Saturday, February 5, 2011

Terry Cloth Shower Curtain


guide the revolt of the "bread"
Matteo Montieri

"Ben Ali has gone to Saudi Arabia, that this government should also"
The square Tunisia

Proudhon began his most famous work in disbelief wondering why some human evaluation, " if I were to answer the question: What is slavery and I answered with a single word: it is murder, my thought would be immediately understood ... so why in another question what is property? I can not answer the same way: it is a theft without being sure of not being understood, though this second proposition is that a transformation of the former? "Every revolt that has raged sul globo aveva in se insito il senso di espropriazione che pervade i rivoltosi, il fuoco, l'origine di un dissenso è nel desiderio di non venir burlati, truffati, derubati, veder cadere le disuguaglianze delle proprietà con loro stesse. Ne è un candido esempio il focolaio di rivolte che si esteso nel nord Africa, in particolare modo in Algeria e in Tunisia. Nel primo caso la rivolta sembra essersi placata dopo la decisione del ministero del commercio di rivedere la sua decisione e abolire quindi la tassa sui beni di prima necessità. La causa principale del dissenso in entrambi i paesi è data innanzitutto dal costo della vita divenuto insostenibile per famiglie che vivono al di fuori di intrallazzi criminosi e politici, infatti i costi dei beni alimentari hanno subito un incremento pari al venti per cento. Il malcontento è però difficilmente mono-causa, la popolazione tunisina è scesa in piazza anche perchè non riuscivano più ad accettare di essere sottoposti ad un potere sempre più brutale come quello di Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali ritenuto uno dei più restrittivi e spietati dittatori, basta considerare la fine del ventiduenne cantante Ben-Amor, in carcere con l'accusa di aver composto un opera scomoda al regime. Il malcontento non nasce da un giorno ad un altro era da molto tempo all'interno delle menti del popolo, ma la cosiddetta goccia che ha fatto traboccare il vaso, è stato il suicidio di un giovane laureato, Sidi Bouzid che vedendosi togliere il suo mezzo di sostentamento, un banco di frutta che portava avanti abusivamente, per la disperazione si diede fuoco. Un gesto che non può lasciare impassibile la folla che imperversa nelle strade senza più niente da perdere, in questa situazione c'è chi non vuol preservare la sua vita vista come un peso una tortura quotidiana, è il caso Falhi of which launches on electricity wires and die in agony in the middle of a demonstration, shouting "No to poverty, no unemployment!" The squares are occupied by young people, the more fragile social group whose rate of unemployment touch thirty percent, even though many are able to complete their studies crowned with a degree specializing in the hopes of having a safe and rewarding work, however, is not at all well because after sweating in the study are to elbowing for a place in square where they had a fruit stand. The stability of the situation was been guaranteed by an agreement between the Tunisian population and the state, this agreement provided that the state would guarantee the assets of primary importance (bread, sugar ...) in exchange for not meddling in the politics of the country, this faux romance is going crumbling as the government gradually has failed to bargain, hoping to be able to maintain the same privileges cracking down against the riots.

In fact, the repression is strong not only the usual use batons to disperse the crowd but bullets, causing hundreds of deaths, to kill those who do not live enslaved to regime. He also sees another kind of violence, that is informative, in fact, the Tunisian newspapers, for fear of repercussions of the state prefer to keep silent about the events that have happened. The complaint runs even faster and ruthless on the network, in fact, some bloggers have gone to jail for trying to force government bodies and limits the use of internet, so intimidating to work alongside the police car (Tunisian agency 's internet) that does not censorship articles only unwelcome but anyone trying to stop distributing it. Not only the blog are boycotted by private institutions, but also large sites are censored, from facebook to youtube.
In this climate stands as providential, the help of the Anonymous group that tries to leak the news in the curtain of censorship, which came on the scene with this release. " This is a warning to the Government of Tunisia: will no longer tolerate attacks on freedom of speech and information of its citizens. Any equipment involved in the complaint will be targeted and will not be vacated until the Tunisian government does not listen to the call for freedom of his people. Stop this situation is the responsibility of the Tunisian Government. Liberate the network, and the attacks will stop, you continue to have this attitude, and will solol'inizio.
In most countries the number of people have shown solidarity with the struggle of Tunisia but as states have reacted? Course for those who to perpetuate their privileges is never nice to see the strength of a given well, the U.S. and Europe than in the past have proclaimed as heroes and saviors of the people against the tyranny of slaves that anything can be defined except a free country. This is because the great European powers, most notably Italy, were the main promoters Ben Ali of the settlement, particularly supported by the then prime minister Craxi who commissioned the sis (Italian secret service) to replace the cumbersome system of Italy, with another no less ruthless, but cooperation with the country, and it succeeded perfectly . So I think no one is surprised to hear Frattini declared full support for the Tunisian power, the minister did not forget the aid given by the State Berlusconi friend Craxi, but of course the support is not a factor for moral but a purely economic As many Italian operations were moved to the North African land where they could absorb the costs, so it would be a real cancellation for the faithful voters lose the prolific industrial soil.
Revolt has it, without disturbing the soil dirty politician, doing away Ben Ali in Saudi Arabia and after many struggles toppled the RCD party, create the same Ben Ali, but not enough to bring down the dirty business created by political class.
has fought against corruption, but if the result is this new power, I do not think we can speak of a great happy ending.


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