Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Soap Taste In Mouth

La Storia e la Memoria - La prima guerra mondiale

The First World War was caused by "political, military, economic and cultural. With regard to political causes, there were conflicts between states, because in Europe there were many disputed territories of several states: *
France wanted Germany to escape the Alsace and Lorraine,
* Italy and wanted to leave Trent Trieste from the dominion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,
* Austria, Italy and Russia wanted to expand in the Balkans.
the eve of the war Europe was divided into two camps:
* The Triple Alliance which included Germany, Austria and Italy
* The Triple Entente formed by France, Britain and Russia.
For cases there was a military arms race, in fact Germany was preparing for years by acquiring major weapons. The economic case was among the industrial powers, it had triggered a race increasingly tough economic and commercial, large industrial groups reaping huge profits from building armaments and ships, for them the war was a source of huge profits. As regards, however the causes of cultural si diffuse un giudizio positivo sulla guerra, cioè parte dell’opinione pubblica vedeva nella guerra l’unica possibilità di cambiamenti della situazione sociale e politica.
A determinare lo scoppio della prima Guerra mondiale fu un grave fatto di sangue, l’attentato di Sarajevo avvenuto il 28 giugno del 1914, infatti l’arciduca Francesco Ferdinando, erede al trono dell’impero d’Austria e Ungheria, fu ucciso con la moglie da un nazionalista serbo. In realtà l’Austria voleva conquistare la Serbia, pertanto la Germania appoggiava l’Austria, mentre la Russia sosteneva la Serbia. L’Austria dichiarò guerra alla Serbia il 28 luglio del 1914, da una parte vi erano gli Imperi centrali cioè l’Austria-Ungheria e Germania cui si unirono poi l’impero turco e la Bulgaria; dall’altra le potenze della Triplice Intesa cioè l’Inghilterra, Francia, Russia più la Serbia e gli altri Stati.
Allo scoppio della guerra l’Italia si dichiarò neutrale però essa si divise in neutralisti ed interventisti.

Uno slogan con cui gli interventisti attuarono la loro propaganda fu: “Guerra sola igiene del mondo”, frase del Manifesto del Futurismo di F.T. Marinetti.
Gli interventisti erano favorevoli to go to war and they were a part of the nationalists among them remember Gabriele D'Annunzio, the army and the environment of the court, the large industrial groups. Positions similar to those of the nationalists was the former socialist Benito Mussolini, he was expelled from the Socialist Party because the pro-war, and finally the Futurists in their manifesto "The Futurist Manifesto of early-interventionists' Italian pride "members of the futurist movement, which can now be called political movement, and proclaim themselves as the early interventionists," In September 1914 during the battle della Marna e in piena neutralità italiana noi futuristi organizzammo le due prime dimostrazioni contro l’Austria e per l’intervento ». La campagna interventista offre l'occasione per manifestazioni antiaustriache che esplodono in forme spettacolari. Il 15 settembre del '14, al teatro Dal Verme di Milano, Marinetti sventola da un palco una grande bandiera tricolore mentre l'orchestra suona la Marcia Reale; devono intervenire i questurini per sedare il tumulto. Le manifestazioni continuano a Milano in Piazza del Duomo e in Galleria. Nel manifesto sono citati alcuni dialoghi significativi: « Alt! Pianta gli acidi e i motori! Questa sera faremo una violentissima dimostrazione contro l’Austria ',' Abbassoooo the Austriaaa !..». . After Milan, follow the lectures at the universities of Rome interventionist arousing violent brawls and April 12, 1915 in Rome, Mussolini was arrested with Marinetti and the Futurists Balla Settimelli and during the third major demonstration interventionist. What must be said, and it is also said in the manifesto, is that the futurists, ' first punch in the streets to demand our intervention were the first on the battlefield with many dead and wounded decorated . Among the celebrities, to perish in battle, and there are Boccioni Sant'Elia .
On 26 April 1915 the Italian Government in London signed a secret pact with France and England, Italy undertook to intervene in the conflict on their side in exchange for the promise of significant territorial gains. This pact was held in secret for two years, and 24 May 1915 Italy entered the war on the side of the Entente powers. Soon after the outbreak of the war, Germany had invaded Luxembourg and Belgium with the intention of occupying France. The Germans, however, were stopped on the Marne River in a battle that left 500,000 dead.

vanished immediately the illusion of a quick war: Civil war in the trenches, in fact, German troops and the Franco-British countered in the trenches for four years and the war was a succession of attacks from one trench to another. From a war of movement had gone to a war of position. On the Italian front there were now rushing attack of the Italians against the Austrians on the Isonzo river, but soon stopped the war here in the trenches. Here were spreading serious diseases, supplies were difficult, the commanding general Luigi Cadorna had imposed a harsh discipline. He is not trusting of his soldiers had recourse to severe penalties for any failure by punishing attempted desertion with the shooting. Between May and June of 1916 the Austrian army was engaged in what was called the Punitive Expedition, as the Italians were traitors to be punished because they had not complied with the Triple Alliance. The Austrians wanted to enter in the Po valley through the plateau of Asiago. The Italian army, however, repelled the offensive and succeeded in conquering Gorizia in August 1916. The prolongation of the war was starting to weigh, especially on the Central Powers who could not easily obtain raw materials because the British controlled the seas. Germany faced the British navy at the Battle of Jutland, but the battle was not enough to escape the British domination seas. Then the Germans intensified submarine warfare against all vessels suspected of bringing supplies to the opponents. The sinking of the liner Lusitania caused the death of a thousand people, including 124 U.S. citizens, and this led to protests and the United States entered the conflict on the side of the Entente. The year 1917 was decisive for the fate of the conflict, not only for entry to the United States in war. Meanwhile in Russia exploded a revolution that overthrew the regime of the Tsar, and so there was the Soviet Revolution in October. To prevent the invasion of its territory, Russia left the war and March 3 of 1918 Berst-Litovsk peace settled conditions resa, infatti la Russia cedeva alla Germania. Gli austriaci spostarono le loro truppe dal fronte russo a quello italiano provocando una gravissima crisi militare all’Italia. L’esercito austriaco riuscì a sfondare le linee italiane riportando una netta vittoria a Caporetto vicino Gorizia il 24 ottobre 1917. L’esercito italiano cominciò una ritirata, il nemico catturò decine di migliaia di prigionieri e si impadronì di molto materiale. Con grande fatica si riuscì a stabilire una nuova linea di difesa lungo il fiume Piave. Cadorna venne sostituito dal nuovo comandante Armando Diaz.

Nella primavera del 1918, Germany launched a last, desperate offensive, but again the French and the British repulsed an attack in the second battle of the Marne, with American support and then went on the offensive. Even the Italian army came to the counter to obtain the decisive victory of Vittorio Veneto. The Austria and Italy said the truce was victorious. On November 11, was signed the last armistice with Germany, so ended the First World War.
now required to achieve lasting peace and talks were held in Paris and peace treaties were signed between 1919 and 1920. The representatives of the four victorious powers (Italy, France, Great Britain, United States) had different objectives and there were tense moments. Wilson had compiled a list of 14 points summarizing the plans for the future European policy, he also gave great importance to 'self-determination of nations, that every nation should be independent and choose their own form of government. Italy received from Austria, Trentino, Alto Adige, Venezia Giulia and Trieste. This led to discussions in Paris, the Allies acting as traitors, they had not given what they had promised to Italy with the Treaty of London, and this tension was added to the difficult situation that our country was to live after the war. The war left the world changed profoundly, not only politically but also economically.

Dario Lapenta

A. Giardina, G.sabbatucci, V . Vidotto, Manual, Laterza
Manual 3 - A. Giardina


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