Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ice Cubes In Champagne

March 12 - March 11

Javi Garcia & the cold cold ground - comal county river (southern horror)

Gorean Archery Advice

The bad

Many submissions pointed out was the subdued nature of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Leaving aside the antics Lega (such as the burning in effigy of Garibaldi), the fact remains the lack of interest shown by the Italians for this event as if it were distant events that concern them most, to be relegated to the pages of history books. And instead of the Risorgimento remains topical, first of all because of its lack of popular revolution. Why in this failure, already evident to his contemporaries (from Marx to Mazzini), lie in the deep and true reasons of permanent crisis of the unitary state in its various institutional manifestations (monarchical, fascist, republican) and the fragility of a national identity ever become truly collective heritage. The article by Mary R. Calderoni is, despite some straining, a good starting point for a reflection that goes beyond the mere celebration of the desecration or an end in itself.

Maria R. Calderoni

Italy, 1861 The bad

that has arisen and will also be the helmet of Scipio She has bound her head. But looking at it, is scary, so much ugly, Italy Kingdom Year 1861. One statelet battered, poor, shabbily dressed, with statistics on homeless people, but the Brothers of Italy. A country that was the European powers like Cinderella to the Queen of England.
The population is just over 25 million want to count Veneto and Lazio (21 million without) and it is for almost two thirds of a nation of mostly farmers still almost serfs: Agriculture has been working in the field, 69, 7 percent of the total, only 12 industries, 13 in the tertiary sector (ie mainly in public administration, which accounts for about 9 per cent).
A people torn, poor and illiterate. While the government already craving the new state to be admitted the table of the Great Powers, almost half of Italians are made of unemployed, 25 per cent of newborns die within the first year of life, 44 within the first 5 years, and the general life expectancy is 33 years . Die young, in Italy, where the victory shows the crown, young and ignorant, poor people as true. Knowing how to write their name and read even a little ', it's almost unheard of, rare. In fact, over 80 percent are illiterate, to read or write or do arithmetic, the North and the South (78 percent in Veneto, 83 in the Marche, Umbria 84, 89 in Sicily, and God willing almost 90 percent in Basilicata). Italian? Stuff ever seen, and in fact spoken by 2 percent, the other 98 know only their own dialect (and just when the Piedmont land in Sicily, no one understands none). And though military service is compulsory and lasts an eternity and hateful, 5 years, in the name of that strange new thing called homeland.
great Italian poor. Always the same arid Statistics says that made 100 the power of an Italian in 1861, the relationship is with other European countries: Great Britain 220, Switzerland 200, France 170. And it is an abyss GDP, income per capita: Italy 196, England 775, France 650, Prussia 428.
Patience, with the new United Italy, under the Kingdom of Savoy and the Government at the time, things will change ... Yeah right. The elections that have to create the first Italian Parliament will take place on January 27th, of course, take place under the electoral law of 1848 Savoy: based on wealth. So, exactly according to the census, are found to have the right to vote, out of 25 million inhabitants, only 418,619 lucky, 1, 9 per cent. On paper, it goes to the polls only slightly more than half: in fact, Catholics, obedient to the "non expedit" papal boycott the vote. And so the relationship is of a voter on each 107 inhabitants, 63 are enough votes to elect a deputy, an explosion of democracy. In essence, a census of Parliament, released by a vote of property, which elects the Members of wealth.
Chi sono costoro, sui banchi del Primo Parlamento Italiano? 85 sono ex principi, marchesi, conti, duchi; 25 ex alti ufficiali; 72 avvocati, 42 professori universitari; 5 medici; 5 tecnici. Del popolo bue nemmeno l’ombra.
Per andare al di là dei meri numeri, bisogna aggiungere che la grande maggioranza degli eletti rappresenta la classe dei proprietari terrieri, dal momento che dei 40-45 miliardi che formano la ricchezza nazionale privata, ben 25 miliardi appartengono alla proprietà fondiaria. Che all’epoca succhia dal lavoro contadino qualcosa come un miliardo all’anno, una somma enorme, superiore al valore della stessa intera produzione industriale.

Lo Stato è bensì unificato, nel suo territorio, nella sua lingua, sotto un governo unico; le frontiere interne non esistono più, abbattuti gli intralci feudali. Ma i suoi vizi d’origine ne fanno quello Stato lì, debole, rachitico, reazionario. Con un re che è bensì a capo del primo Stato unitario ma che continua a chiamarsi Vittorio Emanuele II, un uomo debole, «superstizioso e rozzo, le cui uniche passioni erano le donne, i cavalli e la caccia», come scrive Denis Mack Smith, e che si prodigò moltissimo, ma nella moltiplicazione di titoli nobiliari, prebende e onorificenze. Clientelismo e corruzione furono subito di casa, «e nel dicembre 1861 dovette essere published a special warning against the private agencies that guaranteed to the people in the various ministries recommendations "(as you can see, this is a" bad habit "old ...).
The conscription and taxes, this is the business card of the new state: millions and millions of peasants still live in a closed economy of feudal, quasi-money in the countryside and the streets there as well, you live by barter miserable Trade is a word almost unknown and the only kind you buy in the countryside is salt. "For much of the year, a number of agricultural workers remained unemployed, while compressing the sovrapopolzione their wages to the level of mere subsistence. The farmers of the lower valley of the Po feed exclusively on corn and get sick of pellagra; in Puglia day laborers to eat virtually only barley bread cooked two or three times a year, hundreds of thousands of Italians living in caves, in huts made of twigs and mud, without windows, in a wet basement storerooms of Naples, in Rome in neighborhoods they live in ten workers per room. Malaria, tertian fever, tuberculosis, typhoid are endemic.
E 'remained the same, Italy described by Dickens in his book "Visions of Italy". He says the rest of the Sonnino: all the social legislation of the early decades of the unified Italy was reduced "to a provision books on postal savings in 1870 and a law of 1873, however, remained a dead letter on child labor in industry. "
"What do you mean by country, Sir? It 'a mass of miserable? We plant corn, but we do not eat white bread. Cultivate lives but we do not drink wine. We breed animals, but we do not eat meat. Nevertheless, we recommend you not to leave our homeland? But the country is a land where you can not live of their work? ". The question was rhetorical, and in fact in those years 'start' and very luntane bastimente to land. " Start the largest outflow of modern history: that of the Italians.
While at home in the southern laborers turned brigands are defined and decimated by sending an army of 120 men there.

(From: Liberation 02/18/2010)

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Are My Pearls Worth

comal county river - tighten up the springs

Come on darlin ya wont drive me drive all night And
tighten up the strings on my legs

tighten up the springs - michelle Malone (Moanin 'in the attic)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waxing Only Shaft Of Penis

Italy in 1861 to read: "And he said Erri De Luca

Sinai at dawn from the top of Oreb

Moses, the first climber in search of ever, that the summit of Mount Horeb hires a furious combat with the manifestation of the divine, this is the theme of "He said," last work Erri De Luca. A book that reveals the first reading, pages to meditate, reflect on the eternal encounter / clash between the human and the sacred. In a time when the narrative is often reduced ad un taglia e cuci di cose già scritte, Erri De Luca ci ricorda il potere sacro e terribile della parola come strumento di liberazione dalla paura, come cura dei mali dell'anima.
Ne pubblichiamo l'incipit, seguito da un'intervista all'autore.

Erri De Luca

E disse

Lo raccolsero sfinito sui bordi dell'accampamento. Da molti giorni disperavano di vederlo tornare. Si preparavano a smontare le tende, inutile cercarlo dove lui solo osava ansare. Contava di farcela in un paio di giorni. Era allenato, rapido, il migliore a salire. Il piede umano è una macchina che vuole spingere in su. In lui la vocazione si era specializzata, dalla pianta del piede era risalita al resto del corpo. He became a mountaineer, unique in its time. Sometimes he was even climbed barefoot.

Climbing light, the body tense and forthright reply to the invitation of grips, the wind was standing collapsed lung, and detached syllables of breath to the rhythm of the music in my head. The wind ruffled his hair and clear thoughts. With the last step of touching up the edge where the land stops and the sky begins. A summit is reached the edge of the boundary between the finite and the immense. There came the greatest distance from the point of departure. It is not a top goal, and barriers. There was experiencing dizziness, which he was not being sucked down the vacuum, but look out over the void dell'insù. There on the top of the perceived deity approached.

wrapped up there is wind. A top clash of air masses without him is appalling. Why is the enormous holding my breath.

Sandra Petrignani

Interview Erri De Luca

very name was the promise of an exceptional destiny. Errington If you say, say it, the only one Erri De Luca. In the beginning was Herry, because of an American aunt, that he liked to call me so ... "he says. "But then, already at Lotta Continua, I was all for Errington, simplified."

Simplification and understatement, compared with a charisma that reaches the point of delirium. Especially women. I confirmed when I carry it in Amelia, one of the monthly public meetings organized by the Forum in the Umbrian town of Women with my complicity. The room is packed, many are left out and someone (a woman, ça va sans dire), I shut up during the speech I do to introduce it, because he wants to play right away and only he, him that all the time, is said to its credit, does nothing but screens. Coquetry, say detractors. Yet Erri De Luca has earned the reputation if only by giving everything to his personality and even vaguely autistic rough, the tough go fishing ground of the biblical parable, fleeing mountaineer mountains where few can follow him, and leading humanitarian convoys. And among the few of his rebellious generation, he did follow the ideas consegnadosi acts, before discovering a writer, a career worker fatigue and preserves engraved the map of the skin, calluses on the hands.
Even this has made her a legend. But if someone dares to give the Master's sharp reply: "I with the teachers I have ever found. Even with their children. I have never been father, indeed I was his son, even mo 'that I am old. I do not see humans as teachers and students, adults and children, but as people, all the same, thrown into the world outside the cozy womb of the mother. Once out of there, that we comment ourselves. Everything has already happened. Then I ran away from school, high school, before finishing it. All I know I learned by doing it. Even the languages \u200b\u200bI've studied with no schools and no teachers. "
Pure Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian? "Oh, yes. After one has run mad on Latin in school, can do anything. Latin has been the pick for the other languages, dead and alive. I have learned about the grammars and dictionaries. "

hell broke loose when I tell him I think he's a poet, a storyteller before, indeed it is not clear whether his narrative is not the law with the tools of poetry. I complain, too, which is the least popular of his work. "But I'm also in an abusive literature! How practical are Neapolitan illegal ... I write books because I feel a little guest of the player (the "host with the pages of time a reader / subscriber of anything, hardened host ..." says one of his verse, ed), who goes first you say: ih, how scucciante chiste! I have very high idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet. The novelist, no, it can be a slob all. The poet, however, responds with life, is responsible for his words. One such was the Muslim Izet Sarajlic, visited at home by two wars, the global and local in its Bosnia disintegrated. During the interminable siege of Sarajevo should run, accept the invitation from the many friends and institutions in other countries. Not at all: it was next to his fellow citizens. To the rhythm of his verses were combined loves of three generations, and then said: "Who was responsible for the happiness of a people, does not leave him in misery." He taught me a particular classification of literature, in fact, warm during the first winter of the war, had burned in the stove the whole essays (Montaigne last). In the second year was touched by the romance (last Kolyma Tales of Shalamov). During the third ended in a fire, the theater (Chekhov last). In the fourth war is over, otherwise it was the turn of the poem. "

not a book of poems next Erri De Luca to be released Feb. 23 by Feltrinelli. It's called "he said. I note that the introduction to his inveterate Guests, signed by him, is entitled: "It did not say" and what not - support - is the degree of freedom of the poet, who took the floor in the silence of god .

So this new book returns and removes the word almighty men? "Our everyday use of the word is now only advertising tends to sell a brand, political or otherwise. The lie is contradicted the next day, as if nothing had happened, without consequences. There is no room for failure. I'm interested in a word that bears the weight of the consequences. All six days of creation are preceded by the formula: and said. He said and did. If he says Light, the Light happens. Moses, the first climber in history, goes up to Mount Nebo, and receives the promise of land for the Jews. Will not see it, but God told him about it. Ed had gone to another Mount Sinai, three times, to take the tablets of the Law, the apex of the word engraved in stone, and then return to base camp and forward revelation. The book talks about this: the reaction of a half million Jews who received the Ten Commandments. It 's the story of their responses that they have accepted the fray of freedom, eradicated from a country in which they lived and built to cross the desert to be camped. Freedom is so, it is chance. You come up day by day. "
There was a time in the recent past in which a generation, his, mine, has tried to live nell'azzardo, to send power to the imagination. A failure? "It was just the wording wrong, because the imagination is the opposite of power. Should have said: imagination instead of power. In fact we have not faced the problem of power, building the interval between two powers. In the suspension practiced our lives, we designed our program, this was Lotta Continua. The revolutionary two possibilities: that the band is to become head of government. Sometimes it goes for both things, like Nelson Mandela, as the current president of Brazil, Dima Roussef, my age, a former guerrilla who has been in prison. For us nothing has happened like that, we were a generation desaparecida, albeit less bloody than that of Argentina. But consider the value that that generation did not want to be parts: the ruling class of today is somewhere else. "

(From: The Unit 20/2/11)

Erri De Luca
He said
Feltrinelli, 2011
Euro 10

Throat Infection How Long

Verso la guerra civile: parlamento in fiamme

Report of the Libyan Rivola
Dario Lapenta

The regime of dictator longest in the world Arab Mohammed Gaddafi, in power for 42 years, choose an iron fist through a heavy and violent repression.
While in the Libyan national television will continue to transmit images and videos of crazy festive pro-Gaddafi, where he slips between the "demonstrators". Nothing, the so-called "Day of collro" in the capital where there were violent repression, many protesters were executed on the spot. Numerous events also Benghasi.
Censorship Total relief and prevented journalists blocked, but reality can be known through numerous videos taken by mobile phones from civilians on Youtube.

Libyan The situation is really different from the Egyptian Gaddafi has many oil fields with which to produce the money needed to raise wages, while in Libya v ' The unemployment rate is higher than the Nord-Africa.
Negli ultimi giorni si discute di una possibile fuga del Rais in Venezuela, un indizio che può suggerire questo, è lo scarso dispiegamento di truppe nei pressi della sua abitazione, e più tardi egli decide di apparire brevemente nella TV di Stato per dimostrare la sua presenza in Libia, come se nulla fosse accaduto.
Gli aerei militari arrivano ad aprire il fuoco e a lanciare bombe sui manifestanti diretti verso l’abitazione di Gheddafi, circa 250 i morti a Tripoli e in varie zone del paese, con un totale di 10mila assassinati e 50mila feriti, un vero e proprio massacro (annuncia Al Jazeera channel e Al Arabiya su twitter). Gli eventi più significativi, che fanno emergere la debolezza del regime che ridotto allo stremo esercita una brutale violenza senza quartiere, sono costituiti dalla diserzione di due colonnelli dell'aeronautica militare, che a bordo di due caccia decidono di non eseguire l’ordine di bombardare i manifestanti rifugiandosi a Malta chiedendo asilo politico, e le recenti dimissioni del ministro della difesa del regime. Eventi che mostrano un regime sull’orlo del collasso.
Addirittura il presidente del consiglio S. Berlusconi, conosciuto per i suoi amichevoli rapporti con Gheddafi esprime preoccupazione e condanna la repressione voluta dal governo libico contro i manifestanti, il quale qualche anno prima aveva parlato del dittatore libico come un leader di “libertà and democracy. " Followed by the words of Foreign Minister Frattini, the European parliament in Brussels:-L 'Italy condemns repression and violence. " Where are the sum of 5 billion euro in support of the Arab Mediterranean countries in crisis.
E 'started, in addition, the repatriation of Italian workers in Libya who are looking for as soon as possible to return to Italy. From the interviews held at the airport of Tripoli is now described a country in civil war - civilians with weapons in hand on every street corner - a stranger in a complaint pending for the plane to go home.
Gaddafi would now be barricaded with a dozen security men loyal to him in un bunker sotterraneo della caserma di Bab al Aziziya, sobborgo meridionale di Tripoli. (tv Al Arabiya) mentre il resto del paese è ormai in mano ai manifestanti. 

Should Christians Wear Bikinis

Addio Mubarak - Il “venerdì del trionfo”

venerdì 18 febbraio 2011
I cittadini egiziani di nuovo in piazza, dopo essere tornati a lavorare per qualche giorno, ritornano in mezzo milione a manifestare contro il regime e a continuare a chiedere le dimissioni di Mubarak, il quale sembra non voler cedere sino a settembre, ovvero alle prossime elezioni, dove promette di non ricandidarsi. Ma questo per la piazza non basta, non bastano le riforme e le promesse del Prime Minister, which states that it could not dismiss as not to leave the country into chaos, as if this mess is not due to her not to accept the resignation. Yet the revolution seems close as you can see by the fact that the United States' government has not hesitated to take the side of the protesters, leaders of the safe return of Egyptian power, trying, through political maneuvering, to draw from this change the maximum interest.
regime on its last legs attempt a final "coup" by paying thousands of protesters (about 28 euro per person) to take to the streets in support of the government. But the numbers speak for themselves: thousands of protesters armed with petrol bombs and other weapons, probably distribuitegli from power, against millions of citizens. Not forgetting numerous agents of the regime had infiltrated the anti-Mubarak demonstrations to create hardships of all kinds, trying to pass people as the rebels' violence. But even this move did not work: these agents were discovered by ordering service organized by the protesters, who searched the infiltrates found in their portfolios of police ID cards, shown by a protester in a recent shooting.

became a symbol of the last days of graft and depends nt Google and Egyptian Wael Ghonim first arrested by the regime for refusing to cooperate to break the information on the web, and after being released, fell back on the streets with the protesters, who have now accepted giving him the hero. And after a few days Mubarak, no longer supported by any political force, nor in Egypt or abroad, gripped by the determination and will to change protesters, tired and exhausted from his precarious state of health (sick of tumor) announces his resignation before all the Egyptian people, and the crowd cheers of satisfaction, waving their flag.
But the demonstrations continue, even hundreds of policemen to the streets after being identified as the responsible freedom of oppression and killing of 300 protesters, but to show that many of them are favorable to the revolution and stand with the protesters, and that the real culprit is the Interior Minister Habib al-Adly has ordered that these oppressions abusing their power.
The events continue to seek new leadership to better working conditions, less job security and an improvement of the welfare state.

Dario Lapenta

Create Your Own Wrestler Card

Comunicato di Anonymous ai cittadini italiani - Operation Libya

Here's the statement posted by Anonymous on the blog with which to communicate with the Italians ( on the situation of the Arab World.

Anonymus is an organization composed of anonymous hackers who act in a coordinated manner, with an agreed objective approximately. Organization known for the creation of numerous protest actions as attacks on companies Amazon, Paypal, MasterCard, Swiss PostFinance Visa and the bank in response to attitudes of these acts for a boycott of Wikileaks. Anonymous has recently targeted the sites of the Government of Tunisia, attacking them with success, Anonymous has called these attacks as part of "Operation Tunisia".

Operation Libya - Italian citizens Press

Anonymous is on the side of Libyan citizens against the violent repression that the regime of Muammar Gaddafi is implementing. No one can
no longer remain indifferent to the ongoing tragedy.
Despite the disruption of internet and telephone services, we have set up a channel of communication with our friends in Libya, who have posted on Facebook and YouTube their testimonies.
Through these mercenaries have seen and used snipers against civilians who were demonstrating peacefully, inspired by the liberation of Egypt. We followed the doctors in hospitals, overwhelmed by the number of wounded. We saw children and children deliberately killed. We saw the violence continue to increase until complete absurdity and inhumanity of bombing raids on the squares! Some Libyan soldiers who refused to fire on their countrymen were so brutally murdered.
Here are some dramatic examples: Libyan soldiers who had passed on the side of the protesters were burned.

This and other material is available to any journalist who wants to tell the truth.

The complaints by the so-called "democratic West" arrived too late. Any intervention is already late, but still essential.
The statistics speak of a real war in file:
You are at least 519 deaths, 3980 feriti, 1500 dispersi (fonte: International Coalition Against War Criminals) e il bilancio cresce di ora in ora.
Il governo italiano, di fronte ad un popolo che muore per la sua libertà, si preoccupa dell'immigrazione e antepone gli accordi economici e strategici al rispetto dei diritti umani.
Amici italiani, state perdendo la fondamentale capacità di indignarvi ai soprusi e alle ingiustizie, accettando qualunque cosa vi venga detta dai media tradizionali. E' giunto il momento di svegliarsi da questo torpore. Dimostriamo di essere migliori di chi ci governa: diamo il nostro supporto al popolo libico.

Noi siamo Anonymous
Tu sei Anonymous
Noi non dimentichiamo i soprusi
Noi non perdoniamo le ingiustizie
Aspettateci --Sempre--

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Le rivolte del mondo Arabo, ultime notizie

 Bhareim: - Un video scioccante inizia a diffondersi sulla rete, militari uccidono a sangue freddo un gruppo di manifestanti paifici a colpi di armi automatiche [ ].
                - Deleted the Formula 1 Grand Prix scheduled for March 13 because of anti-government uprising, moved to Australia on March 27.

Algeria: - 3 unemployed people attempt suicide.

Iran - several sources have confirmed the arrest of the son of the leader of the opposition to the regime of Almadirejad.

Yemen: - President of Yemen Ali Abdallah Saleh, a month under the pressure of the square, he evoked a conspiracy against the unity of the country and has sworn to defend the "republican regime " in a speech before the army.
- rose to four yesterday in the dead of Aden, the port city in southern Yemen, while the protest continues even in the capital Sana'aea Taiz.

Somalia: - During yesterday's clashes in Mogadishu between militias Shebab, Islamist group inspired by al-Qaeda, and the African Union force in Somalia (AMISOM) died at least 50, including six soldiers.

Tunisia: - the new Prime Minister Ghannouchi announces:''difficult situation, I resign''

Dario Lapenta

How To Get Rid Of Soap Taste In Mouth

La Storia e la Memoria - La prima guerra mondiale

The First World War was caused by "political, military, economic and cultural. With regard to political causes, there were conflicts between states, because in Europe there were many disputed territories of several states: *
France wanted Germany to escape the Alsace and Lorraine,
* Italy and wanted to leave Trent Trieste from the dominion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,
* Austria, Italy and Russia wanted to expand in the Balkans.
the eve of the war Europe was divided into two camps:
* The Triple Alliance which included Germany, Austria and Italy
* The Triple Entente formed by France, Britain and Russia.
For cases there was a military arms race, in fact Germany was preparing for years by acquiring major weapons. The economic case was among the industrial powers, it had triggered a race increasingly tough economic and commercial, large industrial groups reaping huge profits from building armaments and ships, for them the war was a source of huge profits. As regards, however the causes of cultural si diffuse un giudizio positivo sulla guerra, cioè parte dell’opinione pubblica vedeva nella guerra l’unica possibilità di cambiamenti della situazione sociale e politica.
A determinare lo scoppio della prima Guerra mondiale fu un grave fatto di sangue, l’attentato di Sarajevo avvenuto il 28 giugno del 1914, infatti l’arciduca Francesco Ferdinando, erede al trono dell’impero d’Austria e Ungheria, fu ucciso con la moglie da un nazionalista serbo. In realtà l’Austria voleva conquistare la Serbia, pertanto la Germania appoggiava l’Austria, mentre la Russia sosteneva la Serbia. L’Austria dichiarò guerra alla Serbia il 28 luglio del 1914, da una parte vi erano gli Imperi centrali cioè l’Austria-Ungheria e Germania cui si unirono poi l’impero turco e la Bulgaria; dall’altra le potenze della Triplice Intesa cioè l’Inghilterra, Francia, Russia più la Serbia e gli altri Stati.
Allo scoppio della guerra l’Italia si dichiarò neutrale però essa si divise in neutralisti ed interventisti.

Uno slogan con cui gli interventisti attuarono la loro propaganda fu: “Guerra sola igiene del mondo”, frase del Manifesto del Futurismo di F.T. Marinetti.
Gli interventisti erano favorevoli to go to war and they were a part of the nationalists among them remember Gabriele D'Annunzio, the army and the environment of the court, the large industrial groups. Positions similar to those of the nationalists was the former socialist Benito Mussolini, he was expelled from the Socialist Party because the pro-war, and finally the Futurists in their manifesto "The Futurist Manifesto of early-interventionists' Italian pride "members of the futurist movement, which can now be called political movement, and proclaim themselves as the early interventionists," In September 1914 during the battle della Marna e in piena neutralità italiana noi futuristi organizzammo le due prime dimostrazioni contro l’Austria e per l’intervento ». La campagna interventista offre l'occasione per manifestazioni antiaustriache che esplodono in forme spettacolari. Il 15 settembre del '14, al teatro Dal Verme di Milano, Marinetti sventola da un palco una grande bandiera tricolore mentre l'orchestra suona la Marcia Reale; devono intervenire i questurini per sedare il tumulto. Le manifestazioni continuano a Milano in Piazza del Duomo e in Galleria. Nel manifesto sono citati alcuni dialoghi significativi: « Alt! Pianta gli acidi e i motori! Questa sera faremo una violentissima dimostrazione contro l’Austria ',' Abbassoooo the Austriaaa !..». . After Milan, follow the lectures at the universities of Rome interventionist arousing violent brawls and April 12, 1915 in Rome, Mussolini was arrested with Marinetti and the Futurists Balla Settimelli and during the third major demonstration interventionist. What must be said, and it is also said in the manifesto, is that the futurists, ' first punch in the streets to demand our intervention were the first on the battlefield with many dead and wounded decorated . Among the celebrities, to perish in battle, and there are Boccioni Sant'Elia .
On 26 April 1915 the Italian Government in London signed a secret pact with France and England, Italy undertook to intervene in the conflict on their side in exchange for the promise of significant territorial gains. This pact was held in secret for two years, and 24 May 1915 Italy entered the war on the side of the Entente powers. Soon after the outbreak of the war, Germany had invaded Luxembourg and Belgium with the intention of occupying France. The Germans, however, were stopped on the Marne River in a battle that left 500,000 dead.

vanished immediately the illusion of a quick war: Civil war in the trenches, in fact, German troops and the Franco-British countered in the trenches for four years and the war was a succession of attacks from one trench to another. From a war of movement had gone to a war of position. On the Italian front there were now rushing attack of the Italians against the Austrians on the Isonzo river, but soon stopped the war here in the trenches. Here were spreading serious diseases, supplies were difficult, the commanding general Luigi Cadorna had imposed a harsh discipline. He is not trusting of his soldiers had recourse to severe penalties for any failure by punishing attempted desertion with the shooting. Between May and June of 1916 the Austrian army was engaged in what was called the Punitive Expedition, as the Italians were traitors to be punished because they had not complied with the Triple Alliance. The Austrians wanted to enter in the Po valley through the plateau of Asiago. The Italian army, however, repelled the offensive and succeeded in conquering Gorizia in August 1916. The prolongation of the war was starting to weigh, especially on the Central Powers who could not easily obtain raw materials because the British controlled the seas. Germany faced the British navy at the Battle of Jutland, but the battle was not enough to escape the British domination seas. Then the Germans intensified submarine warfare against all vessels suspected of bringing supplies to the opponents. The sinking of the liner Lusitania caused the death of a thousand people, including 124 U.S. citizens, and this led to protests and the United States entered the conflict on the side of the Entente. The year 1917 was decisive for the fate of the conflict, not only for entry to the United States in war. Meanwhile in Russia exploded a revolution that overthrew the regime of the Tsar, and so there was the Soviet Revolution in October. To prevent the invasion of its territory, Russia left the war and March 3 of 1918 Berst-Litovsk peace settled conditions resa, infatti la Russia cedeva alla Germania. Gli austriaci spostarono le loro truppe dal fronte russo a quello italiano provocando una gravissima crisi militare all’Italia. L’esercito austriaco riuscì a sfondare le linee italiane riportando una netta vittoria a Caporetto vicino Gorizia il 24 ottobre 1917. L’esercito italiano cominciò una ritirata, il nemico catturò decine di migliaia di prigionieri e si impadronì di molto materiale. Con grande fatica si riuscì a stabilire una nuova linea di difesa lungo il fiume Piave. Cadorna venne sostituito dal nuovo comandante Armando Diaz.

Nella primavera del 1918, Germany launched a last, desperate offensive, but again the French and the British repulsed an attack in the second battle of the Marne, with American support and then went on the offensive. Even the Italian army came to the counter to obtain the decisive victory of Vittorio Veneto. The Austria and Italy said the truce was victorious. On November 11, was signed the last armistice with Germany, so ended the First World War.
now required to achieve lasting peace and talks were held in Paris and peace treaties were signed between 1919 and 1920. The representatives of the four victorious powers (Italy, France, Great Britain, United States) had different objectives and there were tense moments. Wilson had compiled a list of 14 points summarizing the plans for the future European policy, he also gave great importance to 'self-determination of nations, that every nation should be independent and choose their own form of government. Italy received from Austria, Trentino, Alto Adige, Venezia Giulia and Trieste. This led to discussions in Paris, the Allies acting as traitors, they had not given what they had promised to Italy with the Treaty of London, and this tension was added to the difficult situation that our country was to live after the war. The war left the world changed profoundly, not only politically but also economically.

Dario Lapenta

A. Giardina, G.sabbatucci, V . Vidotto, Manual, Laterza
Manual 3 - A. Giardina

Save The Date Birthday Language

Iniziative dai quartieri di Roma

a Eur districts, such as Tor Bella Monaca, where he focused on redevelopment plan proposed by Alemanno, plane collided with the complaints of some local citizens.
The district is falling into a pall of decay. Weeds taking possession of the sidewalks, waste and stagnant water here and there.
The new idea of \u200b\u200bneighborhood committees to revitalize the area is the reopening of the park "Luneur", with the 'initiative petition "reopen the amusement park." Will this' initiative to block the wind from the decadence that is breathed in the district XII?

"save us from the wreckage"
It's been a year after the eviction of Roma Casilino of 900 citizens of the neighborhood and see no improvement in the management of the park, the same neglect reigns.
The main demand is to liberate the area from the decay of the work of the scrap with the carcasses of cars that litter the park torn up.
Mayor Alemanno promised in 2009 to clean up the area by cars, even before the eviction of the Roma camp.
It attributed the decline to the Roma and fireworks bursting in the night, but the fumes of both blacks in tanto continuano a scoppiare nei centri di demolizione, liberando nell’aria della zona moltissime particelle tossiche. Il comitato di quartiere invece non chiede alcuno sfratto dei campi rom ma un area più sicura e più pulita, cioè un parco che davvero possa essere l’emblema della rivincita dell’ambiente.

di Matteo Montieri

How Long Before Lice Shows Up

Assedio al Palazzo dei Congressi durante la discussione sugli Stati Generali

Manifestazione indetta dal sindacato USB contro l'operato di Alemanno, i manifestanti, composti da comitati Citizens of Tor Bella Monaca, Rinfondazione Communist militants, PCL and temporary workers were on their way to the convention center where Alemanno with other members of the PDL as Tremonti, held a meeting to discuss the States General.
The police had previously set up checkpoints suffering the launch of a large number of eggs, flour, and some smoke. E 'A club also playing a protester approached them too.

Dario Lapenta

Difference Between Liquid Glycerin And Solid

La repressione libica - Fumetti

Quotes About Saying Goodbye To Year 2009

Festa dell’Unità, 150 anni, Interviene Benigni

numerous events to celebrate the 150th anniversary delll'Unità In Italy, in memory of the revolutionary Italian Risorgimento. In Rome, at Vittoriano, was an exhibition with numerous documents, exhibits, screenings and performances by various actors about the characters of the Risorgimento.
Al TV San Remo inervenuto Roberto Benigni for about 50 minutes, paid a staggering around 250 000 € by RAI, the sum which he has since given to charity in a hospital, as the director of this' Last confirmed.
's intervention was able to revitalize, making it interesting, a program long dead, from which cultural factors have come less and less often considered boring by many viewers, with a number of plays down from year to year, in favor of bussines and gossip. Benigni has managed to reach the television program plays an unprecedented record of telling the companies of the Italian patriots of the Risorgimento without neglecting the most topical, as the case of Ruby, in an ironic and full of double meanings: - Italy has only 150 years, it's a girl, a minor. "
National Day arrived in Parliament, with a decree providing for March 17 as the official date of the festivities. Decredo that meets many controversies in both the majority and opposition, if the positions of the Northern League, whose spokesman Calderoli that decree defines an "unconstitutional madness." And then the words of Defense Minister La Russa, in order to preserve the alliance between the two parties said: - The national unity goes hand in hand with federalism, federalism in countries where it is present, there is more feeling national ".

Dario Lapenta

Kate's Playground Full Sets Free

Accarezzando il Tempo - Antologia poetica

I get a brief poetic anthology and the task of reviewing it. The title: "Fondling the time. " Often against the issuing of a time that tends to escape, not enough, not to be understood ... stroke it may be a way to take control of their lives, giving value to each of the moments of which it is made. And 40 seconds or poems up this collection. Even the name of the publisher is not harmless: it is called "Rock Mutable," evoking the idea of \u200b\u200ba strong high, anchored to the point of no fear of confrontation, change, change. Four authors: Gabriel Battista, Carmen Biella, and Matthew Montieri Guerrino Rubbini. Each of these has chosen to present a brief biographical and literary perspective. On contrast, sentiment, changeability, is founded by intera.
Questa si apre con le liriche di Gabriele Battista, raccolte nella sezione “Partigiani e suonerie”. Qui si alternano slanci su due ruote, risse e colori roventi. Due personaggi ormai storici -due opposti quasi assoluti- emergono senza essere mai nominati: Alexandros Panagulis torturato dalla polizia politica greca (sei versi di lucida, sorda violenza) e una Francesca Mambro forse un po’ troppo semplificata –ispirata dalla canzone “Sensibile” degli Offlaga Disco Pax-. Graffiano in modo sapiente i versi satirici de “L’arrivismo”; proseguono nella successiva “L’attivismo”, dove invece ci s’interroga sul senso ultimo della militanza. Infine la "Prayer to the most beautiful things to me" is a pure breath of that beauty, diverse and abstract, that only the lines can express.
"Workshop of words" is entitled to the section containing the poems of Carmen Biella. The so-called "talent", Carmen writes in a note: "I think it's a carry out of the heart the words of the mind." So he believes, and maintains. Create words, the mishmash like grains of sand "in a job worker who has a lot of the divine. In "Distance" declared war on all that is ephemeral, drained of strength. It is fierce and passionate in "Men who kill women," finally in “Presunzione” esprime il senso di quella forza irrazionale cui si legano sfumature infinite, definizioni imperfette, pianti. Amore. Un amore lieto ed arrogante, che non può fare altro se non esprimersi e devastare.

“Vorrei t’innamorassi di me
potresti imparare a leggere l’anima
non la mia, la tua
Vivresti i giorni come fai adesso/
Solo mi troveresti lì ad aspettarti al tuo rientro”.

Ciò che colpisce scorrendo le poesie di Matteo Montieri, raccolte nella sezione “Contemplando i deserti” is the style .. Search terms, pleasant rhythmic figures, submit to a meeting, a feeling, that feeling of walking the absolute best Italian poetry over the centuries. Matthew has an almost photographic technique, makes use of nouns and adjectives in a linear, geometric. From a Naples subtly tragic, a U.S. citizen, the perception of conscious feelings range from sadness and watchful waiting. Noteworthy is the detachment expressed in the verses of "similar", which becomes a sort of poetic manifesto:

"Some people like me traveling in this abject civilization
Seeing the wise uprooted from twenty faint
E le ingiustizie resistenti anche alle più impervie tempeste
Scompare nelle utopie
create da un verso sgargiante”

La poesia di Guerrino Rubbini (classe 1952) rivelano l’animo di chi lotta in modo maturo, contenendo la propria passione per proiettarla in azioni efficaci. Il titolo della sua sezione è “L’armonia della natura”, e si ha l’impressione che dalla sua contemplazione degli elementi naturali scaturisca una forza affine. Una forza serena, che non lascia spazio a dubbi o angosce di sorta; anche quando il proprio percorso di vita è oscuro (la poesia “Perché”). Pull commonplace words balanced realization charm that can not be explained except by the clarity, the evidence that has a sky, a plain, a forest. The statements are direct, open, no puns intended: as a volunteer digging through the rubble in "Earthquake":

"... there are those who do not understand, why go
when you just type a number
and have won 2 € (...)
but you do not enter any numbers,
six bent over the rubble, digging with bare hands
might be able to save someone ... "

E tuttavia il sentimento non manca, come per la “donna-meteora” della poesia di pag.69. Ma non diventa mai sentimentalismo, nel quale è sempre facile scadere componendo versi.
Mi accorgo della fortuna di aver viaggiato, meravigliosamente, entro il sentire di alcune persone. Senza averle mai incontrate, hanno saputo trasmettermi qualcosa. Qualcosa che era loro e adesso è anche per me, come di chiunque altro avrà l’ottima sorte di leggerli, ritrovando tra queste pagine il senso profondo del proprio tempo.

L.M. Cortese

Sharp Carousel Half Pint Microwave Looking For


S ol last year, the big Warhol was decreed as the greatest innovative artists of the twentieth century, more than Salvador Dali, Picasso and other .
has already made the pop art born in the first half of the '60s, the biggest revolution ever happened in the history of contemporary art.
The birth of comic books "educated" as conceived by Jean Claude Forest Barbarella, make people aware of the technique erotic comics and graphic that will mark an epoch, thus allowing for the comics field, and then earn a place forbidden to read the genre, considered alienating or worse.
Those covers filled with bright colors, intense, lysergic acid, and those drawings so persuasive and also certainly daring, are starting to play, while a young Warhol, sees in the objects dearest to him and that mass consumes more and more, a new type of communication, but to be immediate, absolutely must break off all the paint scheme used then, from the great.
The oil paints, give way to glazes, tempera and ink, and painting techniques that have become "classic" give way to the stencils, used to play multiple times without having to redesign the same figure.
The can of Campbell's Soup becomes a true icon, a huge relief for the eyes and the stomach, as if to fill it only to see her, growing larger and more frequently repeated in the canvas, replaced by the map , panels of wood, plastic and vinyl.
Coca Cola, another great temptation irresistible to Warhol, who must also have a podium, a dominant position, making not so large in size but in its endless repetitions on huge panels, as if it will never end (you have to think that the bottles were then 21 cl, little more than a sip, and then bound to end in a hurry.)
two fears are exorcised by the artist which he tries desperately to escape: hunger and thirst.
Then after you are satisfied, wants to have fun, so make copies of the most famous music stars and especially the cinema, so unattainable for the bulk of the time, to make it appear as if they are not even human.
Warhol offers then magnified, (sometimes reaches the size), and repeated in color imagery, and lysergic dream as a child he dreamed of them, as that age is no longer, but as a spirit and ingenuity continues to remain unchanged over time, they plays and makes them accessible to all, as if they had more mystery or rather as if anyone could have a James Dean, Elvis Presley or a staff, a greenish or a Marilyn Lennon multicolor, only for himself.
But this is not enough, the passion to create and give free expression to the fire that burns inside him, Warhol Factory will base that will change several addresses over the years, a true innovation in those years.
The Factory is a real factory, where you create, destroy, remodels and changes everything and gives shape to everything: movies are shot, which will then underground short films inspired by Lou Reed to form his first band "Velvet Underground" becoming a part of the great machinery of the business of art that was forming and that seemed would never come to an end.
Dozens of people went in and out of that place all the time, often did not even know who they were, but everyone left something of himself!
This is the defining memory of the Factory, as Warhol said, stesso in un’intervista.
Non c’è una sola direzione artistica in cui Warhol non si cimenta, anche servendosi di altre persone che spesso fanno poi le spese di questo grande momento veloce che porta al consumo di beni che diventano sempre più necessari, e delle persone, che diventano sempre più obsolete a velocità vertiginosa, come grandi meteore che bruciano nell’atmosfera dell’artista, ma che poi si riducono velocemente in cenere.
È un’anarchia controllata, o forse che ancora non esplode, quella che regna in quella grande fucina di arte, letteratura e musica, e tutto quel che può essere riprodotto su pellicola o pannello o vinile.
Accanto alla prima copertina per Lou Reed, trova posto quella dei Rolling Stones, così come la pubblicità della Esso con il marchio sbavato dalla troppa vernice sullo stencil, o dalle tele con inserti in rame e ottone su cui veniva orinato da giovani pagati per bere litri di birra, in modo da dare strane sfumature al metallo che si ossidava.
Le persone non possono essere riprodotte come gli oggetti, e così quando non funzionano più, quando non si possono più mutare, allora bisogna sostituirli, senza pensarci nemmeno un po’, come nel caso di quella che fu la sua storica e forse unica musa vivente Edy Sedgwick.
Venne inglobata, mangiata e digerita the Factory, as if the throbbing life of its own, an extension of Warhol, a creature from another world, that feeds the soul of that girl who died at 38 years of overdose, after trying from prison to home care for mental illness.
Edy was the muse that inspired many films, hundreds of photos, and more, making it next to Andy, a star of the firmament, he drew the character, changed his hair style, shape, substance and inevitably absorbs 'soul, making it full of frustrations, fears and insecurities, making her fall from the sky full of stars to the pavement, where he was found.
Warhol used the young beauty of Edy, to promote the factory to increase production, as in a factory that grew bigger, and where now no longer even knew who he was this or that, but everything was all, but it was no one.
Edy which was well saved by the road where inevitably it would end sooner or later, was put to sit on a throne of velvet, gold, champagne and glossy pages of popular magazines, that would not have even thought about by accident to her, if he had not known Warhol, arriving to become a kind of drug, which was added to the use of which was plentiful, and when he came to know Bob Dylan, dropped everything to go with him, follow that icon, now in flesh and blood that was presented, and when he swerved, as one of many, she felt betrayed and retracing his steps, he felt completely abandoned in the face of rejection Warhol's take it again with him.
His time had expired and could not return.

The music begins a new era called Glam, which includes Marc Bolan, David Bowie and inspiring, that it becomes a true icon of that era so turmoil.
are rediscovered books and literature, hitherto not considered, beginning the era of whriters city, a sort of damned poets who write on the walls of their truth, rather than on paper.
Horwell George's book "1984" inspired by David Bowie that will draw an entire album "Diamond Dogs", the very first track "Future Legend" where he says:
Fleas the size of sucking the blood of rats, rats as big as cats and ten thousand
humanoids, divided into small tribes,
struggled on the highest among the sterile skyscrapers.
Just These words seem to give inspiration to a young black man named Jean Michel Basquiat, who from sleeping on park benches because they do not even have a house, became one of the best examples of what an artist is called, the graffiti.
Samos, as blacks signed on large walls, where he wrote his poems, he met by chance and met Warhol, and manages to sell some of his work, the size of a postcard, which he always carried with him, then begins to attend what for him will become in a few years a veritable gold mine, painting canvases of that ever-larger universe known to him, where the huge skyscrapers, seem even more impressive if they look at the bottom of a bench, and where the fleas seem as big as rats when they bite you relentlessly because you can not change and wash for weeks.
Basquiat follows wahol worldwide to become his shadow, his mistress, his muse and something so essential that when Warhol died, Jean Michel will soon get an overdose of heroin and loneliness of those you eat inside, only a year later.
Warhol comes to Ferrara (his first Italian stage) in 1975 where he remained physically with all its "short" for three days, presenting one of the most important exhibitions of the artist "Ladies and gentlemen."
will run movies like "lonesome cowboy" the first real movie about the film and in the case alleged, ostentatiously that homosexuality has always been regarded as the class more "macho" that may exist, and will influence the director Ang Lee for his film much discussed " Brokeback Mountain."
Warhol died in 1987 from complications caused by a gunshot that Valerie Solanas shot him, too regular at the factory, but which has never felt part of it, so taken by the Charge frustration and the sentence of Warhol himself, who said that in the future everyone would have had his fifteen minutes of fame, she gets to shoot his own myth, as it did in '79 for John Lennon.

Maurizio Ganzaroli

Laguna Vista Garden Resort Email

a moment of romance inspired by Bruce Springsteen

hug your love, turn off the lights, close the door.

good listening

Bruce Springsteen Needs The Workers But The Workers Do not Need Bruce Springsteen by albertocalandriello72

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Laura Gemser Free Stream

The fragmentation of Broad. Aleramica history of the brand (2) In addition

Second e ultima parte dello studio di Guido Araldo sulla figura di Bonifacio del Vasto e sulla storia della Marca Aleramica. La prima parte è stata pubblicata il 28 febbraio.

Guido Araldo

La frantumazione del Vasto. Storia della Marca Aleramica (2)

Ai tempi di Bonifacio il Vasto non costituiva un’omogeneità politica, poiché al suo interno s’insinuavano i possedimenti dei vescovi - conti di Asti, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Acqui e Alba.
A quel tempo il fiume Stura segnava il confine tra le diocesi di Torino e di Asti, e quel confine divideva anche la Liguria Occidentale dalla Lombardia Occidentale (il futuro Piemonte).
Malgrado questa frammentazione era una realtà sostanzialmente unitaria, che rapidamente andò frantumandosi per i seguenti motivi:
la divisione della Marca del Vasto tra i numerosi figli di Bonifacio;
la nascita di liberi Comuni: per primo Savona (1179), poi Noli e Cuneo (1198), quindi Mondovì, Savigliano, Demonte, Fossano e Cherasco (1243)…
le continue divisioni della Marca del Carretto, di successione in successione. I nipoti di Enrico il Guercio: Enrico II e Ottone, si divisero il marchesato di Savona sul finire del XII secolo in due grandi strisce. Il primo si aggiudicò una vasta mezzaluna extended to the sea from the hills of Barolo Finale through Bormida Val di Ponente, the second reserve a slice as large: from Cortemilia Albissola through Bormida Val di Levante. A division based on total control of the major roads leading into the sea: the streets Marenco. Subsequently, 21 October 1268, the grandchildren of Henry II were divided in the paternal inheritance of Terzieri Final Millesimo and Novello;
the creation of new feudal reality, as the county of Tenda, who began to exercise control over the Maritime Alps in the second half of the thirteenth century.


Bonifacio morì nell’anno 1130 e la grande marca del Vasto fu divisa tra i suoi numerosi figli.
Già nel testamento rogato dal notaio Lanfranco nel castello di Loreto il 5 novembre 1125 davanti a ventinove testimoni, il grande marchese designava quali eredi e successori i figli, con la sola esclusione del primogenito che portava il suo stesso nome, marchese d’Incisa, poiché gli si era ribellato.
La spartizione vera e propria avvenne diciassette anni dopo, a Savona, per opera del notaio imperiale Ubercione: il giorno di San Giovanni d’Inverno.
Manfredo divenne marchese di Saluzzo, capostipite di quel glorioso marchesato, tra i più prestigiosi d’Italia, che durò cinquecento anni.
Henry, known as the Guercio, who was minister of the Emperor Barbarossa, Savona obtained with the surrounding territories, including the Langhe. As a result, lost Savona in 1179, assumed the title of Marquis of Carretto and became head of a glorious and prolific offspring, who reigned for a long time on the Finale and the Langhe. Some descendants of Henry the Guercio managed to maintain their independence marquisates until the beginning of the eighteenth century: the peaceful Utrecht and Vienna.
William became Marquis of Busca, with vast holdings in the valley between Carmarthen and ditches. Ceva Anselmo
ladies, with the valleys Tanaro, Mongia and Casotto. Brass
Boverio Earl of Loreto (the county that stretched sulle fertili e salubri colline attorno a Costigliole d’Asti, ricche di vigneti e campi di grano).
Bonifacio, il primogenito rinnegato, nonostante l’interdizione paterna ottenne Cortemilia e il controllo delle colline circostanti, soprattutto a settentrione, verso il Monferrato.
Ugo divenne marchese di Clavesana. Il suo marchesato si estendeva sulle “terre ianuensi”, un tempo note come la Gianide per il culto del dio Giano che le caratterizzava e che attribuì il nome del dio a molti paesi della zona.
A loro volta le figlie di Bonifacio del Vasto, Adelasia e Sibilia, sposarono importanti personaggi.
Basti ricordare che Adelasia andò in sposa al normanno Ruggero I, re di Sicilia, e fu madre di re Ruggero II; e in seguito sposò in seconde nozze Baldovino I, diventando regina di Gerusalemme.
Nelle lotte tra i comuni lombardi e l’imperatore Federico Barbarossa, signore del Sacro Romano Impero, vi furono sicuramente comportamenti incerti: se Enrico il Guercio si schierò decisamente a fianco dell’imperatore con tutti i fratelli; molte realtà locali, a cominciare da Cuneo e Mondovì, sostennero la fiera resistenza delle istituzioni comunali, che si sentivano sempre più libere.
L’arco temporale che include i secoli XII e XIII fu caratterizzato da diversi fattori positivi, soprattutto in Alta Italia:
a) una notevole dinamica demografica;
b) il miglioramento delle tecniche agricole;
c) the commercial and cultural enrichment brought by the Crusades;
d) the weakening of religious strife, exploded in mid-eleventh century by the Milanese Patari and especially the Cathars, who wanted a return to original Christianity, which is characterized by holiness and poverty, hostile to the ecclesiastical authority accused of simony and nicolaismo1
e) The streets made safe from the progressive affirmation of the Orders of Chivalry, with their businesses, jobs, "hospital holiday" ... And 'This is the golden period of great Templar expansion in Europe, as attested by the construction of Gothic cathedrals and impressive features un’esplosione di commerci e pellegrinaggi.
Negli anni caratterizzati dall’affermazione della Lega Lombarda e dall’esaltazione dello spirito comunale, giungeva a complemento la secolare evoluzione che ripristinava l’importanza della città, dopo la lunga parentesi della ruralità.
Quasi che l’enorme pendolo della storia, spostatosi verso le campagne sotto la spinta delle invasioni barbariche, tornasse verso le città come ai tempi fulgidi dell’impero romano e delle polies greche.

Savona, il Brandale

Le istituzioni feudali, tendenzialmente ghibelline, centrate sul possesso della terra, dominated by the presence of the castle, retreated in the face of expected growth of urban institutions: mainly Guelph, aggregated around the square, focused on businesses.
alongside the historic city, the striking common: Vercelli, Asti, Milan, Pavia, Cremona, Piacenza were emerging new realities ... municipalities, as Cuneo, Savigliano, Mondovi, and Alexandria, on the seashore, and Noli Savona
... It was stated Moreover, the tendency towards "villefranche" fortified villages protected by the municipalities that grant exemptions to those who build a house. Authentic poly aggregators of peasants fleeing from heavy feudal bonds and levies. A season
of continuous conflict between city and countryside, the latter understood as a separate feud that ended up undermining the very institution in the great imperial area Tuscany - Lombard.
beginning of the fourteenth century the lands at the foot of the mountains, which corresponds to the southwest of the province of Cuneo, Angevin and expansionism were concerned there exist in the sphere of influence in Provence. A domain connected with the kingdom of Naples, as the counts of Provence were able to capture that great realm with Charles of Anjou, supported by papal favor. A rule that lasted for more than fifty years, up to the queen (the famous Reyno Jano). E sarà proprio Giovanna a cedere il nucleo originario del Piemonte (Cuneo e Mondovì) ai conti di Savoia, più precisamente al Conte Verde, in cambio del suo aiuto per la riconquista del trono di Napoli.
Allo stesso modo, in cambio del denaro necessario per quell’impresa, la regina Giovanna vendette al papa la città di Avignone, all’estremità opposta dei suoi domini provenzali, con notevoli conseguenze storiche.

Guido Araldo è nato a Saliceto, vive a Cuneo. Autore di 44 opere fra romanzi e saggi storici, alcuni dei quali apparsi in Francia a cura delle edizioni Harmattan di Parigi. Nel 2000 ha vinto il primo premio del concorso letterario “Galeotto the cart "with the book Prèscricia, the Stone inscription. His books are found in the online catalog Feltrinelli. For more detailed information please consult the website Editoriale L'Espresso "