Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Scrapbook Daisy Birthday Invitations

Stories from the student protests - the flash mob that degenerated into conflict, 07/12/2010


Tra gli studenti dei collettivi gira un foglietto, recante la data 7/12/10, giorno in cui i privati delle compagnie "Telethon" e "Fondazione Roma" facenti parte di Confindustria, entrano nell'Univesità pubblica LaSapienza di Roma e si riuniscono con il CdA (consiglio d'amministrazione) a discapito del potere studentesco, i cui rappresentanti diminuiranno da 3 a 1 per fare spazio ai nuovi arrivati.
Anche se la riforma non è stata ancora approvata dal Senato, Confindustria non esita a riunirsi a riunirsi comunque con il CdA, tanta la volontà e le pressioni esercitate, in quanto la riforma DDL Gelmini rappresenta per loro un ulteriore ampiamento del bussines.
Il foglio che girava fra gli studenti propone un flash mob – sit in davanti alla sede di "Fondazione Roma" vicino a via del Corso. L'evento non è stato molto diffuso per evitare di andare a creare una manifestazione unauthorized. In fact joined in this protest only about fifty students. On the morning of 7, all gathered in their own right, met at Piazzale Aldo Moro and then they all went together outside the headquarters of the Foundation of Rome.
With smoke and banners the students have just entered the lobby of the building have suffered threats and harassment of vigilantes who in turn, panicked and began to tug strongly the boys by threatening to "shoot him in the head," in fact himself, trying to close the glass door, and because of pressure from the pushing, broke and crumbling hurt some guys.
exiting students from the atrium unrolled a banner that went over the "Out of the Private University", largely students of psychology to which belonged the same banner.
After repeated attempts to wrest away the banner vigilantes preventing students to demonstrate peacefully, the group broke up to return to university faculties.
Some of them went to piazza S. Sylvester right where it was already the DIGOS who seemed intent on not wanting to return students home, first by starting and then stopping all buses, as opposed to journalists from the Republic ( Gaia Scorza Barcelona and Valeria Pini) have falsely wrote the students have not rolled out on any banner and no smoke at Piazza San Silvestro but they were just trying to return to their homes or faculty. A few seconds later they came in haste from which two police cars, as they are opened, the department immediately loaded swift those 20-30 students left from that group that had been dispersed. Any attempt at mediation by the older students proved useless. The only response of the police was that they were "avenging" the manifestation of the 30/11 today that students were few. While charging six students, the first taken with truncheons, were arrested, after a further 6 by the police hidden in the alleyways. Students guilty only of having peacefully expressed their disagreement with regard to reform, put in police custody with the senseless reasons for resistance to the officer and unauthorized demonstration.
Students remained at this point communicated to all other groups by the incident as a press conference at the Faculty of Political Science students to experience how it was possible and decide what to do. E 'in this way that we could bring together all those students to go 60-70 to claim, under the police station, the release of arrested students, and not through the group "book block" facebook as the journalists of the Republic have invented.
fortunately all ended with a happy ending after 20 minutes of those arrested were released with great enthusiasm of all students between the chants of "all free" and "Rome free", without need to sit down in the street as some had proposed.

Dario Lapenta


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