Friday, November 12, 2010

What Ti Write In A Wedding Card


The problem is that the reprimand to Felt as usual in Italy there is actual real ossimori.L 'order of journalists, in fact, the structure of fascist monopolized by a trade union of journalists left.

But "our enemies" draw strength from the fact that liberal journalists have never saputi held to hear their peso.Quindi now is no use crying. Just as the Socialists and Christian Democrats were unable to counterattack, and then appropriate steps to open a left-wing magistrates appropriate dossiers on financial crimes and not the PCI.

That, in fact, is the Achilles heel of former communists and post.

you saw last night when the sting reactions Fassino, a "Porta a Porta", while the so Quagliariello (finally) instead of the nuanced history, has made it clear once and for all people in common and that more than ninety percent measures of expenditure che hanno triplicato il debito pubblico italiano furono proposti dal Pci e che è a loro che è caduto sulla testa il Muro di Berlino, e non a "noi"?

Questa è la strada maestra per defintivamente rottamare (il povero Renzi non ci riuscirà mai, visti i Poteri Forti che la sostengono), l'attuale classe dirigente del Pd, che da allora è sempre la stessa che, guardacaso, stava col pugno chiuso.

Fino a quando non si provocherà una crisi politica e di credibilità nel Pd, mettendo platealmente di fronte i post comunisti alle loro terrificanti responsabilità, "sputtanandoli" una volta per tutte, anche e soprattutto per avere attuato il terroristico Colpo di Stato giudiziario di Mani Pulite, from which they are also the current political instability, not to get out, we can not reclaim the political climate (in which a Communist as the Bersani still, as if the bowling club in Brisbane after two gallons of Lambrusco, sprawling screams, no one to take it in raspberries, that the Cav has made Italian politics "a sewer"), and can not be postponed to make the reforms (especially that of Justice) to make the country finally free, efficient and effectively democratic.

The heroic task falls to us, Felt, in Belpietro to Sechi and Ferrara. So: full speed ahead and up your hearts!

Aldo Reggiani


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