debt. But tax policies, those of welfare, those industriali.
Per esempio, visto che un po’ tutti i paesi sono alle prese con riforme pensionistiche che hanno al centro la necessità di alzare l’età pensionabile, perché non stabilire una comune regolamentazione, fissando tempi di adeguamento e relative forme di incentivi-disincentivi?
Tra l’altro, i paesi che hanno il debito alto – e peraltro se il parametro massimo rimane il 60%, praticamente un po’ tutti – se vogliono rientrare trovano proprio nella spesa pensionistica il primo rubinetto che devono stringere. E questa regolamentazione comunitaria li favorirebbe, non fosse altro per meglio far digerire alle rispettive opinioni pubbliche misure considerate (a torto) impopolari. E come questa, many others may be choices to be placed. So, like, on the contrary there are many items that can help investment growth, which should be activated in a coordinated way, or even common.
To this end, the proposal for eurobond for large and soft infrastructure made by Tremonti is an example of what can and should review the entire system of economic policy in Euroland. Here, it is on this and nothing else that should be concentrated our attention. And there are arguments to the election campaign.
Henry Cisnetto
And the fact that the Premier in his dual relationship, the House and Senate, they have not been mentioned as the opposition have not used as an excuse to exercise their critical function, speaks volumes about the level of the political class we have. Fortunately, at least one of the theme has been busy and there is concern, I refer to Minister Tremonti, who was responsible for the line selected by Italy in this forum: along with France and Belgium - and into northern Europe, from Germany on - against the hypothesis that it adopts a regulation under which the Community against countries that fail to meet commitments to reduce current account deficit and especially the stock of debt and taking heavy automatic sanctions, and for the fact that the assessment on budgetary policies adopted by various governments to enter other elements and parameters, starting with private indebtedness (which in the case of Italy compensates significantly the public sector).
What was the real outcome of this hard tug of war we will see when you rewrite the treaties and especially when they are put into effect, as is however a compromise has now allowed all shouting victory. There is no doubt, however, that two things are clear. The first is that, after the crisis in Greece and the fears that have been rekindled in recent days about Ireland and Portugal, with their spreads over German bunds soared to historic highs, the focus of attention has shifted from deficit to debt.
A choice of priorities that change the internal relations within the Eurogroup and the Commission. With the Germans who want to - Are enough words full of triumphalism used by Merkel to comment the outcome of the confrontation - use the absolute firmness in requiring a repayment plans and applying penalties for those who do not respect them. Then again, you will only see the way those plans and what will be compulsory as automatic and heavy penalties, but there is no doubt that for an indebted country like ours, with a debt ratio to 118.5% for next year to increase by one percentage point will change not just the policy of public finance.
The second certainty emerged from the decisions taken in Brussels aimed at rewriting the pact is that Europe has once again focused on "stability" to the detriment of "growth." With consequences, this time for everyone, not just for Italy, very serious. Indeed, the more serious because we wanted to strengthen the supervisory regime of public accounts. Because the conjunction between restrictive budgetary policies and lack of development policies, could block the modest recovery already underway and reprecipitated to the Old World into recession.
short, the historical task they had - but let's say that, because we must not despair - European governments was (is) to rewrite and do not touch the pact, making it not only less stupid (and se gli automatismi aumentano, non lo si rende certo più intelligente) ma anche e soprattutto più articolato. Sì, certo, deficit e debito. Ma anche le politiche fiscali, quelli di welfare, quelle industriali. Per esempio, visto che un po’ tutti i paesi sono alle prese con riforme pensionistiche che hanno al centro la necessità di alzare l’età pensionabile, perché non stabilire una comune regolamentazione, fissando tempi di adeguamento e relative forme di incentivi-disincentivi? Tra l’altro, i paesi che hanno il debito alto – e peraltro se il parametro massimo rimane il 60%, praticamente un po’ tutti – se vogliono rientrare trovano proprio nella spesa pensionistica il primo rubinetto che devono stringere.
E questa regolamentazione comunitaria li favorirebbe, non fosse altro per meglio far digerire alle rispettive opinioni pubbliche misure considerate (a torto) impopolari. E come questa, tante altre possono essere le scelte da vincolare.
Così, come, al contrario sono molte le voci di investimento che possono aiutare la crescita che dovrebbero essere attivate in modo coordinato o addirittura comune. A questo fine, la proposta di eurobond per le grandi infrastrutture materiali e immateriali avanzata da Tremonti è un esempio di come si possa e si debba rivedere l’intero impianto della politica economica di Eurolandia. Ecco, è su questo e non altro che dovrebbe essere concentrata la nostra attenzione. E non sono argomenti da campagna elettorale. Mentre a Roma si svolgeva il tanto atteso quanto inutile rito della fiducia al Governo, a Bruxelles si consumava una battaglia che risulterà decisiva per la nostra economia e per quella europea: la riscrittura del Patto di Stabilità e Crescita. E il fatto che il premier nella sua doppia relazione, Camera e Senato, non ne abbia fatto cenno così come le opposizioni non l’abbiano usato come argomento per esercitare la loro funzione critica, la dice lunga sul livello della classe politica di cui disponiamo. Per fortuna almeno uno che del tema si sia occupato e preoccupato c’è, mi riferisco al ministro Tremonti, cui si deve la linea scelta dall’Italia in quel consesso: insieme a Francia e Belgio – and into northern Europe, from Germany up - against the hypothesis that we adopt a Community regulation whereby against countries that fail to meet commitments to reduce current account deficit and especially the stock of debt and taking heavy automatic sanctions , and for the fact that in evaluating the fiscal policies adopted by various governments to enter other elements and parameters, starting with private indebtedness (which in the case of Italy significantly offset the public sector).
What was the real outcome of this hard tug of war we will see when you rewrite the treaties and especially when they are implemented in practice, since as we too a compromise has now allowed all shouting victory. There is no doubt, however, that two things are clear. The first is that, after the crisis in Greece and the fears that have been rekindled in recent days about Ireland and Portugal, with their spreads over German bunds soared to historic highs, the focus of attention has shifted from deficit to debt. A choice of priorities that change the internal relations within the Eurogroup and the Commission.
With the Germans they want - full of triumphalism are enough words used by Merkel to comment the outcome of the confrontation - use the absolute firmness in requiring a repayment plans and applying sanctions for those not respects.
Then, again, you will only see the way those plans and what will be compulsory as automatic and heavy penalties, but there is no doubt that debt for a country like ours, with a debt ratio to 118.5 % for next year to increase by one percentage point will change not just the policy of public finance.
The second certainty emerged from the decisions taken in Brussels aimed at rewriting the pact is that Europe has once again focused on "stability" to the detriment of "growth." With consequences, this time for everyone, not just for Italy, very serious.
Indeed, the more serious because they wanted to strengthen the supervisory regime of public accounts. Why
conjunction between restrictive budgetary policies and lack of development policies, could block the modest recovery already underway and reprecipitated to the Old World into recession.
short, the historical task they had - but let's say that, because we must not despair - European governments was (is) to rewrite and do not touch the pact, making it not only less stupid (and if the automatic increase, not it certainly makes it more intelligent) but also more complex. Yes, of course, deficit and debt. But tax policies, those of welfare, those industriali.
Per esempio, visto che un po’ tutti i paesi sono alle prese con riforme pensionistiche che hanno al centro la necessità di alzare l’età pensionabile, perché non stabilire una comune regolamentazione, fissando tempi di adeguamento e relative forme di incentivi-disincentivi?
Tra l’altro, i paesi che hanno il debito alto – e peraltro se il parametro massimo rimane il 60%, praticamente un po’ tutti – se vogliono rientrare trovano proprio nella spesa pensionistica il primo rubinetto che devono stringere. E questa regolamentazione comunitaria li favorirebbe, non fosse altro per meglio far digerire alle rispettive opinioni pubbliche misure considerate (a torto) impopolari. E come questa, many others may be choices to be placed. So, like, on the contrary there are many items that can help investment growth, which should be activated in a coordinated way, or even common.
To this end, the proposal for eurobond for large and soft infrastructure made by Tremonti is an example of what can and should review the entire system of economic policy in Euroland. Here, it is on this and nothing else that should be concentrated our attention. And there are arguments to the election campaign.
Henry Cisnetto
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