Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ratchet Clank Rhino V Faq

Friday, October 2 "La Notte Peace and Nonviolence "

Humanist Association ONLUS Reciprocity Size Humanist Association ONLUS, backed by the moral of the Second Municipality and the City of Naples, are proud to present the initiative "Municipality in March" - "Night for Peace and Nonviolence" on October 2, 2009, from 17.00 to 24. The initiative consists of an artistic journey that citizens are invited to make between the Piazza di San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli, Largo Banchi Nuovi, Via Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce, Piazza San Domenico, Piazzetta Nilo, inspired by the performances of street artists , comedians, children's entertainment, dance schools, and will culminate in the exhibition of Marco Zurzolo Band, who will play on the stage set up in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore. On October 2 2009, artisti, artigiani, negozianti, scuole, e tutti gli abitanti del centro storico daranno vita ad una serata di festa allo scopo di dare un importante contributo alla ricostruzione del tessuto sociale, necessario per il superamento dell’intolleranza e della diffidenza, barriere alla pace e alla nonviolenza. La serata terminerà con l’invito al pubblico, da parte di tutti gli artisti e i volontari presenti, ad intonare in coro “Imagine” di John Lennon. La conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’evento avrà luogo il giorno 1 Ottobre alle ore 12 presso la Libreria Ubik, Via Benedetto Croce 28, Napoli. L’iniziativa è parte di un progetto globale dal nome MARCIA MONDIALE PER LA PACE E LA NONVIOLENZA, consisting of the journey of a group of volunteers from different nations and cultures which starts October 2nd, 2009 from New Zealand and will cross six continents to end January 2, 2010 in Punta de Vacas, Argentina in the Cordillera of the Andes. The World March is aimed at raising awareness of a large part of civil society on issues of nuclear disarmament and non-violence, and convergence of the social partners towards a path of peace. In this work a strong sense of synergy with other associations in the area has contributed to the event. Associations that have joined: The Community for Human Development, Convergence of Cultures, the Humanist Party, Cam Hooray, Peace and Disarmament Committee, Illimitarte, Silo's Message, the future reality, Union of Students. Invitation to press conference to present the event, where we will be happy to answer any questions that you are submitting. For info Alberto F. Sanci 3332186627


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