Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neuter Risk Of Toy Chihuahua

Libya: Time to act

Giornali e televisioni di ogni tendenza denunciano il bagno di sangue in corso in Libia. Nessuno dice però che sono armi italiane quelle utilizzate contro i dimostranti e che l'Italia è il principale partner militare del regime libico. E' una vergogna che deve immediatamente cessare.

Libia: è ora di intervenire

Rete Disarmo e Tavola della Pace chiedono il blocco immediato della vendita di armi e ogni altra forma di collaborazione militare con la Libia

Le armi fornite dall'Italia al Colonnello Gheddafi in questi ultimi anni (in particolare elicotteri e aircraft, bombs, rockets and missiles) have perhaps been at the forefront of these days in the bloody repression of the civilian population in Libya, who are peacefully protesting against the regime. This would be enough to give strength to the request for suspension of any form of supply of arms and military cooperation with the Libyan government that the Italian Network for Disarmament Affairs (coordination that brings together over 30 Italian organizations on the topic of arms control) and the Table of Pace addressed at this time agitated and painful to Parliament and the Italian government.

Italy is the main supplier of arms to Libya: Tripoli to the scheme were sold various types of weapons (air and land vehicles systems and missile protection systems and security) for a market of 93 million € in 2008 and 112 million in 2009. A real boom of the last two years helped by the signing of the Treaty of friendship, partnership and cooperation between Italy and Libya "in 2008.
"The Italian government officials that we met in recent years we have always ensured that the types of weapon systems sold around the world could not be used to violate human rights - says Francesco Vignarca, coordinator of the Network but news of recent days show how the repression of the square you can also conduct air raids against the protesters. News that, if confirmed then the use of arms Made in Italy, would give even more value to what we say for some time: much of the Italian military exports is contrary to our law (185 of 1990) because it does not take into account as required of the possible human rights violations and major social imbalances that such purchases, with their impact millionaire, lead buyers in the countries of our arms. "

"I can not stand the idea that weapons are doing the massacre of Italian civilians in Libya," said Flavio Lotti, national coordinator of the peace table. "As I can not stand the idea that Italy continues to support in these hours, the Gaddafi regime. There is no shame. It takes a leap of dignity. Break the silence and complicity of Italy. This is the time to break with the past. We are asking Parliament to make a clear and immediate action: forcing the lock on the sale of arms and the suspension of all forms of military cooperation with Libya and the countries that do not respect the right to express freely and peacefully. "

The demands of the two Italian organizations join other influential voices have already asked about our government, like that of Secretary General of Amnesty International Salil Shetty, who yesterday wrote to Prime Minister Berlusconi and Ministers Frattini and Maroni called for "the suspension supply of arms, ammunition and armored vehicles to Libya until it is completely ceased the risk of human rights violations ".

interests in particular Italian and Finmeccanica (the second largest shareholder is the very Libyan Investment Authority) have definitely slowed down in recent days the diplomatic efforts of the executive and in particular the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. "possible violations of legal requirements (if you look at the substance of the issues, certainly not in the form observed) constitute a major moral and ethical problem for the Italian Government - says expert Giorgio Beretta Arms Trade of the Italian Network on Disarmament - which not coincidentally is the only one not to have spoken to a suspension of military supplies as it did in recent days from France, Germany and the United Kingdom in respect of several countries in the Mediterranean area including the turbulent Libya. That the Italian foreign minister is not aware of the statements of his colleagues? Or maybe he does not know that the Italian law the European Union's Common Position on arms exports ask to determine compliance with human rights in the country of final destination and to refuse the export of weapons where there is a clear risk that the technology or military equipment for export might be used for internal repression? ".

In reality not all of the Italian government is down these days: while the Libyan regime's repression hits the population, with the likely use of arms Italian, our Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa is located in Abu Dhabi to attend the local Arms Fair (IDEX 2011), in which our government representatives to confirm the link to our military industry among the world's leading. How do you push the sale of weapons systems as a symbol of "the vitality of our country that can successfully carry anywhere in the world, the fruits of their own ingenuity and industriousness."

Coffee Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament have already asked In recent days the cessation of all political and military support to Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia and even more so given the current situation in Libya strongly require the Government and the Italian Parliament, in addition to the freezing of all the commercial-military collaboration with the regime Gaddafi's a strong support of a restriction on export control and greater Italian war to avoid the use of such weapons for the suppression of dissent in any theater of World War II.

(Source: Italian Network for Disarmament - Peace Coffee - February 23, 2011)

AW 109 Helicopters

Exports of Italian arms Libya

The value of Italian exports to Libya of a military nature is in constant growth since 2006 and stood for 2009 (most recent overall figure) on a record 112 million euro . In summary, these were the most important business and agreements in recent years:

Agusta Westland, a Finmeccanica Company, has sold 10 helicopters AW109E Power between 2006 and 2009, worth approximately € 80 million . The company also claims to have sold nearly 20 helicopters in recent years, including the single-rotor aircraft for missions AW119K medical emergency and the twin-engine medium AW139 for the activities of general security. Joint-venture: the Libyan Italian Advanced Technology Company (LIATEC), 50% owned by the Libyan Company for Aviation Industry, to 25% by Finmeccanica and 25% by Agusta Westlands. LIATEC offering maintenance and crew training aircraft AW119K, AW109 and AW139, including technical support, review and provision of spare parts.

In January 2008, Alenia Aeronautica, another company of the Finmeccanica Group, has signed an agreement with Libya for the provision of an ATR-42MP Surveyor, a maritime patrol aircraft for the. In addition, the contract, worth 31 million euro, including pilot training, system operators, logistic support and spare parts.

Itas srl, a company of La Spezia (according to the Research Department - Department of Foreign Affairs of the House, doc. 140-21/05/2010) by the technical control and maintenance of Otomat missiles, purchased from the seventies by government in Tripoli. The Otomat is a long-range anti-missile ship.

Following the agreements contained in the Treaty of Benghazi in May 2009, the Guardia di Finanza undertook the delivery of the first three patrol boats to the Libyan navy to patrol the Mediterranean Sea, followed in February 2010 by three other boats (one of these were fired volleys of machine gun against a vessel Italian in 2010).

The group Finmeccanica has signed several agreements with the Libyan company in 2009 signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of activities of strategic cooperation with the Libyan Investment Authority and the Libya Africa Investment Portfolio. The subsidiary SELEX Sistemi Integrati has instead signed in October 2009 in a deal worth 300 million euro for the construction of a large system of protection and border security.

(Source: Institute for International Research Archive Disarmament - Disarmament Network member)

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