Surfing the net we found this posting by our friend Marco Sferini. We enjoyed it so much that we do ours. Wind off as we believe that homophobia is fighting a battle, rather than political, and civilization to carry on every day in their everyday because each one of us knows some "Dr. Shock".
Marco Sferini
The "Dr. Shock" sick of homophobia
Last night I was out to dinner. It happens often in party meetings of various kinds. Orecchiette alle cime di rape per primo e pollo con i carciofi per secondo. Poi un dolce e una crema di whisky: l’unico alcolico che bevo volentieri. Al tavolo nostro si avvicina un conoscente, un dottore. Un medico generico, simpatico, molto pacato, dai tratti del professionista che sa ascoltare. Abbiamo conversato già altre volte. La cosa ricapita e mi fa piacere. Ad un tratto, da un discorso all’altro, si parla di omosessualità. Il discorso viene preso da entrambi alla lontana, con venature di psicologia forse un po’ spicciola e con qualche elemento di sociologia altrettanto spicciola.
E fin qui tutto bene. Se non che, ecco la sorpresa. Il nostro caro dottore ad un tratto dice…: “In fondo gli omosessuali, alla fine dei Auditors are sick and there is a pathological origin of their behavior. ". Who stands beside me and I remain dumbfounded, absolutely still. Lock my desire to rotate the pupils of the eyes, wide and give vent to his mouth with some expression in keeping with the quiet little known until then by subject. Then I recover and tell the doctor that there's probably a psychological origin for many other issues and that is certainly not inconceivable that some people audition attraction for people of your sex or maybe for some coercion if no one knows who or thing.
But the doctor goes on, crosses the ages and comes to tell me that the downfall of the world is caused by family breakdown and even the empire of the Romans suffered the disastrous fate that we know because of the dissolution of the sacred core of men and women.
And to think that I had always believed that it was the fault of the barbarians, the progressive deterioration of institutionalism imperial territories demanded by the growing autonomy and economic confrontation between East and West to cause the end of that great state apparatus created by Caesar by Augustus and their descendants!
So, although this is also true that the homosexual is sick! Because there is no boundary that takes, there is no dam erected, there is no fence that can be constructed to contain a thesis that is based simply on ethical judgments, on a form of contempt also aesthetic (the condemnation of the Pride - that our doctor does ... - as events that highlight the size of the depravity and bad taste in every sense, in everywhere, in every possible dimension. ...), on a mountain of prejudice that only the power of ignorance can feed and settle as absolute truth, unquestionable and handed down.
We leave the restaurant and speak with my friend. Our "Dr. Shock" is behind us ... I speak and I wonder (and I wonder), but a general practitioner, with nearly 1,500 borrowed, with idea of \u200b\u200bsexuality and homosexuality of the kind mentioned above, what could ever say to a boy or a girl who come to him for advice, for help is also partly psychological, and emotional support, crack avarice assumptions, even purely sexual?
What would you say to a teenager who had fears, doubts and fears about his sexuality? If these doubts about being homosexual, would tell you is to treat a patient? Would tell you it is the fault of the protective mother or father to the nth power that has forced women as a company?
A doctor like this scares me, scares me. What's more, worries me. Because it denies deep in the genuine inspiration of his profession: alleviating the suffering of the people and help them to live better. Spreading prejudice and fostering social phobia does not help anyone to understand a given element that, like so many elementary things considered, it is difficult to understand and put into practice: that homosexuality can be everything, but it is not a disease, not a disease. The
"gayte" does not exist, as there is no "lesbian" or "transgender." I do not know if that doctor ever read these words, but I still want him to say through these lines, directly or indirectly: Epicurus read and reflect on the meaning of happiness, its natural propensity to be coveted by all living things as "pleasure", as a moment of liberation from all suffering, every effort, from every deep and dark thoughts. Happiness as a liberation, yes. Even in a revolution there is happiness, because a revolution or freedom from something worse than what is involved in or following the revolution is not. Saint Just said about the fertility of the French beyond the borders of his country: "Happiness is a new idea in Europe."
And our dear doctor Oscar Wilde also read ... read and read Stonewall especially suffering, so those experienced with their symptoms of disease ... that an untold number of people have had to have the only crime of being a man and a loving man, a woman and loving a woman, being a human being and loving towards those who loved ...
Even the Catholic Church comes to condemn homosexuality as a "disease" condemns homosexual relationship, but not the 'being' homosexual. Errant and error, for the Church. Person and his expression of love and sex for me.
"Dr. Shock" has really shocked us, took us back to thinking that we were wrong. That there is still someone with the greatest of ease, think that a homosexual is a sick man and that the foundation of the landmark mini of human history and the world: that great place where even the most enormous tragedies happen between relatives and the family of snakes ....
not ever condemn the family as the sole origin of evil in the world, but please do not be sanctified as the atom of society, individual and collective development.
The "Dr. Shock" sick of homophobia
Last night I was out to dinner. It happens often in party meetings of various kinds. Orecchiette alle cime di rape per primo e pollo con i carciofi per secondo. Poi un dolce e una crema di whisky: l’unico alcolico che bevo volentieri. Al tavolo nostro si avvicina un conoscente, un dottore. Un medico generico, simpatico, molto pacato, dai tratti del professionista che sa ascoltare. Abbiamo conversato già altre volte. La cosa ricapita e mi fa piacere. Ad un tratto, da un discorso all’altro, si parla di omosessualità. Il discorso viene preso da entrambi alla lontana, con venature di psicologia forse un po’ spicciola e con qualche elemento di sociologia altrettanto spicciola.
E fin qui tutto bene. Se non che, ecco la sorpresa. Il nostro caro dottore ad un tratto dice…: “In fondo gli omosessuali, alla fine dei Auditors are sick and there is a pathological origin of their behavior. ". Who stands beside me and I remain dumbfounded, absolutely still. Lock my desire to rotate the pupils of the eyes, wide and give vent to his mouth with some expression in keeping with the quiet little known until then by subject. Then I recover and tell the doctor that there's probably a psychological origin for many other issues and that is certainly not inconceivable that some people audition attraction for people of your sex or maybe for some coercion if no one knows who or thing.
But the doctor goes on, crosses the ages and comes to tell me that the downfall of the world is caused by family breakdown and even the empire of the Romans suffered the disastrous fate that we know because of the dissolution of the sacred core of men and women.
And to think that I had always believed that it was the fault of the barbarians, the progressive deterioration of institutionalism imperial territories demanded by the growing autonomy and economic confrontation between East and West to cause the end of that great state apparatus created by Caesar by Augustus and their descendants!
So, although this is also true that the homosexual is sick! Because there is no boundary that takes, there is no dam erected, there is no fence that can be constructed to contain a thesis that is based simply on ethical judgments, on a form of contempt also aesthetic (the condemnation of the Pride - that our doctor does ... - as events that highlight the size of the depravity and bad taste in every sense, in everywhere, in every possible dimension. ...), on a mountain of prejudice that only the power of ignorance can feed and settle as absolute truth, unquestionable and handed down.

We leave the restaurant and speak with my friend. Our "Dr. Shock" is behind us ... I speak and I wonder (and I wonder), but a general practitioner, with nearly 1,500 borrowed, with idea of \u200b\u200bsexuality and homosexuality of the kind mentioned above, what could ever say to a boy or a girl who come to him for advice, for help is also partly psychological, and emotional support, crack avarice assumptions, even purely sexual?
What would you say to a teenager who had fears, doubts and fears about his sexuality? If these doubts about being homosexual, would tell you is to treat a patient? Would tell you it is the fault of the protective mother or father to the nth power that has forced women as a company?
A doctor like this scares me, scares me. What's more, worries me. Because it denies deep in the genuine inspiration of his profession: alleviating the suffering of the people and help them to live better. Spreading prejudice and fostering social phobia does not help anyone to understand a given element that, like so many elementary things considered, it is difficult to understand and put into practice: that homosexuality can be everything, but it is not a disease, not a disease. The
"gayte" does not exist, as there is no "lesbian" or "transgender." I do not know if that doctor ever read these words, but I still want him to say through these lines, directly or indirectly: Epicurus read and reflect on the meaning of happiness, its natural propensity to be coveted by all living things as "pleasure", as a moment of liberation from all suffering, every effort, from every deep and dark thoughts. Happiness as a liberation, yes. Even in a revolution there is happiness, because a revolution or freedom from something worse than what is involved in or following the revolution is not. Saint Just said about the fertility of the French beyond the borders of his country: "Happiness is a new idea in Europe."
And our dear doctor Oscar Wilde also read ... read and read Stonewall especially suffering, so those experienced with their symptoms of disease ... that an untold number of people have had to have the only crime of being a man and a loving man, a woman and loving a woman, being a human being and loving towards those who loved ...
Even the Catholic Church comes to condemn homosexuality as a "disease" condemns homosexual relationship, but not the 'being' homosexual. Errant and error, for the Church. Person and his expression of love and sex for me.
"Dr. Shock" has really shocked us, took us back to thinking that we were wrong. That there is still someone with the greatest of ease, think that a homosexual is a sick man and that the foundation of the landmark mini of human history and the world: that great place where even the most enormous tragedies happen between relatives and the family of snakes ....
not ever condemn the family as the sole origin of evil in the world, but please do not be sanctified as the atom of society, individual and collective development.

Dear Doctor, there is only one truly incurable disease: it's the stupidity. It is even more stupid is incurable if the total "good faith". It 's a no return stupidity: stupidity from a coma. A deep coma. You can wake up ... but only losing that incredible good faith and that know that it is hypocritical arrogance, bigotry and sterile ancestral frustration. Mr Berlusconi is not the only one to proclaim dell'innaturalità of being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Private vices and public virtue is an old adage, but what is ever present!
Homophobia hurts always, even when it has the appearance of a stick or a knife that will break out against. It hurts the heavy thud of the finger pointed at the "different", it hurts and causes internal bruising that our doctor did not even imagine. To him and to let
Berlusconi also ignorance, prejudice and all the good faith who wish to keep. But always say NO to fight for every injury, even when expressed ignorance of the presumption of good faith: we can do it without crying, even if we suffer, without pen, even though the light hurts us, no more lies, even if the truth makes us afraid. Because only the comparison defeated the injury, only to face the cretins who now call us "fags" or "sick" and make them wretched in the eyes of those who are not afraid of what it finds as "new." Because only the truth, but to really make us free. And humans will, finally, all the others.
Savona, March 1, 2011
(From: http://www.lanternerosse.it/ )
Sferini Mark (Savona, 1973). He studied at the University of Genoa. Always been actively engaged in the political and cultural. Among the thousands of its commitments, including the care of the blog "Red Lantern"
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