Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mount And Blade Where Do You Find Companies

La vera faccia della riforma gelmini - il documento dei docenti di Psicologia dell'Università La Sapienza di Rome

The Department of Psychology is distinguished for its excellence in research, evidenced by both the scientific production of afferent and the ability to find funding for research by national and international.

The disciplinary components of the Department of Psychology at La Sapienza University of Rome is represented by its three "sections" through which to articulate its research activities.

I research labs, some of which placed in the building, other structures in the external render possible the activity which covers vocational training at different times (t existing degree, doctorate, specialization ). The
areas of interest of the Department cover a broad spectrum of psychological studies in the animal research and compared to that in the social field. This feature helps to ensure a close connection between life and that of two of the Department of Psychology Faculty of Wisdom.
In this sense, the AST Federated Department refers either to the university (University of Science and Technology) is to federate the University of Humanities, economic (AUGE).

Comments DDL Gelmini

the undersigned professors of the Department of Psychology, University of Rome Sapienza note that on the DDL on the university system, approved by both Houses other commentators, academics, unfortunately, have provided distorted and incorrect information to the public. Among them:

1) It 'true that the DDL is a reform.
In fact, the DDL is essentially empty, consisting of 500 rules, which require 100 implementing regulations, 35 of which are issued only by the government. In fact, these decrees will be to determine how the Italian university, not the DDL. While some of those shared principles (simplification, rationalization), they remain indefinitely in the absence of implementing decrees.

2) It 'true that the DDL will reduce the so-called courses degree of unnecessary and unproductive universities.
The bill does not address the argument at all. In any case, the decision on the activation of degree courses are taken each year by the Ministry itself, in accordance with criteria established by the previous legislation (Article 2, paragraph 5, p. 7).
3) It 'true that the DDL favors the opportunity to study to deserving students (Article 4, paragraph 1b, p. 18). In fact, not even specify the amount of scholarships, or the total funds for scholarships, or the procedures for awarding grants (we refer to national testing standards, but these are not specified, as well as you do not specify who should create and administer). In addition, stock markets are independent of family income, which in fact involves a reduction in the probability of getting a scholarship for students with low family income if there will be an increase in the total amount of funds.

4) It 'true that the DDL introduce meritocracy in recruitment procedures of university teachers.
fact: a.
enabling national scientific does not provide a maximum number of qualified, has no consequences immediate (recruitment), depends on the evaluation of publications and curriculum vitae of the candidates on the basis of minimum criteria established by the Minister in consultation with the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of higher education and research). Practically anyone with a basic level of disclosure will enable (Article 16, paragraph 4, p.48).
b. The true then recruitment will be decided by individual departments based on the vote of a majority of teachers (Article 18, paragraph 1, p. 50). A Department is free to hire anyone from candidates in possession of their entitlement. There's no advantage to take the most deserving, nor any disadvantage to take the least deserving, because the allocation of 10% of the fund so ordinary (FFO) is based on the assessment (by ANVUR) \u200b\u200bof the universities, not the Department (Article 5 paragraph 5 p. 27 ). In a university with many departments to recruit a very deserving candidate does not involve substantial damage and recruitment of a candidate does not merit special advantages.
c. The bill introduces a term that researchers remain so for up to six years (Article 24, paragraph 3, p. 66). Since there is no correspondence between the posts to be Associate Professor and researchers, a number of them, while scientifically meritorious, can not be made permanent (the opposite of tenure U.S.). One consequence is that researchers must take time away from research to carry out professional activities that allow them to live if you do not get a permanent position in the University and to carry out their research, however, the "dependencies" of one or more professors, because they depend on their eventual employment. In practice, up to 36 or 37 years, a researcher can not, in fact, have their own independent research.
d. The role of the current research is a time limit to exhaustion (Article 6, paragraph 4, p.31). Researchers will have to compete with fixed-term for the role but in the position of associate professor goal disadvantage, because they have already made. Their career will be effectively blocked, regardless of their scientific merits.
e. The bill abolishes both the confirmation period of three years for members that overtime. So, unlike today, once recruited into the role of teachers are no longer subject to an assessment of their scientific activity to allow non-productive if their dismissal. The only damage to unproductive teachers is the lack of attribution of the shot three years.
f. The bill provides that a Department can not hire a teacher who has a family relationship with a member of the Department itself (Article 18, paragraph b, p. 50). The rule is easy to circumvent: it is enough to assume it is another department. Moreover, the problem is not taking the Italian University of relatives, but that of non-deserving. Therefore, this rule, not only does not propose criteria for merit-based recruitment in a discriminatory manner, but prevents the recruitment of some, regardless of merit. E ', therefore, clearly contrary to the Constitution.
g. The bill provides that the ANVUR rate the "recruitment policy" of universities, but does not clarify what is meant by "recruitment policy" (Article 5, paragraph 7 p. 32 ).

5) It 'true that the DDL will reduce the power of so-called "barons".
In fact, the power of the "barons" will grow much because the DDL attributes the decision-making power to fewer people and only to professors:
a. The bill increases the power of decision of the Board of Directors (who shall also give strategic direction) and decreases the number of members (up to eleven, for the larger universities). In the eleven are included three members from outside the faculty and student representatives. Thus, only about six members of the Board will be academics (professors only) (Article 2, paragraph i, p.7).
b. The number of full professors will decline sharply in coming years because of retirements already provided and the opportunity to commit the funds released for the recruitment of new ordinary only to the extent of 20% ( Article 12, paragraph 1, p.42).
c. Only the professors are part of the governing bodies of universities.
d. Only the professors are part of the National Scientific Commission for certification (Article 16, paragraph 1, p. 48).
e. Only the professors of the Department will decide, by majority vote, calling professors in that department (Article 18 paragraph and, p, 51).
f. All other components of the academic staff (researchers and professors) depend for their career on a decision by the professors.
For the little that the DDL rule, therefore, the University shall be governed by a few professors at the helm of strong groups (in terms of alliances, not necessarily scientifically), composed of a majority of researchers and professors with no decision-making power and autonomy without research. The consequences on the quality of teaching and research can only be negative.
addition to Article 18, paragraph 3, p.52 on the "Call of the professors, the DDL that allows the burden of the teachers call can also be charged private individuals, after concluding the Convention for at least 15 years. Allowing the use of private contributions on condition that an agreement raises reservations about the risks of privatization, at least in part, the public university.

  • Salvatore Maria Aglioti
  • Gabriella Antonucci
  • Claudio Barbaranelli
  • Arturo Bevilacqua
  • Lucia Boncori
  • Simona Cabib
  • Maria Casagrande
  • Chiara Council
  • David Conversi
  • Alessandro Couyoumdjian
  • Luigi De Gennaro
  • Vilfredo De Pascalis
  • Francesco Di Nocera
  • Enrico Di Pace
  • Fabrizio Doricchi
  • Maria Luisa
  • Fabio Ferlazzo
  • Roberta Fida
  • Maria Teresa Fiorenza
  • Gaspare Galati
  • Maria Teresa Giannelli
  • Anna Maria Giannini, Caterina Grano
  • Cecilia Guariglia
  • Maria Leggio
  • Catherine Lombardo
  • Franco Lucchese
  • Franco Mangia
  • Stefania Marinelli
    Maria Luisa Martelli
  • Francesco Marucci
  • Daniele Nico
  • Marta Olivetti Belardinelli
  • Cristina Orsini
  • Tiziana Pascucci
  • Anna Beijing
  • Laura Petrosino
  • Stefano Puglisi-Allegra
  • Anthony Raffone
  • Paolo Renzi
  • Clelia Rossi Arnaud
  • Grace Spitoni
  • Michele Vecchione
  • Cristiano Violani
  • Pierluigi Zoccolotti


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