Saturday, February 5, 2011

African Butterfly Fish Brackish

Dear fellow psychologists, these are the facts. We want to do?

Piccinini's letter to all the Italian psychologists

report some facts , pose open questions and ask you if and what we should / could do as a psychologist. The article is long, perhaps, but the issue is not trivial and requires accurately trace elements in play, to highlight serious anomalies in the case on which to mobilize. Will you please take a few minutes time! On 12 October, I raised the issue of aggregation of Psychology in Medicine , I resumed on November 2 highlights some anomalies , the debate has been developed and are obviously revealed positions for and against positions. I posted a worrying informed of SIMPSI on top observation of doctors (more than aggregation talking about cannibalization ) and just yesterday a nice article on psychology and the parable of the prodigal son where you claim the full dignity and autonomy of scientific , Cultural and Social Psychology. Yeah ... the thing happened at La Sapienza University in Rome, but involves the whole psychology Italian!
For one month of this debate is perhaps appropriate to set some stakes . The information is still in progress and any further info you can point out to me privately so as to better define the picture.
The Rector of La Sapienza of Rome is Prof. Luigi Frati , Doctor. University La Sapienza is the largest Italian university and among the first in Europe (or maybe the first) as to the number of students enrolled. Translated: what happens here can be e guideline. The Vicar
Provost of the University of Rome is Prof. Francesco Avallone , Work Psychologists (former Dean of Psychology 2 of Rome, a supporter of Culture & Profession - OP Lazio leadership - as evidenced by the election posters and press email the C & P's previous elections ordinistiche). It reads: " The Provost works with the Deputy Rector, replaces him in his absence or when delegated for this, direct care as well as some specific areas of intervention .
The reorganization has been activated on the basis of DDL 1905 the Minister of Education M. Gelmini. The Decree is currently being considered in committee ( C.3687 ). In other words, it is not pienamente attuativo, ed in più con l’attuale situazione di Governo del paese non è dato sapersi se mai lo diverrà.
In particolare è interessante l’Art. 2 comma 2 ” organi e articolazione interna delle università “  nei punti in cui afferma:
  • riorganizzazione dei dipartimenti assicurando che a ciascuno di essi afferisca un numero di professori, ricercatori di ruolo e ricercatori a tempo determinato non inferiore a trentacinque, ovvero quarantacinque (ndr: La Sapienza rientra qui) nelle universita` con un numero di professori, ricercatori di ruolo e term exceeding one thousand units, relating to scientific areas homogeneous
  • the number of questions (note: the right to be created) can not be no more than twelve .
There is clear? Whatever the internal reorganization to a university, according to the Gelmini Law (for more under discussion to be concluded no one knows when), we can not establish more than 12 new faculty! The
new set La Sapienza University of Rome providing for eleven (11!) . Translated: the 12 available by law, choose not to use them all, so much so that it remains a possible option self-imposed.
scroll through the list of the new order are - among others - the establishment of the options:
  • Pharmacy and Medicine ,
  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Medicine and Psychology
then observe that the area "Medicine" was merged on 3 different fronts in the form "Medicine and ..." medieval flavors of colonization culture. We discover then that the new Faculty of Medicine and Psychology is composed of:
  • Clinical and Molecular
  • Medical-surgical Clinical sciences, translational medicine and Tecnobiomedica
  • Neurosciences, Mental Health and organs - NESMOS
  • Psychology Psychology of development processes and socialization
  • Structure Dynamic and Clinical Psychology
  • Women's Health and Medicine territorial
Finally, we note that the new Dean the new Faculty of Medicine and Psychology Prof. Vincenzo is Ziparo ( Medical ).
These are the facts. If you know of more please let me know!

Open Question
The statement of SIMPSI and also the article on the prodigal son shows clearly the danger of this combination for Psychology, but of course sometimes the imagination exceeds reality, and so is right there are also colleagues with different beliefs. The questions that do not concern the goodness of the choice or not. Do not cover the WHAT but the HOW was handled this reorganization.

First Question
was possible to establish 12 new Faculty, La Sapienza has decided to establish 11. Amalgamating the three existing departments of Psychology and in the case by aggregating the most relevant department "Neuroscience, mental health and sense organs" we could meet the requirements of the bill 1905 and remain independent. Why do we have instead decided to "go under" Medicine? Law, Engineering, Architecture remained independent, the Faculty of Psychology of Padua (numerically much smaller than that of Rome) will remain independent at all costs. Why Psychology of Rome has donated to Doctors?

The Second Question Bill 1905 by Minister Gelmini is currently being examined in committee. And even if implementation was to all intents and purposes would still be a time to help the Italian universities to adapt and regroup. In fact, most Italian universities have not yet started working on the possible reorganization due to the 1905 bill. And in those few where you started (see the discussion in Tuscany and Veneto), the Department of Psychology have publicly indicated that it wishes to maintain its independence. Why the University La Sapienza of Rome, the most largest in Italy, decided to move well in advance of any deadline and need it done? Why did this reorganization cooked and eaten, which will be well aware of direction and guidance for other Italian universities?

Third Question
Why was not involved the community of fellow psychologists Lazio? In the Faculty of Psychology in Rome, students complain of a total lack of information and a lack of involvement in this change, which had started work well before the summer. The psychological Lazio, even reflected at the end of September 2010 in games played (13 Set is signed reorganization), and does so by sending a newsletter to all members containing an interview with the Deputy Vice Chancellor Francis Avallone (the group to advocate for more government dell'OPLazio - Culture and Occupation - which, incidentally, decided to interview him about things without producing a watered-down chat with Mulino Bianco in the whole world is beautiful and good). Council in mid-October, even the President OPLazio Marialori Zacharias in his classic space flash updates, among other things it lists that quickly then there was the aggregation of Psychology in Medicine and the assurance that we will surely read Avallone interview ... like you were parlando del prossimo seminario gratuito all’Ordine. Perché quindi una simile riorganizzazione è stata gestita sotto traccia senza MINIMAMETE coinvolgere, né informare la comunnità dei colleghi?

Quarta Domanda
A fine Ottobre, alla seduta del CNOP (Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi) il Presidente Toscana ha chiesto di trattare la questione laziale (conosciuta attraverso questo blog e non per bocca di OPLazio o Università) in OdG. L’hanno inserita 17° su 19 punti, ed ovviamente non trattata per mancanza di tempo.  La Psicologia sotto Medicina è argomento caldo quanto la volontà del MIN Salute di allargare gli ECM a tutti i professionisti area of \u200b\u200bhealth (also a psychologist who deals with sports, business or marketing so to speak!). Why CNOP continues to melina on these two issues, telling who has already published letters and press releases on the site (3 people visiting per month!), But in fact let time pass? The CNOP, it is useful to know, 20 years is maintained by the SEPA, Health Psychologists. It 'also good to know that the Syndicate AUPI, I believe as a result of a law Brunetta will be liquefied in a doctor's largest union. CNOP Why does not assume these two conditions with a strong impact on our profession, but rather melina is leaving to spend time? There are interests at stake? There are "exchange of favors" on the upper floors? Who knows?

Fifth Question
In January 2010 we had the elections for the renewal of the Board ordinistiche. At that time thousands of colleagues voted their representatives. In all the programs you read about election commitment to protect and promote the profession of psychology and psychologist. Annually Each one of us is called to pay a significant share ordinistica to remain a member of an Order which would protect the profession. To what extent we can say that what is happening TRASD received the mandate to govern from the voters? what extent we can say that Culture and Occupation in Lazio, and the majority AUPI CNOP are contrary to promises made during elections and for which they were elected by a majority of colleagues? We can say that is not the bond of trust? Who have not committed to adequately inform colleagues who have made the government of the profession, or to make them participate in this reorganization process so important?

Sixth and last
Question To what extent this reorganization dictated by La Sapienza University in Rome ahead of time and under track, helps to flatten the scientific and cultural identity and dignity of Psychology under the hat and medicalizzante doctor? In which measures the lobby medical / pharmaceutical is trying to bring under its wing all forms of psychological distress and social? How these powers are stronger - or not - willing to recognize those who "gives" the opportunity to become "socially mark holder" of knowledge and response to any form of discomfort, or the opportunity to develop business exponentially (it see the peak of antidepressants in post-DMS recognition of postpartum depression)? To what extent this trend of scientific and cultural psychology to the detriment of the Citizen's Right to Health? What responsibilities before civic knowledge and ethics, and then professional e deontologiche ha ciascuno psicologo nel lasciare o meno che tutto scorra come nulla fosse?
I maggiori collaborazionisti della riforma:

Vincenzo Ziparo

                                                                                          Francesco Avallone


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