Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Chest Infections

student demonstrations of December 14, 2010

Civil War!
the event of 14/12/2010, Rome

The clashes between students and workers against the forces of 'order has been tightened even more blurred in real battles. Events that demonstrate the obvious fact that popular discontent has reached great heights and resulted in a veritable revolt against the government and institutions. The idea that the clashes were provoked by a few troublemakers today has crumbled like a sand castle, thousands of students and workers were involved in guerrilla warfare, from which it was now impossible to avoid. Aquila's homeless, citizens still Terzigno with mountains of garbage in their city, a reform that takes no account of the views of students, a government loses a confidence vote in parliament for three corrupt, unjust repression of the day past and the impossibility of going to manifest in the corridors of power, all of which have helped to blow up the spill- jar of tolerance. "Without a strong response from the students this would be a day like any other," said one boy interviewed by TV LaSapienza, a sentence that is understood as a peaceful demonstration, unfortunately, is not no good: the figures always belittled by the media , the order information to the defense of the powers that be have contributed to the lack of resonance and collective ignorance of past events.
University students of each university will be the first well-organized: the lawyers ready in case of any arrest, four trucks with buckets of paint and balloons in bags of rotten vegetables that were distributed to the demonstrators in the early file, which tirandoli, hanno ricevuto risposta dalle forze di polizia tramite il lancio di alcuni lacrimogeni.
E gli studenti preparati a difendersi con i libri-scudi, caschi e pezzi di limone per alleviare il bruciore dei lacrimogeni.
La seconda e più dura battaglia è avvenuta verso Piazza Del Popolo, dove, proprio come una guerra fra due eserciti opposti, si potevano sentire bombe carta esplodere a centinaia, fumogeni e oggetti lanciati verso le camionette della polzia, come in un fronte nemico, da infondo a via del Corso. I feriti che giungevano in piazza venivano addirittura subito medicati con fasce e punti dagli studenti di mericina. E' in questo momento che sono state date alle fiamme un auto blu e una camionetta dell'AMA e un'altra della polizia. Le cariche dei celerini arrivarono sino al centro della piazza dove a furia di lacrimogeni e manganellate si aprirono un varco, nella piazza v'erano migliaia di studenti non violenti, che sono stati picchiati e cacciati con violenza, schiacciati verso i due archi che sboccano sulla via flaminia, è stato questo il culmine della battaglia, le camionette della polizia e della guardia di finanza fecero a il giro della piazza a circa 80km all'ora senza preoccuparsi di schiacciare i manifestanti, quando gli studenti più pacifici, sempre rimasti in fondo al corteo, anch'essi violentemente picchiati, la reazione fu doppiamente violenta e le forze dell'ordine, tra cui la guardia di finanza, non furono in grado to read: Thousands compete in launch of cobblestones, stones and pieces of iron of all kinds, which were also taken from a truck stuck in traffic directly to a site some (certainly not put there specifically by students), allowing the protesters to defend themselves. During the simultaneous launch of each type of object could be heard screaming as if piamo Rome! "
Cruciani Journalists should understand that their propaganda on the payroll of the Confindustria industrial will be useless and mostly clear, the clashes were not caused by a group of black bloc (designed by many as a move-organized and numerous, whereas no which 30 are in Italy) or some infiltration of the police, but the anger and discontent of the people less and less heard and considered by its leaders.
The event was attended by many movements: the People Viola, the CARC, Workers' Communist Party, various anarchist groups, the third movement but also thousands and thousands of students out of any political perspective and free citizens.

Dario Lapenta

the battle of Piazza del Popolo :
the paint on the police
un manifestante brutalmente picchiato



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