Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Bmi To Look Good Women

Camurri host father Alex Zanotelli Gricignano

Gricignano. Camurri The association, in collaboration with the consortium Impre.co. and with the moral support of the town of Gricignano, promoted a series of films for educational titled "The Cinema Center." "The idea - says the head of the association Franco Spinelli - stems from the desire to promote the art of film criticism and to address key with a constructive approach to the problems that afflict our region, trying to trigger a series of reflections that will hopefully lead to a rethinking of its critically lifestyles, in a territory which is too often to be sharing injustices perpetrated by a few to the detriment of society. It is a case in the issue of illegal disposal of waste, municipal waste and special. The plain bell, in fact, has become a sort of gas chamber in which human lives are turned off slowly, with the thousands of daily burning of waste of all sorts of loads that emit dioxins and other toxic substances whose liability is attributable mainly to malpractice imperante tra i cittadini campani”. Da qui l’esigenza di far cadere durante una delle quattro proiezioni di film, quella di sabato 12 settembre, una delle tappe della Carovana del CoReri (Coordinamento regionale rifiuti) a cui ha aderito l’associazione CamUrrà, che vedrà la partecipazione di padre Alex Zanotelli e di alcuni responsabili dell’Assise di Palazzo Marigliano di Napoli. Il cineforum avrà luogo nell’area parcheggio di via Selicara, nei pressi di piazza Municipio, a partire dalle ore 20.30.

Si inizierà sabato 5 con la proiezione di Gomorra di Matteo Garrone, film tratto dall’oramai best seller Roberto Saviano, the early projection of the advertisement that promotes the event "World March for Peace

" organized by the Humanist Movement worldwide. Following debate on the need for joint action planned by the local associative realities on "Nonviolence".
Saturday 12 will be the turn of the documentary film "A Mountain Dance" at 20.30, with narration by Ascanio Celestini, which describes the waste emergency bell in recent years. The screening will be preceded, at 18, with debates on the environment, the presence of representatives of the WWF. This event is part of the "Caravan of Corera. Saturday 19 "Biutiful Cauntri" Another important documentary film that tells the dramatic emergency related waste in Campania, which will be attended by Raffaele del Giudice, head of Legambiente Campania.
The last meeting was set for Friday 25
with the screening of the short film "VQ14" (Forbidden to some less than 14 years), by succivese Angelo Cretella , this for the occasion, and the film "Crash" by Paul Haggis.
"One way to promote and expand our territory," said attorney Gianni Migliaccio . "I believed from the outset in this project carried out by the students association Camurri, our region needs young talent, energy of young people like those of this association, to build a viable company. "


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