Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sample Church Welcome Speech


released on 24 November "The Victorious" , interview-biography written by Stephen Victor Felts Lorenzetto of Corriere della Sera. Here are some excerpts regarding the relationship between Felt and Silvio Berlusconi.

to the independent newspaper. How did you come to know that Montanelli was leaving and that Berlusconi had thought about you?

"John Belingardi informed me that Knight wanted to know. In the spring of 1993 I went to lunch at Arcore. The newspaper lost a fucking copies and the publisher Smena there from 7000 to 8000 million lire a year. I did the independent copies and earned the filoleghista, Il Giornale losses. And where they ended up losing as many copies as the paper? To me. This curious fact Berlusconi, who candidly admitted: "I like most of The Independent Newspaper". That's it. It's not that I volunteered to become Director of the Newspaper. "

But I wondered if you'd agreed to do so?

"Yes. And I told him I would get pleasure and fear at the same time, because after driving Il Giornale di Montanelli Montanelli would be very risky. But I confess that the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing the Pope gave me a thrill. "

Then what happened?

"Berlusconi Rincontrai day of August, again at lunch at his house, just the two of us. And there he told me he wanted me with him, but not to the Journal, like all wrote. No, I wanted to Channel 5, with a contract manager, to do something. What, I do not even know him, maybe it was just a way to keep me tied to the cabin, ready for any eventuality. Only that the contract did not ever. '.

final offer when he arrived? And by whom? Berlusconi?

"Never, absolutely. Not treated and untreated with Knight, but do you think? No, he came by his brother Paul, the majority shareholder of the newspaper. It was early January 1994. They made the economic and legislative proposals. I declined immediately. They called me back and accepted my terms. It was a billion, just to be clear. "

You continue to argue that the Knight does not ever call you.

"I say and I repeat It is also useless because nobody believes. From 1994 to the end of 1997 I have called three or four times.. "

E Meeting in person?

"Very rare. I tell you how I set when I was in Libero. Sometimes faxed to his secretary, Marinella Brambilla, short handwritten messages intended for Berlusconi and he promptly responded with the same means. "

Berlusconi would say that you surf around to feel in awe.

"What nonsense. To me he never said. Instead, I read somewhere that I'm the balls "

But you have this feeling?

"No, just to keep up with the balls not. But who among us there is not any kind of dialogue is quite true. "

He complains constantly of the disasters that combines .

"Berlusconi ago the politician. Should kick me, but I'm back here just one year. How does it do? Berlusconi did not then that's not one who dismisses the people. "

He never fired anyone in his company.

"But you have to spit in the face , owe, because you resign!

I try not to take advantage of it, I just do my duty. Even if I write things that may bother, I do some with the intention of inguaiarlo.

Apart from that time, in 1997, which was to reform the Constitution and you with a fund and didst send him a title shot the two chambers. The agreement with D'Alema had already done.

"They go on television, Mr Berlusconi and D'Alema, to celebrate the agreement by Bruno Vespa, talk, explain, smiling. At half past eleven in the evening the butler knocks on door to door and entered the studio with two copies of the freshly printed newspaper. The title was "mess-ups live." D'Alema desperate Berlusconi as well, but always smiling. Vespa was expecting me to come impaled on the spot. But nothing, absolutely nothing happened.

Since then I have never reproached a shit, you know? But people do not believe "

http://www. / watch? v = ORm3uNMcb1I


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