Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Inexpensive Italian Dinnerware

Camurri racism

... we are waiting!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Enema Clinics In New Jersey

WWF Climate "Do not be stupid!"

Appointment for Thursday, December 17 at 20:30 , with the "WWF Agro Aversano Naples-North Coast and Domitius ," which at its head ( Church of Sant ' Eufemia - Carinaro ) will screen "The Age of Stupid ", a film on the theme of climate change, supported by Greenpeace and WWF for his compelling message delivered at the Climate Summit in Copenhagen during a .
The Age of Stupid (The Age of Stupid) covers the period by the rise of the internal combustion engine before passing limit of 2 ° C in the race for global warming (roughly 1850-2020). So it is written in a history book of the future ...
The protagonist, Pete Postelethwit and is an elderly gentleman in the devastated world of 2055, looking at a photographic archive of 2008 asked, "Why do not we stop climate change when we had the chance?"
Greenpeace and WWF " The changing climate is certainly a dramatic theme, and our way of life is often illogical and stupid, but we have a chance to stop in time, avoid the most dramatic and uncontrollable warming comprehensive and correct the distortions of our great era. Otherwise we will inevitably be remembered as the Age of Stupid, which they knew and pretended not . "
Franny Armstrong, director of the film said:" our response to climate change will define our generation, the same way that end apartheid, banning slavery or to the moon has defined previous generations. At the moment, we are living in an age of stupidity, The Age of Stupid, but there is still time to change things .

The film is in English with Italian subtitles. Admission is free


Monday, November 30, 2009

Sterling Silver Metal Detectors

Camurri and Social Networks

Carinaro 27.11.2009
President Franco Spinelli to the Congress On Social Anonymous - "Social Networks", organized by "Youth" Carinaro. Among the guest speakers, as well as the various leaders of the association carinarese, Dr. Mark Cinquegrana (trainee lawyer), Dr. Anna Maria Cangiano (trainee lawyer), Dr. Sarno Silvano (counselor integrated evolutionary psychoanalysis), Raffaele Lisbino (Secretary, ' Association "Youth") and the young writer Sant'Antimo Domenico Reccia

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Can You Still Get Paregoric

Peace Accords in Gricignano

As part of efforts to promote "World March for Peace and Nonviolence," which began on October 2 last year in Wellington (New Zealand) and proceed to the final destination, Punta de Vacas (Argentina), the January 2, 2010, the association Camurri, after joining the "Night for Peace and Nonviolence" Friday's wanted in the historical center of Naples, it is proposed greet this great event even Gricignano. And it does so with an initiative called the singular unequivocal: "Peace Accords". This is basically a gathering of of all lovers and guitar players where everyone will be asked to play and sing the song Imagine the famous English singer-songwriter John Lennon. Followed by a musical moment with Tammuriata. The parade is scheduled at 18:30 on Friday October 9th in Piazza Municipio, where preparations will be made (guitar tuning) and then continue with the projection (on the premises of the House of Retired) of the film Crash and the short film VQ14 the young and famous director Angelo succivese Cretella, two works already in the program spent the last stage of review in September "The Cinema Center," which jumped programming for an encore "of the Department Gricignano culture: a karaoke night with a fashion show held in a few tens of meters away from the space intended for the film club. The boys of the club invite all those interested to take part in the rally to attend the special meeting Thursday, 8 in the premises of the House of Retired City Hall, designed just for organizing the event.


What is the "World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

The event involves more than one million participants, all six continents concerned, 160 thousand km: the numbers of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence speak of an event of historic significance. From 7 to Nov. 12 is scheduled to arrive in Italy. A symbolic journey that will involve people from different countries and cultures to create a new era of peace and nonviolence in a world torn by global conflict.

Site event

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ratchet Clank Rhino V Faq

Friday, October 2 "La Notte Peace and Nonviolence "

Humanist Association ONLUS Reciprocity Size Humanist Association ONLUS, backed by the moral of the Second Municipality and the City of Naples, are proud to present the initiative "Municipality in March" - "Night for Peace and Nonviolence" on October 2, 2009, from 17.00 to 24. The initiative consists of an artistic journey that citizens are invited to make between the Piazza di San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli, Largo Banchi Nuovi, Via Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce, Piazza San Domenico, Piazzetta Nilo, inspired by the performances of street artists , comedians, children's entertainment, dance schools, and will culminate in the exhibition of Marco Zurzolo Band, who will play on the stage set up in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore. On October 2 2009, artisti, artigiani, negozianti, scuole, e tutti gli abitanti del centro storico daranno vita ad una serata di festa allo scopo di dare un importante contributo alla ricostruzione del tessuto sociale, necessario per il superamento dell’intolleranza e della diffidenza, barriere alla pace e alla nonviolenza. La serata terminerà con l’invito al pubblico, da parte di tutti gli artisti e i volontari presenti, ad intonare in coro “Imagine” di John Lennon. La conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’evento avrà luogo il giorno 1 Ottobre alle ore 12 presso la Libreria Ubik, Via Benedetto Croce 28, Napoli. L’iniziativa è parte di un progetto globale dal nome MARCIA MONDIALE PER LA PACE E LA NONVIOLENZA, consisting of the journey of a group of volunteers from different nations and cultures which starts October 2nd, 2009 from New Zealand and will cross six continents to end January 2, 2010 in Punta de Vacas, Argentina in the Cordillera of the Andes. The World March is aimed at raising awareness of a large part of civil society on issues of nuclear disarmament and non-violence, and convergence of the social partners towards a path of peace. In this work a strong sense of synergy with other associations in the area has contributed to the event. Associations that have joined: The Community for Human Development, Convergence of Cultures, the Humanist Party, Cam Hooray, Peace and Disarmament Committee, Illimitarte, Silo's Message, the future reality, Union of Students. Invitation to press conference to present the event, where we will be happy to answer any questions that you are submitting. For info Alberto F. Sanci 3332186627

Monday, September 21, 2009

Emily18 Login Information

successful event! "Naked" for the Land of Fires - ROGHE to STOP!

Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 10:30 in Via Duomo Naples,

Association "The Land of Fire" with the associations for the ISDE Doctors' Environment Naples, Assisi and the city of Naples in southern Italy, Federation Assocampania Felix Acerra-Nola-Giugliano, Artists socially useful association Camurri, WWF-Agro Aversano Naples North Coast and Domitius, Research Center Workshop Volturno, the newspapers inform, Action Giovani Acerra - Young Italy, List 30, Illimitarte, Gas Committee, Mothers and Families of Marcianise, August 29 Acerra Women's Committee, Association "House of Social Rights, why not?" Delegation of the Presidium of the Civic Committee Antidiscarica and "The Rose of the winds of Chiaiano" Meetup Amici di Beppe Grillo di Napoli, Caserta, Giugliano, Calverley, Portici, Pozzuoli, Salerno and Avellino have filed a distribution of leaflets, with artistic performance, to inform and sensitize citizens and institutions about the ongoing arson and special waste dire consequences for public health. The participants of the

, associations, committees, artists, supporters and ordinary citizens, to raise public awareness on the problem of toxic fires in Campania, with a sign of mourning on the arm, have dipped their bare hands with the red and on the pavement of the Cathedral have placed a banner bearing the slogan: "STOP THE ROGHE.

Red did not want to draw the blood of the patron saint of the city, but the blood of those who get sick and die of cancer and diseases imputable to environmental pollution (ISS data 2004 and 2008). Instead, their hands stained with the blood of those who are within the institutions, although powers and responsibilities - not speaking - are complicit in those who commit these crimes.

For years, the stakes are systematic and newspapers, hung to illegally dispose of and recover certain types of hazardous materials, toxic and dangerous. They are used both in suburbs and towns throughout the region, more frequently in the provinces of Naples and Caserta.

The phenomenon has its roots in organized crime, for which the time was called for the intervention of the competent institutions, but to date nothing has changed.

On the website of Video-Complaint http://www.laterradeifuoch there are thousands of photos and videos documenting the environmental destruction every day in which citizens assist the vulnerable. The dire consequences of this criminal practice impinge on us all.

Every day, thousands of families directly affected serious trouble and breathing toxic fumes that endanger the health. Even those who live far from the fires indirectly liable for the consequences and impact of these criminal activities on the environment and food chain.

"We say enough and break the wall of silence, indifference and ignorance - so said the initiative Ferrillo Angelo, president of the" Land of fires - These fires are toxic and seriously endanger the health of all people, putting at risk also led the entire agro-food industry that affects the whole of Europe and Italy "

The invitation was extended to all citizens to say sufficient and break the wall of indifference and silence. A silence becomes an accomplice to this crime.

The association "The Land of Fire", expressed its satisfaction-performance event. We managed to involve the faithful gathered at the cathedral for the patron. Despite the absence of official media, with blood on their hands have sent a message with a strong symbolic meaning: Stop burning toxic!

We thank the supporters and all who participated and made the event possible, or committees, associations, individuals, everyone.


for "The Land of Fires", Angelo
Ferrillo - resp. of the Web Site

Photo and video of the day are available on the Your Website or by Facebook.

for info and contacts:
website: http://www.laterradeifuoch
tossici consumato dall’allelanza fra un Nord Italia ricco, operoso e senza scrupoli e le nuove forme della criminalità organizzata della Campania. Al termine del film seguirà la presentazione del libro di Giuseppe Messina (nella foto a dx), agronomo di Legambiente e consulente presso il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, “Indicatori per una pianificazio
ne territoriale ecosostenibile – Il caso Campania”. Moderatore dell’evento sarà
Nicola Capone (nella foto a sx), coordinatore del Co.Re.ri. (Coordinamento Regionale Rifiuti), il quale animerà anche un dibattito sullo stato dell’ambiente e sullo stato della salute dei cittadini assieme all’autore Text Peppe Messina and Dr. James Bell (in the photo down on the right), doctor of Casaluce complaint is that for years ndo the appalling increase in neoplasms in the countryside Aversa, reiterating the need to create a "Cancer Registry" on the territory of competence ASL Ne2. The organizers invite everyone to take part in the initiative, "with the hope - make a statement - to gain more awareness about an issue, as the incidence of tumors in the Campania region, crucial for those in this area there lives and does not want to let him emigrate to a sad fate. " The event is scheduled for Saturday at 19 20.00, in the parking Selicara Street (near Piazza Municipio).

[photographs by Franco Spinelli]

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Fix Broken Ironing Board

Camurri presents the latest book by Peppe Messina

Gricignano. The event on the environment organized by Camurri Gricignano Saturday, September 12th will be the presence of Father Alex Zanotelli and the Caravan of Co.Re.ri (Regional Coordination waste in the region). parking area via Selicara, near Town Hall Square, at 20.30 will be screened the movie "A mountain di balle”, con introduzione del regista. Saranno presenti il Wwf Agro Aversano-Napoli nord e Litorale Domizio. Un appuntamento che rientra nell’ambito della rassegna “Il Cinema al Centro” , organizzato da CamUrrà, in collaborazione con il consorzio, e col patrocinio morale del comune di Gricignano. Il programma proseguirà sabato 19 con la proiezione di “Biutiful Cauntri”, altro importante film-documentario che racconta la drammatica emergenza legata ai rifiuti della Campania. L’ultimo appuntamento è fissato per venerdì 25 con la proiezione del corto cinematografico “VQ14” (Vietato a qualche minore di 14 anni) del regista succivese Angelo Cretella, presente for the occasion, and the film "Crash" by Paul Haggis. article from

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Bmi To Look Good Women

Camurri host father Alex Zanotelli Gricignano

Gricignano. Camurri The association, in collaboration with the consortium and with the moral support of the town of Gricignano, promoted a series of films for educational titled "The Cinema Center." "The idea - says the head of the association Franco Spinelli - stems from the desire to promote the art of film criticism and to address key with a constructive approach to the problems that afflict our region, trying to trigger a series of reflections that will hopefully lead to a rethinking of its critically lifestyles, in a territory which is too often to be sharing injustices perpetrated by a few to the detriment of society. It is a case in the issue of illegal disposal of waste, municipal waste and special. The plain bell, in fact, has become a sort of gas chamber in which human lives are turned off slowly, with the thousands of daily burning of waste of all sorts of loads that emit dioxins and other toxic substances whose liability is attributable mainly to malpractice imperante tra i cittadini campani”. Da qui l’esigenza di far cadere durante una delle quattro proiezioni di film, quella di sabato 12 settembre, una delle tappe della Carovana del CoReri (Coordinamento regionale rifiuti) a cui ha aderito l’associazione CamUrrà, che vedrà la partecipazione di padre Alex Zanotelli e di alcuni responsabili dell’Assise di Palazzo Marigliano di Napoli. Il cineforum avrà luogo nell’area parcheggio di via Selicara, nei pressi di piazza Municipio, a partire dalle ore 20.30.

Si inizierà sabato 5 con la proiezione di Gomorra di Matteo Garrone, film tratto dall’oramai best seller Roberto Saviano, the early projection of the advertisement that promotes the event "World March for Peace

" organized by the Humanist Movement worldwide. Following debate on the need for joint action planned by the local associative realities on "Nonviolence".
Saturday 12 will be the turn of the documentary film "A Mountain Dance" at 20.30, with narration by Ascanio Celestini, which describes the waste emergency bell in recent years. The screening will be preceded, at 18, with debates on the environment, the presence of representatives of the WWF. This event is part of the "Caravan of Corera. Saturday 19 "Biutiful Cauntri" Another important documentary film that tells the dramatic emergency related waste in Campania, which will be attended by Raffaele del Giudice, head of Legambiente Campania.
The last meeting was set for Friday 25
with the screening of the short film "VQ14" (Forbidden to some less than 14 years), by succivese Angelo Cretella , this for the occasion, and the film "Crash" by Paul Haggis.
"One way to promote and expand our territory," said attorney Gianni Migliaccio . "I believed from the outset in this project carried out by the students association Camurri, our region needs young talent, energy of young people like those of this association, to build a viable company. "

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Camurri proposes to "The Cinema Center"

With the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Region of Campania and 25 municipalities that host Centers for the provision of waste recovery fractions, and in accordance with the Framework Agreement ANCI-CONAI 2009-2013, the City of Gricignano di Aversa , with the help of volunteers from the " Camurri " launched the project on its territory "Campania Clean" by which all citizens, voluntary associations and parishes can collect and deliver paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum and steel directly to the Center collection platform set up at the local agreement with the National Packaging Consortium ( CONAI), receiving in return un corrispettivo. COME CONSEGNARE I rifiuti da riciclare dovranno essere separati, svuotati, puliti e possibilmente ridotti di volume.I cittadini, al momento del conferimento, dovranno essere muniti del Codice Fiscale e di un documento d’identità valido (Carta d’identità o Patente) MODALITA’ DI CONFERIMENTO I rifiuti riciclabili possono essere consegnati presso la SOCIETA’ RECUPERO IMBALLAGGI S.R.I. di Gricignano di Aversa (Zona Industriale - Stabilimento ERREPLAST) nei giorni feriali con la seguente modalità:
Martedì e Giovedì 14:00 - 17:00 ● Sabato 9:00 - 13:00
DELIVER WHAT PAPER: cardboard, paper, cans and boxes, beverage cartons CA brand, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, photocopies. PLASTIC bottles, bags, bottles for detergents and toiletries, pots, pans. Glass: bottles, cans or jars. ALUMINUM
: beverage cans, trays, foil, cans, tins.
STEEL : barattolame, milk cans, cans, caps.

FEES may be granted up to 100 kg total per day per person / association / parish. The amounts provided for
per 100 kg conferred are: Aluminium € 28.80, € 18.93 Plastic, Steel € 5.63, Glass € 2.17, € 1.84 Charter.
The amount is up to each citizen association or parish for the contributions made will be available at all branches of the Italian Post Office as of Friday of the week following that in which the transfer was completed. For more information:
Call Center "Campania clean 081 2444 081 (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Harley Davidson Jackets


Association Cam_Urrà
is close to the earthquake victims in Abruzzo. For anyone wishing to send financial assistance, provide accommodation, or know how to offer your help, here the various public and telephone contact numbers, postal and banking cc provided by Civil Defence, various voluntary associations, from Italian Post Office, banks and hotels in Abruzzo. Thanks.

information and offers of aid: Civil Protection of Regione Abruzzo

Toll 800861016 and 800860146

Current availability hotel rooms for displaced

Numero verde per notizie sugli alloggiamenti degli sfollati
Numero verde 800 324 171
Donazioni attraverso telefonia mobile

Tim, Vodafone, Wind e 3 Italia, sentito il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, hanno attivato il numero solidale 48580 per raccogliere fondi a favore della popolazione dell’

.Come già in altre occasioni, ogni Sms inviato contribuirà con 1 euro, che sarà interamente devoluto al Dipartimento della Protezione Civile per il soccorso e l’assistenza.

Donazioni da telefono fisso

E’possibile donare 2 euro con chiamata da rete fissa di Telecom Italia, chiamando il numero: 48580.
Croce Rossa Italiana

I versamenti possono essere effettuati sul Conto corrente bancario n. 218020 n° 218020 presso: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Filiale di Roma Bissolati - Tesoreria - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Roma intestato a Croce Rossa Italiana Via Toscana, 12 - 00187 Roma. Coordinate bancarie (codice Iban): IT66 - C010 0503 3820 0000 0218020 - Causale: pro terremoto


oppure sul Conto


postale n. 300004 intestato a: «Croce Rossa Italiana, via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma - Codice Iban: IT24 - X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004 Causale: Pro Terremoto Abruzzo ;
with payments, or online at: / donazioni.html


To support action in progress (cause "Earthquake Abruzzese") can be sent to Caritas offered by Italian C / C postale n. 347013 or by UniCredit Banca di Roma SpA IBAN IT38 K03002 05 206 000 401 120 727.
The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy invites you to send donations using the following account

current post specifying the reason "Earthquake
" No ccp 38016002 - IBAN: IT 54 S 07601 03200 000 038 016 002, payable to: Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, Via Firenze 38, 00184 Rome. Italian Italian Post Offices has made available an account
current , number 10 40 0000, to collect funds for earthquake victims, at the request of the Abruzzo Region . Subscribers will be able to pay their contributions in all 14 thousand post offices through bulletin account
current post or on line.

The Monte dei Paschi di Siena
launched a fundraiser to help the people of 'Abruzzo affected by the earthquake. Anyone who wants to contribute to the collection of solidarity can make a deposit into account current name of "pro-Abruzzo earthquake

" - bank "COD. IBAN IT 33 E 01 030 14 200 000 008 620 017 "- specially opened by Banca Mps.

Donations are exempt from any fees or commissions. E 'can also make payments through the call center
MPS Bank, by bank debit or credit card by calling the toll free number 800414141
. UniCredit in turn has opened an account to support the current population. Anyone who wants to help and give help and support for population and territories affected by the earthquake will be able ', even through the Internet, ATM or directly to the agency, use the Account


payable to' Solidarity 'Abruzzo earthquake
"opened with UniCredit Banca di Roma
Iban: IT 96 S 03002 05 132 000 414 414 414. Federcasse, OPEN 'FOR CREDIT COOPERATIVE' ABRUZZO
' The Italian cooperative credit system launches fundraising initiative called' The Co-operative Credit for 'Abruzzo '. This was communicated Federcasse (the Association of the 440 cooperative banks and rural banks Italian) spiegando che a questo fine e’ stato aperto un apposito conto
presso Iccrea Banca Spa (l’Istituto Centrale del Credito Cooperativo)
del quale si forniscono le coordinate: Iccrea Banca Spa,
n. 32000 (Codice Iban: IT 28 Q 08000 03200 000800032000) intestato a Federcasse; causale “Il Credito Cooperativo per l’
Abruzzo ”. IL CENTRO Il quotidiano d’ Abruzzo “il Centro” di concerto con il gruppo editoriale Finegil-Repubblica-L’Espresso e con le Casse di risparmio dell’Aquila - Carispaq, di Pescara - Caripe e di Teramo - Tercas lancia una sottoscrizione popolare per aiutare le famiglie aquilane sconvolte dal tremendo sisma del 6 aprile.
Chiunque volesse contribuire con una somma in denaro può farlo utilizzando i numeri di


corrente sotto elencati:
Banca CARISPAQ SPA Vittime terremoto L’Aquila” Codice Iban: IT 53 Z 06040 15400 000 000 155 762 Codice BIC: BPMOIT22XXX
Banca CARIPE SPA “Raccolta fondi pro terremotati d’ Abruzzo

Codice Iban: IT 19 B 06245 15410 000 000 000 468

presso Banca Caripe Spa Sede Pescara Corso Vittorio Emanuele 102/104 - Pescara. CODICE BIC: BPALIT34


“Raccolta fondi pro terremotati d’

Abruzzo Codice Iban: IT 48 L 06060 15300 CC 090 005 35 65 presso Banca Tercas Spa Sede Teramo corso San Giorgio 36 - Teramo.

“Ministero della Protezione Civile Pro Terremotati Abruzzo
Codice Iban: IT 31 H 06050 15500 CC 001 008 30 00

Friday, April 10, 2009

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How to help earthquake victims in Abruzzo. Back

Cam Urrà di Gricignano di Aversa
è lieta di annunciare che nei
days 5, 6 and 7 June 2009 will take place

Second Edition of "Three Days of Culture in Gricignano
. An event, that of "Three Days," that two years after its first edition is repeated while maintaining the noble objectives that have led to the creation of this event and that is, those in search of tools to promote culture and socially in our country and in general throughout our territory.

The initial project was born from the idea to organize a photographic exhibition

that, through the revival of vintage images that have captured places, sights, events, festivals, rallies, corners of the city of Gricignano decades ago, aims to discover the origins of our population and the activities that have resulted in the development of our territory.

"One way, one of the images, particular, unique in its kind, to tell the story of our people. A tool that photo, which comes where words and writing as tools for understanding the past, most of the time not come, and that is to preserve the memory. The memory of what we were. The memory of who we were. Because we believe that only with a living memory and more specifically, only understand who we can become fully aware of our enormous potential for success in social and cultural freeing us once and for all those labels and those platitudes that constantly threaten to cancel our dignity. "
The organization of the event will be the result the collaboration of all citizens of Gricignano di Aversa and not only give their contribution through the provision of old photos and / or family movies. The photos will be worth collected, as in the previous edition of the event, as a result of ads over the Internet and advertised through posters and leaflets. It is the responsibility of the organizers keep the photos and movies are collected only for the time required for inclusion in a special multimedia archive.

Also for the purposes specified above, it is the intention of the organizers set up a "
info: # / group.php? Gid = 60943917736 Franco Spinelli - cell. 333 57 81 651

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Average Cost Declawing Cat

the "Three Days of Culture in Gricignano"

WWF's position sull'inceneritore Acerra
An incinerator threatens public health and the environment

Acerra incinerator can be disposed
about 2000 tons per day of waste, but none of the

entered will disappear from the fundamental premise of Lavoisier, that says
nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed,
it follows that the fire will convert the waste into a series of highly hazardous by-products

One such facility will produce ash and slag at about 30 % by weight of what you will:

about 2000 tons
produrrà 600 tonnellate ,al giorno, di ceneri e scorie da

smaltire in discariche,

emetterà comunque ogni giorno oltre 11,5 milioni di metri cubi di fumi che con il loro carico di inquinanti contamineranno aria, suolo e acque.

    “E’ questa la scomoda
  • verità che viene largamente sottaciuta o dichiarata “controllabile”,- ha detto Ornella Capezzuto,presidente delegato del WWF Campania -“ma la tragica esperienza della gestione dei rifiuti in Campania and serious cases of misconduct of incinerators in other parts of Italy (Colleferro) induce the WWF, now more than ever, to report any risks to health and the environment that may result from the operation of this facility " . Moreover, even a system that respects the limits of law can issue (under) up to 100 picograms of dioxin per cubic meter.
  • Since dioxins, furans, PCBs, metals are particularly dangerous because heavy persistent (they tend to concentrate in the environment) and bioaccumulative (they tend to concentrate along the food chain).
  • The Acerra plant even if it were to emit less than 50 picograms of dioxin per cubic meter (ie half of the limit provided by law) will, however, each day a total quantity of these substances, approximately 550 million picograms . Given that the tolerable daily dose for an adult of 70 kg weight is about 140 picograms, the amount of dioxins emitted from the incinerator will be every day of Acerra, equates to a daily tolerable dose for a population of nearly 4 million of adults: nearly 10 times the entire population of Acerra
  • .

The same could be fatto per tutti gli altri composti inquinanti: a ulteriore prova che gli attuali limiti di legge rappresentano una "condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente" a tutelare la salute dei cittadini e dell'ambiente. Il WWF che da anni ha proposto in Campania un ciclo dei rifiuti virtuoso, dichiara la forte

preoccupazione circa l’inquinamento che l’impianto di Acerra

produrrà in un'area già fortemente compromessa dal punto di vista ambientale.

Se dovesse essere pienamente attuato il Piano del Governo, a causa del sovradimensionamento degli impianti di incenerimento, si annulleranno le politiche most virtuous of waste that must pass through the decrease in production and take-off of separate collection aimed at the recovery of materials. WWF reiterates the urgent need to immediately begin serious and concrete steps in that direction.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Clock Oil Vs Sewing Machine Oil

a fire Deceit: attention!

Cam Hurrah
organized for the day Friday, March 20, 2009 at 19:00 at the Council Hall of Gricignano di Aversa
, presentation Book
CAMPANIA Infelix , written by journalist Raitre, Bernardo Iovene
in collaboration with

Nunzio Lombardi, president of the Committee for the Protection of the Right to Health.

The event promoted by the newly formed association gricignanese, marks yet another step in the path of diffusion of a literary work in which the historian journalist reports, live broadcast on Sunday evening on Raitre, wisely told the story that during few decades have completely ravaged the Campania Felix (fertile Campania), which for centuries has been notable for the extraordinary quality of soils and today certainly continues to be outstanding, but the violence with which criminal activities related to eco-mafia, accompanied by a wicked manage well quattordici anni di commissariamento, hanno letteralmente avvelenato questo territorio. La presentazione, cui parteciperà la co-autrice del libro, Nunzia Lombardi , sarà seguita da un dibattito sulla “correlazione tra malattie e stato dell’ambiente” che vedrà tra gli ospiti: il dottor Giacomo Campanile

, medico di base di Casaluce, da anni impegnato nella lotta al degrado ambientale e sulla necessità di istituire un registro dei tumori sul territorio; il dottor

Antonio Marfella , tossicologo-oncologo della fondazione “Pascale” di Napoli; il dottor Giuseppe Messina , agronomo di Legambiente Campania; Anna Fava

delle Assise di Palazzo Marigliano; Ferrillo Angelo, president of The Land of Fires, Di Giacomo Ronza Environment City Council of the City of Gricignano di Aversa. interventions will be moderated by Vincent Viglione and Tweety Lucariello.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Little Finger Goes White

Gricignano di Aversa: Presentation of the book "CAMPANIA Infelix"

March 14, 2009 Dear Commissioners,
in June 2008 filed with the protocol office of the City of Lusciano careful observation on the state of waste collection in the country, highlighting various discomforts reported by many citizens participated ad un convegno organizzato dalla nostra Associazione proprio in tema di rifiuti. In particolare indicammo alcuni disservizi relativi ad una scarsa gestione della raccolta differenziata; all’assenza di un adeguato numero di cassonetti per la raccolta dei rifiuti speciali ed al mancato svuotamento di quelli esistenti; segnalammo la mancanza di controlli; di incentivi per la diffusione di prodotti col metodo del “vuoto a rendere” o con diffusione “alla spina” ecc.
Nel settembre dello stesso anno protocollammo una richiesta di collaborazione tra il Comune ed il nostro nucleo di guardie ambientali volontarie, disponibile ad affiancare ed aiutare le forze armate locali nel controllo di determinate zone del paese in cui si verificano sversamenti illegal waste. To date, however, nothing has been done, none of our proposals has been taken into account, and the result is that the state prevailing in the country can say is, lately, only worse. Only limited report a case of two roads where more than one year is not only removed a trash bag: Via D'Azeglio, which borders the area of \u200b\u200bthe fair and weekly via Leopardi. We ask you to intervene immediately, first by cleaning up these streets, and then all the others and we ask also to improve services and strengthen the system of collection, saying that the WWF provides free use of its powers and its volunteers in order to improve the lives of citizens and the environment in which they live. Sincerely, Dr. Francesco Autiero - Agro Aversano President of WWF-Naples North Coast and Domitius. Dominic Mottola - vice principal. WWF-Agro Aversano Naples North Coast and Domitius. Dr. Alessandro Gatto - Head of the WWF waste of Campania.

Order Custon Running Shirts

Open letter from the "WWF-Agro Aversano Naples North Coast and Domitius" addressed to the Commissioners of the City of prefectural Lusciano. Urban Green

Association Camurri WWF and Agro Aversano - Naples North Coast and Domitius , following several meetings to study on the utility of urban green spaces, have developed a policy governing the mode of protection and increase of public green aimed at the containment of air pollution and noise (addressed today to the competent bodies of the City of Gricignano di Aversa).
This paper results from the desire to protect the quality of existing plants and to suggest guidelines on the installation of new plant species, avoiding recourse to actions which are, as aesthetically valuable, of little use in maintaining the ecological balance of ' urban ecosystem. In this case one can refer to the example of blatant planting carried out in Corso Umberto I ° of the plant species Washingtonia filifera (Palma California) myths native to areas of America North, which as we have seen, fails to develop its natural conditions of life within our Mediterranean ecosystem. This is demonstrated by the complete absence of flowering and the remarkable proliferation of attacks by parasites. Condition, the latter resulting from the absence of natural predators of insects that attack these species.
choice, that of the ilex, which does not require special effort because of its massive presence on our territory, the daughter of folk wisdom of our ancestors who, for good reason, they thought of using this species to adorn the streets and squares of our countries. Striking example of this philosophy the can be found in the town hall square with trees that have always been the set of natural events that mark the history of our country.

However, with great regret, in recent years has had to watch helplessly in our country, the decimation of these trees and therefore is the primary commitment of the association Camurri and WWF, to ensure that the municipality itself with a practical tool for environmental protection and in particular of urban green.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Vision Looks Like Kaleidoscope

in Gricignano: Camurri and WWF propose the rules! He was born in Aversa

Press Release No. 1

Hurrah, whose name means "photo-video camera" and "cheers" (means of expression Art in which the association wants to give priority), an association socio-cultural, non-partisan, born cone in order to make culture and promote the area through the volunteer work based on the principles of humanism and history of the Humanist Movement activist . It wants to be a bulwark of civilization and fight against all the degradations, from the social to the environment, because of the reality of living in an area too often left to fend for itself. The association wants to be first and foremost a laboratory of ideas and projects to enhance and promote positive forms of sociality that have as their goal the construction of the "common good" for this is open to all citizens, and not Gricignano, who want to somehow help to improve the civil and social life of the territory. The association is the brainchild of Franco Spinelli
, photographer and video maker, have long been interested in involving young and less young people in projects to promote cultural Gricignano. The project construction associations have gradually associated with various people, young and old, from varied realities of associations, and unions from the religious to the business of agro Aversa different countries and also of Vesuvius, all linked by the need to work to improve their lives and the lives of others through the promotion of various forms of artistic expression. In several meetings prior to the establishment of the association has also provided identification of associative positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively assigned to election Franco Spinelli (photographer, video maker),
Antimo Verde (dependent company purifiers), Tweety
(Graduated in biotechnology) and
Gianluca Di Luise
(Oct. Accountant). Other hand, constitute the Board of the association Vincent Viglione (archietetto) and stufenti
Carmine Colella,
Anna Guarino
Filomena e Cristina Di Ronza
Mario Della Gatta
Tra i molteplici scopi che l’associazione intende portare avanti vi sono i seguenti: diffondere gli ideali della cultura umanistica e della reciprocità, diffondere la cultura cinematografica e fotografica nel mondo giovanile e non, diffondere la cultura antirazzista ed il rispetto per le diversità, diffondere la cultura della pace e della non violenza, allargare gli orizzonti didattici di educatori, insegnanti ed operatori sociali, in campo artistico in genere, e nel campo della educazione ambientale e dello sviluppo sostenibile, porsi come punto di riferimento per quanti, svantaggiati o portatori di handicap, possano trovare, nelle varie sfaccettature ed espressioni della cultura in genere, nella fattispecie filmica e fotografica, un sollievo al proprio disagio; organizzazione di attività culturali: convegni, conferenze, dibattiti, seminari, proiezioni di films e documenti, concerti, sagre e feste a tema, lezioni - concerti, pratiche di rispetto per l’ambiente, corsi di fotografia e di regia cinematografica per bambini e ragazzi a partire dai 3 anni e per giovani ed adulti, mostre fotografiche, rassegne cinematografiche, passeggiate fotografiche, forme di interscambio con giovani meno giovani di altre associazioni con i medesimi fini;

L’associazione intende promuovere nei primi mesi di attività i seguenti scopi:
Organizzazione della “Tre giorni per la Cultura a Gricignano”.
Valorizzazione e promozione dei beni storici ed architettonici di Gricignano, con particolare attenzione per il complesso monumentale agreste di S. Maria a Piro Progettazione di eventi nell’ambito della “Marcia mondiale per la Pace e la non violenza”. Organizzata dal Movimento Umanista su scala mondiale. Lavorare affinché l’amministrazione di Gricignano si faccia carico della creazione di una “Biblioteca Comunale”. Valorizzazione patrimonio ambientale del comune di Gricignano: lavorare affinché il comune di Gricignano si doti di un “Regolamento del verde urbano”. Intervento del presidente Franco Spinelli :
“E’ la coronazione di un sogno, far lavorare in sinergia le varie realtà del mondo giovanile di Gricignano, assieme a realtà associative di altre città, alla costruzione del bene comune, al di là delle logiche deprimenti della politica, oramai sempre più autoreferenziale ed incapace di dare delle risposte concrete ai cittadini che anelano ad un cambiamento delle proprie esistenze. Non siamo e non saremo mai un’associazione volta a far politica, ma intendiamo, con la nostra propositività, con le nostre logiche costruttive e non disfattive, dare un contributo serio per migliorare la qualità della vita a Gricignano ed in generale su tutto il territorio”.

Intervento del vice presidente
Antimo Verde
: “Ho trovato nei ragazzi che hanno partecipato alla costituzione dell’associazione una voglia di fare e di cambiamento che non riscontravo da parecchi anni a questa parte. Sto qui a dirlo in quanto ho un pò di esperienza in più rispetto a tutti quanti gli altri, ho 42 anni, e per questo intendo contribuire al progetto apportando tutte le mie esperienze associative e sindacali; è un bene che ci sia un’associazione come la nostra a Gricignano, è da anni che manca quel fermento sociale capace di ridare speranza in un futuro migliore”.

Intervento del Tesoriere
Gianluca Di Luise
: “Sono rimasto entusiasta fin dalla prima lettura della bozza progettuale attorno a cui stava nascendo l’associazione. Nobilissimi gli scopi e le attività che si intendono portare avanti, in particolar modo mi stanno a cuore tutti i progetti che si intendono sviluppare sul territorio di Gricignano. Un’associazione, date le qualità umane di tutti gli associati, unica nel suo genere. Sono certo di poter dire che imboccheremo la strada buona per poter creare finalmente, per il nostro paese, qualcosa che sia una vera alternativa policy "
Speech by Secretary
Lucas: Finally something is moving at Gricignano, I am very happy because for years Moolto Gricignano young people are forced to make themselves useful to the community, to participate in activities and initiatives of other countries , juices, and Cesa Carinaro for example, where there are group activities flourishing in the wake of a rich and varied youth proposal.