Thursday, March 10, 2011

Create Your Own Wrestler Card

Comunicato di Anonymous ai cittadini italiani - Operation Libya

Here's the statement posted by Anonymous on the blog with which to communicate with the Italians ( on the situation of the Arab World.

Anonymus is an organization composed of anonymous hackers who act in a coordinated manner, with an agreed objective approximately. Organization known for the creation of numerous protest actions as attacks on companies Amazon, Paypal, MasterCard, Swiss PostFinance Visa and the bank in response to attitudes of these acts for a boycott of Wikileaks. Anonymous has recently targeted the sites of the Government of Tunisia, attacking them with success, Anonymous has called these attacks as part of "Operation Tunisia".

Operation Libya - Italian citizens Press

Anonymous is on the side of Libyan citizens against the violent repression that the regime of Muammar Gaddafi is implementing. No one can
no longer remain indifferent to the ongoing tragedy.
Despite the disruption of internet and telephone services, we have set up a channel of communication with our friends in Libya, who have posted on Facebook and YouTube their testimonies.
Through these mercenaries have seen and used snipers against civilians who were demonstrating peacefully, inspired by the liberation of Egypt. We followed the doctors in hospitals, overwhelmed by the number of wounded. We saw children and children deliberately killed. We saw the violence continue to increase until complete absurdity and inhumanity of bombing raids on the squares! Some Libyan soldiers who refused to fire on their countrymen were so brutally murdered.
Here are some dramatic examples: Libyan soldiers who had passed on the side of the protesters were burned.

This and other material is available to any journalist who wants to tell the truth.

The complaints by the so-called "democratic West" arrived too late. Any intervention is already late, but still essential.
The statistics speak of a real war in file:
You are at least 519 deaths, 3980 feriti, 1500 dispersi (fonte: International Coalition Against War Criminals) e il bilancio cresce di ora in ora.
Il governo italiano, di fronte ad un popolo che muore per la sua libertà, si preoccupa dell'immigrazione e antepone gli accordi economici e strategici al rispetto dei diritti umani.
Amici italiani, state perdendo la fondamentale capacità di indignarvi ai soprusi e alle ingiustizie, accettando qualunque cosa vi venga detta dai media tradizionali. E' giunto il momento di svegliarsi da questo torpore. Dimostriamo di essere migliori di chi ci governa: diamo il nostro supporto al popolo libico.

Noi siamo Anonymous
Tu sei Anonymous
Noi non dimentichiamo i soprusi
Noi non perdoniamo le ingiustizie
Aspettateci --Sempre--


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