Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waxing Only Shaft Of Penis

Italy in 1861 to read: "And he said Erri De Luca

Sinai at dawn from the top of Oreb

Moses, the first climber in search of ever, that the summit of Mount Horeb hires a furious combat with the manifestation of the divine, this is the theme of "He said," last work Erri De Luca. A book that reveals the first reading, pages to meditate, reflect on the eternal encounter / clash between the human and the sacred. In a time when the narrative is often reduced ad un taglia e cuci di cose già scritte, Erri De Luca ci ricorda il potere sacro e terribile della parola come strumento di liberazione dalla paura, come cura dei mali dell'anima.
Ne pubblichiamo l'incipit, seguito da un'intervista all'autore.

Erri De Luca

E disse

Lo raccolsero sfinito sui bordi dell'accampamento. Da molti giorni disperavano di vederlo tornare. Si preparavano a smontare le tende, inutile cercarlo dove lui solo osava ansare. Contava di farcela in un paio di giorni. Era allenato, rapido, il migliore a salire. Il piede umano è una macchina che vuole spingere in su. In lui la vocazione si era specializzata, dalla pianta del piede era risalita al resto del corpo. He became a mountaineer, unique in its time. Sometimes he was even climbed barefoot.

Climbing light, the body tense and forthright reply to the invitation of grips, the wind was standing collapsed lung, and detached syllables of breath to the rhythm of the music in my head. The wind ruffled his hair and clear thoughts. With the last step of touching up the edge where the land stops and the sky begins. A summit is reached the edge of the boundary between the finite and the immense. There came the greatest distance from the point of departure. It is not a top goal, and barriers. There was experiencing dizziness, which he was not being sucked down the vacuum, but look out over the void dell'insù. There on the top of the perceived deity approached.

wrapped up there is wind. A top clash of air masses without him is appalling. Why is the enormous holding my breath.

Sandra Petrignani

Interview Erri De Luca

very name was the promise of an exceptional destiny. Errington If you say, say it, the only one Erri De Luca. In the beginning was Herry, because of an American aunt, that he liked to call me so ... "he says. "But then, already at Lotta Continua, I was all for Errington, simplified."

Simplification and understatement, compared with a charisma that reaches the point of delirium. Especially women. I confirmed when I carry it in Amelia, one of the monthly public meetings organized by the Forum in the Umbrian town of Women with my complicity. The room is packed, many are left out and someone (a woman, ça va sans dire), I shut up during the speech I do to introduce it, because he wants to play right away and only he, him that all the time, is said to its credit, does nothing but screens. Coquetry, say detractors. Yet Erri De Luca has earned the reputation if only by giving everything to his personality and even vaguely autistic rough, the tough go fishing ground of the biblical parable, fleeing mountaineer mountains where few can follow him, and leading humanitarian convoys. And among the few of his rebellious generation, he did follow the ideas consegnadosi acts, before discovering a writer, a career worker fatigue and preserves engraved the map of the skin, calluses on the hands.
Even this has made her a legend. But if someone dares to give the Master's sharp reply: "I with the teachers I have ever found. Even with their children. I have never been father, indeed I was his son, even mo 'that I am old. I do not see humans as teachers and students, adults and children, but as people, all the same, thrown into the world outside the cozy womb of the mother. Once out of there, that we comment ourselves. Everything has already happened. Then I ran away from school, high school, before finishing it. All I know I learned by doing it. Even the languages \u200b\u200bI've studied with no schools and no teachers. "
Pure Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian? "Oh, yes. After one has run mad on Latin in school, can do anything. Latin has been the pick for the other languages, dead and alive. I have learned about the grammars and dictionaries. "

hell broke loose when I tell him I think he's a poet, a storyteller before, indeed it is not clear whether his narrative is not the law with the tools of poetry. I complain, too, which is the least popular of his work. "But I'm also in an abusive literature! How practical are Neapolitan illegal ... I write books because I feel a little guest of the player (the "host with the pages of time a reader / subscriber of anything, hardened host ..." says one of his verse, ed), who goes first you say: ih, how scucciante chiste! I have very high idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet. The novelist, no, it can be a slob all. The poet, however, responds with life, is responsible for his words. One such was the Muslim Izet Sarajlic, visited at home by two wars, the global and local in its Bosnia disintegrated. During the interminable siege of Sarajevo should run, accept the invitation from the many friends and institutions in other countries. Not at all: it was next to his fellow citizens. To the rhythm of his verses were combined loves of three generations, and then said: "Who was responsible for the happiness of a people, does not leave him in misery." He taught me a particular classification of literature, in fact, warm during the first winter of the war, had burned in the stove the whole essays (Montaigne last). In the second year was touched by the romance (last Kolyma Tales of Shalamov). During the third ended in a fire, the theater (Chekhov last). In the fourth war is over, otherwise it was the turn of the poem. "

not a book of poems next Erri De Luca to be released Feb. 23 by Feltrinelli. It's called "he said. I note that the introduction to his inveterate Guests, signed by him, is entitled: "It did not say" and what not - support - is the degree of freedom of the poet, who took the floor in the silence of god .

So this new book returns and removes the word almighty men? "Our everyday use of the word is now only advertising tends to sell a brand, political or otherwise. The lie is contradicted the next day, as if nothing had happened, without consequences. There is no room for failure. I'm interested in a word that bears the weight of the consequences. All six days of creation are preceded by the formula: and said. He said and did. If he says Light, the Light happens. Moses, the first climber in history, goes up to Mount Nebo, and receives the promise of land for the Jews. Will not see it, but God told him about it. Ed had gone to another Mount Sinai, three times, to take the tablets of the Law, the apex of the word engraved in stone, and then return to base camp and forward revelation. The book talks about this: the reaction of a half million Jews who received the Ten Commandments. It 's the story of their responses that they have accepted the fray of freedom, eradicated from a country in which they lived and built to cross the desert to be camped. Freedom is so, it is chance. You come up day by day. "
There was a time in the recent past in which a generation, his, mine, has tried to live nell'azzardo, to send power to the imagination. A failure? "It was just the wording wrong, because the imagination is the opposite of power. Should have said: imagination instead of power. In fact we have not faced the problem of power, building the interval between two powers. In the suspension practiced our lives, we designed our program, this was Lotta Continua. The revolutionary two possibilities: that the band is to become head of government. Sometimes it goes for both things, like Nelson Mandela, as the current president of Brazil, Dima Roussef, my age, a former guerrilla who has been in prison. For us nothing has happened like that, we were a generation desaparecida, albeit less bloody than that of Argentina. But consider the value that that generation did not want to be parts: the ruling class of today is somewhere else. "

(From: The Unit 20/2/11)

Erri De Luca
He said
Feltrinelli, 2011
Euro 10


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