CHANT The UVERN in Condove EA Salbertrand
For Christmas Ursus: fragments of Occitan culture and Franco. Continues for the winter 2011, under the aegis of the Province of Turin, the collaboration between the Natural Park Gran Bosco di Salbertrand and Ecomuseum Colombano Romean as leader, the Comunità Montana Valle di Susa and Val Sangone and CeSDoMeO Giaglione to organize "the Chantar uvern, fragments of Occitan culture and Franco."
Chantar the uvern is a festival of events produced with the financial support of the Culture and Tourism of the Province of Turin in the protection, enhancement and promotion of the original linguistic heritage of Piedmont.
last two appointments. On March 6, 2011 in a township Condove Lajetto at 14:30 - Re-enactment of the ancient carnival Lajetto. At 16: Reintroduced evocation of 'Old Carnival Lajetto. Organised by The Barbu.
's March 8, 2011 in Salbertrand the streets of the country at 21' L Carna du Guèin: Piazza San Rocco Square Station: the procession paraded from house to house by dancing "Carnival" and accompanied by the group of musicians "The Musicco. After reading the Old Testament, the Carnival (straw puppet) is burned.
For more information: Parco Naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand tel 0122 854720, fax 0122 854421, e-mail @ parco.salbertrand ruparpiemonte.it Comunità Montana Valle Susa and Val Sangone tel 0122 831252, fax 0122 831687
www.provincia.torino.it / culture / minorities / eventi.htm , www.cmvss.it,
www.parcogranboscosalbertrand.it, http://www.cesdomeo.it/
www.parcogranboscosalbertrand.it, http://www.cesdomeo.it/
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