Friday, February 11, 2011

Imageshack Bd Company

Associations and committees announced sit-in at Real Site Carditello: a common good to protect. Sit in at

L’ associazione “CamUrrà” di Gricignano, di comune accordo con il collettivo “Comunità che viene” di Sant’Antimo, a seguito delle notizie apprese dai giornali in merito alla messia all’asta del Real sito voluto da Carlo di Borbone e realizzato dall’architetto Francesco Collecini nella seconda metà del settecento, hanno promosso un sit in per dire “no” alla svendita del noto monumento neoclassico. Al sit in, che si svolgerà presso l’entrata della celebre Reggia di Carditello nella giornata di Sabato 12 Febbraio a partire dalle 15.30 del pomeriggio fino alle 20.00, hanno aderito diverse associazioni, comitati e collettivi the area, including: True Mind Association (Villa di Briano), The Blind Association (Wall), the Legambiente Casapesenna, WWF Agro Aversano Naples North Coast Domitio, Safe Communities (Irpinia), National Confederation of Artisans (Caserta), circle Geofilos Legambiente (juice), Association "For the Left Matese," Our association Italy (Caserta), Friends of Beppe Grillo Meetup Caserta, Committees Two Sicilies, Federconsumatori Campania, Associazione Onlus royal residences, Contramunnezza Committee (Sant'Arpino) Ferazione province of Caserta Left Ecology and Freedom. Together, all the organizations expressing their outrage at yet another act tended to devalue the property art and architecture on the already battered territory of Terra di Lavoro. "The position taken for the protection of an asset not only important for our province - the promoters of the state sit in - it's just the beginning of a path to be taken for the protection and enhancement of landscape and heritage historical and artistic heart of these lands. It is to assert the principles expressed in Article nine of the constitution of the Italian Republic, the principles which should be the same for all Italians, who will have the opportunity to visit the magnificent "Venaria" in Piedmont and those who hope for a re- Commercial Property Site Carditello. It seems absurd that when you are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, a bank in Turin (The bank is owned by the Naples group Intesa San Paolo di Torino) is endeavoring to sell off a property that testify to the importance that in the past had our south. "

some pictures of the box and on Carditello interior frescoes (photo Franco Spinelli)


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