Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cubefield Cheat On Itouch

Module for the cancellation by the Catholic Church and sbattezzo

Below sbattezzo form to unsubscribe from the sect of the Catholic Church, to which it has legal validity must follow these steps:
  1. Complete and submit the following form by registered
  2. In case of no reply and delete the part of Catholic institutions (within fifteen days), the priest of the parish can be reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office
  3. If he makes a public request for discriminatory purposes incurs penalties for violation of privacy



Recommended A / R
date: .. / .. / ....
the pastor of the parish of:
Address: .............
cap ..... City ..........

SUBJECT: Application pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree No 196/2003.

I, the undersigned ..................................... ... , Born in ................ the ... ......... and a resident of ............................... ,
with the present application, filed under Article. 7, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 196/2003, I turn to you as head of the parish registers.

Having been subjected to aa baptism nella Sua parrocchia, in una data a me non nota ma presumibilmente di poco successiva alla mia nascita, desidero che venga rettificato il dato in Suo possesso, tramite annotazione sul registro dei battezzati, riconoscendo la mia inequivocabile volontà di non essere più considerato/a aderente alla setta religiosa denominata "Chiesa cattolica apostolica romana".

Chiedo inoltre che dell'avvenuta annotazione mi sia data conferma per lettera, debitamente sottoscritta.

Segnalo che, in caso di mancato o inidoneo riscontro alla presente istanza entro 15 (quindici) giorni, mi riservo, ai Article. 145 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, to apply to the court or to appeal to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

declare early to give any pause for reflection or second thoughts in order, I feel that it will consider any delay as a refusal to provide the legal deadline (15 days, pursuant to art. 146, paragraph 2, of Legislative lgsn. No 196/2003) and then immediately have recourse to the courts or the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, if you illegally record differed to a later application to the fifteenth day receipt This .

That, in accordance with Legislative Decree No 196/2003 (which replaced from 1 / 1 / 2004, the previously existing Law No. 675/1996), in accordance with the verdict of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data and the ruling of 9/9/1999 Court of Padua filed on 29/5/2000.

It is not authorized by communicating the content of this application to third parties that are unrelated to treatment, and warns that the delivery or disclosure to third parties of sensitive data can configure a criminal offense under Article . 167 of Legislative Decree no. No 196, 2003.
is attached photocopy of your passport.

Signature ........................................ ... ...........




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