long public education is under attack. The objectives of this campaign goes far beyond the obvious desire to promote private education and protect the privileges enjoyed by the Catholic church. What I really want to destroy is the principle of equal educational opportunities that the school is required to ensure the Articles 33 and 34 della Costituzione repubblicana. La difesa della scuola pubblica, laica e pluralista, è dunque un momento fondamentale della difesa della Costituzione. Per questo Vento largo fa suo questo appello e invita tutti i suoi lettori a firmarlo.
La scuola è di tutti. Sconfiggere le menzogne
E' paradossale e inaccettabile che un presidente del Consiglio, chiamato a incarnare e tutelare la cosa pubblica, attacchi frontalmente la scuola statale pubblica, conquista democratica, e quindi milioni di persone, docenti, operatori, ma, soprattutto studenti, che in questa credono e alla quale quotidianamente dedicano, in condizioni spesso molto difficili, la loro personale fatica:
Don Luigi Ciotti - Associazione Libera
Marco Rossi Doria - Scrittore e insegnante
Nicla Vassallo - Professore Università di Genova
Luca Formenton - Presidente gruppo editoriale il Saggiatore
Raffaele Cantone - Magistrato
Vittorio Lingiardi - Professore Università La Sapienza
Evelina Christillin - Presidente Teatro Stabile di Torino
Chiara Valerio - Scrittrice
Mila Spicola - Insegnante e scrittrice
Goffredo Fofi - Scrittore
Luigi Manconi - Presidente di “A buon diritto"
Fabrizio Gifuni - Attore
Moni Ovadia - Scrittore
Sonia Bergamasco - Attrice
Pippo Del Bono - Autore teatrale
Vincenzo Consolo - Scrittore
Lirio Abbate - Giornalista e scrittore
Emma Dante - Regista
Giancarlo De Cataldo - Scrittore e magistrato
Roberta Torre - Regista
Mimmo Pantaleo - Segretario Flc Cgil
Benedetto Vertecchi - Professore Università Roma Tre
Beppe Sebaste - Scrittore
Mila Spicola
Sconfiggere le menzogne
Dopo le accuse di corporativismo, di strumentalizzazione politica, di “fannullonismo” contro i docenti italiani, adesso è uscito allo scoperto: l’oggetto dell’odio del premier è la scuola statale come istituzione. Una rivoluzione ci sta tutta: è giunta l’ora to defend ourselves seriously.
We must all defend the Italian state school by the lies that are flooding. We need all of you. We need a Benigni in front of twenty million Italians recite with its splendid charisma, "Art 33 The art and science are free and they have free education. The Republic lays down general rules for education and establishes state schools for all orders and degrees. Public and private persons have the right to establish schools and institutions of education, without cost to the State ',' art. 34 The school is open to all.
The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. " We need an opposition which, together, put the school on the political agenda and use all the parliamentary tools because the premier retirement (and part of the usual denials and "misunderstandings") know what he said. We need testimonials defending the state school, they can break the wall of the media: writers, actors, singers, film directors, who tell us the thrill of that day, at school, with the understanding that you can break up the infinite sweetness of the thought and human freedom. This paper gives space and opportunity to do so. We need all of you because we, the teachers, too often in recent years we have not been heard. We need women and men aware and informed, capable of telling the full truth of the Italian state school cut and outraged. There is the perpetual alarm Teacher precarious, but there are masses of parents worried that nobody was able to give voice. The central issue is the attack on democracy and free thought through the attack on public schools. Relentless attack continued over the years, with too many accomplices. Etiam omnes ego is not. In many, compared to indifference toward school, have been able to say: "Not me"? "The Italian school does not educate," says the premier (and he said it sounds grotesque, surreal).
But what does it mean to educate? The school had as its main objective fascist 'the education young people. " The Italian state school Republican, a jewel of an advanced civilization, like ours, teach and train and prepare the citizens of tomorrow through the provision of a wealth of knowledge, culture, the broader right, plural, free (even to criticize damn communists). Teaches the knowledge of the rules and thoughts. All and for all. In the plural, never singular. And he does better than private. (Data Invalsi: without the disastrous results of the skills of students in private schools in the Italian school would be ranked higher in the European Union). Put us in a position to do better, not worse. Minister Gelmini has prepared a reform that reflects the hatred and not love for school. At the official admission of its premier, has failed miserably. Resigns, then, and we try to achieve real reform that meets the needs of the whole country and its children.
SIGNS YOU http://www.unita.it/scuolapubblica/
Don Luigi Ciotti - Associazione Libera
Marco Rossi Doria - Scrittore e insegnante
Nicla Vassallo - Professore Università di Genova
Luca Formenton - Presidente gruppo editoriale il Saggiatore
Raffaele Cantone - Magistrato
Vittorio Lingiardi - Professore Università La Sapienza
Evelina Christillin - Presidente Teatro Stabile di Torino
Chiara Valerio - Scrittrice
Mila Spicola - Insegnante e scrittrice
Goffredo Fofi - Scrittore
Luigi Manconi - Presidente di “A buon diritto"
Fabrizio Gifuni - Attore
Moni Ovadia - Scrittore
Sonia Bergamasco - Attrice
Pippo Del Bono - Autore teatrale
Vincenzo Consolo - Scrittore
Lirio Abbate - Giornalista e scrittore
Emma Dante - Regista
Giancarlo De Cataldo - Scrittore e magistrato
Roberta Torre - Regista
Mimmo Pantaleo - Segretario Flc Cgil
Benedetto Vertecchi - Professore Università Roma Tre
Beppe Sebaste - Scrittore
Mila Spicola
Sconfiggere le menzogne
Dopo le accuse di corporativismo, di strumentalizzazione politica, di “fannullonismo” contro i docenti italiani, adesso è uscito allo scoperto: l’oggetto dell’odio del premier è la scuola statale come istituzione. Una rivoluzione ci sta tutta: è giunta l’ora to defend ourselves seriously.
We must all defend the Italian state school by the lies that are flooding. We need all of you. We need a Benigni in front of twenty million Italians recite with its splendid charisma, "Art 33 The art and science are free and they have free education. The Republic lays down general rules for education and establishes state schools for all orders and degrees. Public and private persons have the right to establish schools and institutions of education, without cost to the State ',' art. 34 The school is open to all.
The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. " We need an opposition which, together, put the school on the political agenda and use all the parliamentary tools because the premier retirement (and part of the usual denials and "misunderstandings") know what he said. We need testimonials defending the state school, they can break the wall of the media: writers, actors, singers, film directors, who tell us the thrill of that day, at school, with the understanding that you can break up the infinite sweetness of the thought and human freedom. This paper gives space and opportunity to do so. We need all of you because we, the teachers, too often in recent years we have not been heard. We need women and men aware and informed, capable of telling the full truth of the Italian state school cut and outraged. There is the perpetual alarm Teacher precarious, but there are masses of parents worried that nobody was able to give voice. The central issue is the attack on democracy and free thought through the attack on public schools. Relentless attack continued over the years, with too many accomplices. Etiam omnes ego is not. In many, compared to indifference toward school, have been able to say: "Not me"? "The Italian school does not educate," says the premier (and he said it sounds grotesque, surreal).
But what does it mean to educate? The school had as its main objective fascist 'the education young people. " The Italian state school Republican, a jewel of an advanced civilization, like ours, teach and train and prepare the citizens of tomorrow through the provision of a wealth of knowledge, culture, the broader right, plural, free (even to criticize damn communists). Teaches the knowledge of the rules and thoughts. All and for all. In the plural, never singular. And he does better than private. (Data Invalsi: without the disastrous results of the skills of students in private schools in the Italian school would be ranked higher in the European Union). Put us in a position to do better, not worse. Minister Gelmini has prepared a reform that reflects the hatred and not love for school. At the official admission of its premier, has failed miserably. Resigns, then, and we try to achieve real reform that meets the needs of the whole country and its children.
SIGNS YOU http://www.unita.it/scuolapubblica/
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