Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Do I Mount Front Licence Plate? Honda Pilot

On 2 October in the group of young Gricignano association Camurri ha manifestato in piazza Municipio per dire No alla violenza, in special modo quella barbara e spietata che devasta le nostre terre e per commemorare la nascita di Gandhi. Una giornata di riflessione sui valori della pace e della libertà, così l’hanno definita i giovani del sodalizio. Tra i vari interventi quello di Pino Tartaglia , noto psicologo-psicoterapeuta che opera nel nostro territorio, il quale si è soffermato sugli aspetti psicologici della violenza e quello di Stefano Manfredo , rappresentante del Movimento Umanista Campano, che ha tenuto a ribadire l’importanza della storia come maestra di vita, in particolare di tutte “le storie” che non ci sono state and there will never be told, like those of the "avoid war", not made. Much has been heard and shared reflection on a quote that Tartaglia did Freud, who at the beginning of World War II had this to say: "In Europe there is someone who confuses power with power" (the reference to the Nazi German of course). "The power - Tartaglia reiterated in his speech - has to do with authoritarianism, the power with the authority" . Again: "the power has to do with having the power by being" . Particular emphasis was given by Tartaglia in his speech to some aspects of being and having that E. Fromm addresses in his most famous publication, "To Have or to Be?" Indeed. "E. Fromm suggests an image - he wished to reaffirm Tartaglia - c he explains this concept: enjoy the beauty of a flower and smell the perfume gives us a feeling that we are left in, is part of ' be. Tear off the flower to take it with you "have", is possessed, is intolerance to life, and never have enough because it tends to fill a void within unbridgeable. Those who live for seeks to have the power but will never be powerful. The power, being, we find teaching and story of Gandhi. "The message that Pino Tartaglia gives the conclusion is unequivocal:" We must learn to recognize the violence that is within us, in everyday life, and in our relations in the power that they tend to exercise. should be respected and deeply respect each other without saying, respect nature, respect the children, respect elders, respect your opponent, it means love for life. "


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